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Monday, 22 May


I want to extend a personal ThankQ Take care 4

I want to extend a personal ThankQ from Carolyn and I directly to the #Digital Soldiers #KeyboardWarriors, #MidnightRiders & #Anons To our Military and Galactic Alliance behind the scenes at Continue Reading

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Sunday, 21 May


Bioloog Robert O. Young: DETOX PROTOCOLLEN Covid vaccin Take care 4

Eerst bespreken ze wie de oorlogsvoeders zijn die ons willen vergiftigen en dan geeft hij de detox protocollen. We moeten onze celomgeving zuiver houden. Daarom beveelt hij een alkalisch voedingsstijl Continue Reading

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Het bericht INFO COMMANDER VALIANT THOR UPDATE 5/19/23 verscheen eerst op Take care 4.


EBS-update! Maak je klaar voor wat komen gaat Take care 4

EBS-update! Maak je klaar voor wat komen gaat Nu! Amerikaanse Media Groep (! Maak je klaar voor wat komen gaat Nu!Medeea Greere, een onafhankelijke uitgever, is nu op Telegram Continue Reading

Het bericht EBS-update! Maak je klaar voor wat komen gaat verscheen eerst op Take care 4.


Dr. John Brandenburg: Confessions of a NASA Space Scientist Earth Ancients

New proof of a nuclear catastrophe on Mars! In an epic story of discovery, strong evidence is presented for a dead civilization on Mars and the shocking reason for its demise: an ancient planetary-scale nuclear massacre leaving isotopic traces of vast explosions that endure to our present age. The story told by a wide range of Mars data is now clear. Mars was once Earth-like in climate, with an ocean and rivers, and for a long period became home to both plant and animal life, including a humanoid civilization. Then, for unfathomable reasons, a massive thermo-nuclear explosion ravaged the centers of the Martian civilization and destroyed the biosphere of the planet. But the story does not end there. This tragedy may explain Fermi's Paradox, the fact that the cosmos, seemingly so fertile and with so many planets suitable for life, is as silent as a graveyard. We must immediately send astronauts to Mars to maximize our knowledge of what happened there, and learn how to avoid Mars' fate. Includes an 8-page color section.<br /><br />John E. Brandenburg Ph.D. is a veteran plasma physicist and the Senior Propulsion Scientist at Orbital Technologies Corporation in Madison, Wisconsin. He is the author of Beyond Einstein's Unified Field, Life and Death on Mars and Cosmic Jesus. He appears on various radio and television talk shows and lives in Madison, WI. Death on Mars is his fourth book.


Beste leden. Nieuwsbrief 8 Take care 4

Beste leden. Nieuwsbrief 8 gaat vandaag de deur uit. Het is mega veel werk om alles perfect te krijgen.. Heb jij post van de BELASTINGDIENST inspecteur of de ontvanger of Continue Reading

Het bericht Beste leden. Nieuwsbrief 8 verscheen eerst op Take care 4.


As The Truckers Convoy Comes Thru The United States Take care 4

As The Truckers Convoy Comes Thru The United States, Along With The Jerry Cans Of Fuel. As The Prices of Oil Skyrocketed, Nikola Teslas Free Energy would eliminate any need Continue Reading

Het bericht As The Truckers Convoy Comes Thru The United States verscheen eerst op Take care 4.

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Saturday, 20 May


Medbeds onthuld op X-Files 20+ jaar geleden Take care 4

Medbeds onthuld op X-Files 20+ jaar geleden!!! X-Files Red Pill: Seizoen 7, Aflevering 15, En AmiUitgebracht op 19 maart 2000 Het is de remedie voor alle ziekten bij de mens. Continue Reading

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Luister je even mee. Take care 4

Luister je even mee. We worden in de maling genomen door de linkse deugneuzen..

Het bericht Luister je even mee. verscheen eerst op Take care 4.


The reason for harvesting embryonic stem cells Take care 4

The reason for harvesting embryonic stem cells is to slow or reverse the ageing process of these pedophiles.

