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Thursday, 13 July


!!! Take care 4

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As Captain of The Matrix Ship Take care 4

The biggest LIE regarding the Human body and soul is whats INSIDE. The fabrication of reality starts within, creating the illusion of intestines, lungs, capillaries, veins which are Continue Reading

Het bericht As Captain of The Matrix Ship verscheen eerst op Take care 4.


Destiny: Suzanne Worthley, Confident Empath Earth Ancients

Practices for empaths to protect themselves, heal energetically, and discover self-empowerment

Explores different types of empaths and empathing, including sensitive empaths, psychic empaths, and quantum and paranormal empathing

Offers advanced strategies for energetically protecting yourself and your loved ones

Looks at the connection between limiting beliefs and empathic behaviors, including how to release limiting beliefs and how empathic behaviors are connected to the health of your energy field

There is no doubt we are living in a time of significant global upheaval and change. Yet psychic empath Suzanne Worthley, a highly skilled professional intuitive energy practitioner, shares how as an empath you can still live an empowered life, energetically protect yourself and your loved ones, and contribute in a meaningful way to creating a more positive, life-affirming reality on every level of dimension.

Starting with the basics of human energy systems, Suzanne explores different types of empaths, the three expressions of empathy, and the differences between empathy and sympathyand why one is truly helpful and the other limiting. You will learn how to identify and release different types of limiting beliefs, both learned and programmed into our beings. You will also discover how to prevent unwanted energy transference and learn the fascinating skill of empathing buildings, land and the natural world, and other dimensions.

Confident Empath delves into aspects of empathing not often explored, such as quantum and paranormal empathing, soul contracts, and advanced empathing strategies. Interspersed throughout the guide are extraordinary and compelling true accounts from Suzannes professional work that illustrate the concepts taught: from encountering intermingled timelines from the 1800s to a healing investigation that walked through the holographic history of a more than 100-year-old brothel.

Suzanne Worthley has been an energy healing practitioner, intuitive, and psychic empath for more than two decades. She teaches about consciousness studies and energy work and offers spiritual tours in Peru and Sedona, Arizona. The author of An Energy Healers Book of Dying, Suzanne lives in White Bear Lake, Minnesota.

This show is part of the Spreaker Prime Network, if you are interested in advertising on this podcast, contact us at

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Wednesday, 12 July


Zwartmaken Dr. Hamer Take care 4

Lieve mensen, Mijn woorden zijn nog niet koud, of daar heb je het al: het framen van Dr. Hamer als iemand die honderden doden veroorzaakt heeft. Werkelijk?Toon ze dan! Tijdens Continue Reading

Het bericht Zwartmaken Dr. Hamer verscheen eerst op Take care 4.




Het bericht THE CURE FOR AUSTISM IS CALLED SURAMIN verscheen eerst op Take care 4.


Een magische reis begint, mijn broeders en zusters Take care 4

NESARA #GESARA Vanaf nu zal niemand zichzelf definiren op basis van het geld dat ze hebben. We zullen allemaal veel hebben en dus kan niemand het gebruiken om macht over Continue Reading

Het bericht Een magische reis begint, mijn broeders en zusters verscheen eerst op Take care 4.



Jul. 11, 2023GTB 961. HET BEGINT ER OP TE LIJKENDAT ZE ZIJN WEGGESTUURD. EErst even een bericht van Benjamin Fulford;De wekenlijkse editie van de wereld analizes door BF. worden verlegd Continue Reading

Het bericht