Het bericht The reason for harvesting embryonic stem cells verscheen eerst op Take care 4.


Godfather Of AI Quits Google To Warn The World About The Dangers Of AI Awareness Act

Geoffrey Hinton, a renowned computer scientist and one of the pioneers in the field of artificial intelligence (AI), has been a vocal advocate for responsible development and ethical use of AI technologies. While AI holds immense potential for positive advancements, Hinton has consistently emphasized the need to address the potential dangers associated with its rapid progress. In this article, we explore Geoffrey Hintons warnings about the risks and challenges posed by AI, highlighting the importance of responsible AI development and its impact on society.

  1. Unforeseen Consequences and Ethical Considerations: Hinton has stressed the importance of considering the potential unintended consequences of AI systems. As these technologies become more sophisticated, there is a growing concern that they might surpass human understanding and become increasingly difficult to control. Hinton warns that without careful consideration of ethical implications and the development of robust safeguards, AI systems could inadvertently cause harm or reinforce existing societal biases.

According to Hinton, We need to be extremely cautious when developing AI systems. Their complexity and potential for unforeseen consequences demand careful ethical considerations and safeguards.

  1. Job Displacement and Economic Implications: Automation driven by AI technologies has the potential to significantly impact the workforce and lead to job displacement in various sectors. Hinton acknowledges that while AI can bring about increased efficiency and productivity, it is crucial to address the potential disruptions it may cause. He has called for proactive measures to mitigate the negative economic consequences of widespread automation, such as retraining programs and a focus on creating new job opportunities that align with human skills and capabilities.

Hinton emphasizes, We must take proactive steps to prepare for the economic implications of AI. This includes investing in retraining programs and fostering the creation of new job opportunities that leverage human strengths and abilities.

  1. Bias and Fairness in AI Systems: One critical concern raised by Hinton is the issue of bias within AI systems. As AI algorithms are trained on existing data, they can inherit and perpetuate societal biases present in the data. Hinton warns that if left unchecked, these biases can further exacerbate social inequalities and reinforce discriminatory practices. He advocates for greater transparency, fairness, and inclusivity in the design and deployment of AI systems, urging researchers and developers to actively address these biases and ensure equitable outcomes.

Hinton states, Bias in AI systems can amplify existing societal inequalities. We need to prioritize fairness, inclusivity, and transparency in the design and deployment of AI to avoid perpetuating discr...


The Worst Relationship Of Your Life Will Be With A Bare Minimum Man Awareness Act

Relationships are an integral part of our lives, and finding a compatible partner who meets our emotional needs and treats us with respect is crucial. Unfortunately, not all relationships turn out to be positive experiences. In this article, we explore the concept of a bare minimum man and why being in a relationship with such an individual can often result in a deeply unsatisfying and detrimental experience. Understanding the characteristics and dynamics of these relationships can help us identify red flags and seek healthier connections.

Lack of Effort and Emotional Investment: A bare minimum man is someone who consistently demonstrates a lack of effort and fails to invest emotionally in the relationship. They may show minimal interest in understanding your needs, lack empathy, and fail to prioritize the relationships growth and well-being. This one-sided dynamic creates an imbalance and can leave you feeling neglected and unfulfilled.

Absence of Communication and Transparency

Effective communication is the foundation of a healthy relationship. However, a bare minimum man often struggles with open and honest communication. They may avoid difficult conversations, dismiss your concerns, or resort to passive-aggressive behavior. This lack of transparency hinders emotional intimacy, creates misunderstandings, and makes it difficult to build trust.

Inconsistent and Unreliable Behavior

One of the defining traits of a bare minimum man is inconsistency in their actions and unreliability. They may make promises they dont keep, frequently cancel plans, or fail to follow through on commitments. This unpredictability creates a sense of insecurity and erodes trust, leaving you constantly questioning their intentions and commitment.

Minimal Effort in Personal Growth

A bare minimum man often shows little interest in personal growth and self-improvement. They may lack ambition, resist change, and fail to invest in their own development. This stagnation can hinder the relationships progress, as personal growth is essential for both individuals to thrive and evolve together.

Emotional Manipulation and Gaslighting

In some cases, a bare minimum man may resort to emotional manipulation and gaslighting techniques. They may invalidate your feelings, twist situations to make you doubt yourself, and undermine your self-esteem. This toxic behavior can lead to emotional turmoil, self-doubt, and a sense of worthlessness.

Failure to Support and Encourage

A fulfilling relationship involves mutual support and encouragement. However, a bare minimum man often falls short in this aspect. They may be unsupportive of your goals and dreams, dismissive of your accomplishments, or fail to provide the emotional backing needed during challenging times. This lack of support can leave you feeling isolated and emotionally drained.

Conclusion: Entering into a...


If Spiders Keep Appearing In Your Life, This Is What It Means Awareness Act

Spiders have long fascinated and intrigued humans with their intricate webs, graceful movements, and often misunderstood nature. While some people may feel uneasy or fearful in the presence of spiders, others recognize them as symbols with deeper meanings. If you find spiders continually appearing in your life, it may be worth exploring the potential significance behind these encounters. In this article, we will delve into various interpretations of why spiders might be making frequent appearances and what they could symbolize.

  1. Symbol of Creativity and Manifestation: One interpretation of the presence of spiders is their association with creativity and manifestation. Spiders are renowned for their ability to weave intricate webs, which can be seen as a metaphor for creating ones own reality. Their web-building process requires patience, precision, and attention to detail, mirroring the qualities necessary to bring our own dreams and desires to fruition. Seeing spiders repeatedly may serve as a reminder to embrace our creative potential and actively participate in shaping our lives.
  2. Weaving the Web of Destiny: In different cultures and mythologies, spiders are often linked to the concept of fate and the intricate tapestry of life. Just as spiders spin their webs to capture prey, they may be perceived as weaving the threads of destiny. Encountering spiders frequently could symbolize a heightened awareness of the interconnectedness of events in your life and the subtle influences that shape your path. It may prompt you to reflect on the choices you make and the impact they have on your personal journey.
  3. Patience, Persistence, and Perseverance: Spiders are known for their patience and persistence, qualities that can serve as valuable lessons for us. These creatures diligently wait for their prey and remain steadfast in their efforts to create and maintain their webs. If spiders keep appearing in your life, it might indicate the need to cultivate these virtues. It could be a gentle reminder to stay focused, be patient in the face of challenges, and persevere in pursuit of your goals.
  4. Shadow Work and Transformation: Spiders often dwell in the shadows, symbolizing the realm of the unconscious mind and hidden aspects of our psyche. Consistent encounters with spiders might suggest the need for introspection and shadow worka process of exploring and integrating the unacknowledged parts of ourselves. The spiders presence could signal an invitation to confront our fears, face unresolved emotions, and embark on a journey of personal transformation and growth.
  5. Natures Balance and Adaptability: Spiders are vital components of ecosystems, playing a crucial role in maintaining natures balance by controlling insect populations. Their adaptability to various environments and their ability to thrive in...


This Weeks Weird News: AI, Cannibalism, and Animals Sinking Boats Cult of Weird

Hippos and orcas sinking boats, more stories about AI being horrible, and digging up our favorite cannibalism stories from the archives.

The post This Weeks Weird News: AI, Cannibalism, and Animals Sinking Boats first appeared on Cult of Weird.

Friday, 19 May


Using interdimensional portals, reptilians and archons Take care 4

Using interdimensional portals, reptilians and archons referred to as soul suckers. They performed these rapes & sacrifices harvesting to increase their negative energy they use to transmute into controlling Continue Reading

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Het kankergeneesmiddel dat werd onderdrukt. Take care 4

Het bericht Het kankergeneesmiddel dat werd onderdrukt. verscheen eerst op Take care 4.


Sumerian Stargates. Take care 4

One theory suggests that the 9/11 attacks were orchestrated by the US Government for the purpose of acquiring the Sumerian Stargates. Middle East is believed to be the location where Continue Reading

Het bericht Sumerian Stargates. verscheen eerst op Take care 4.

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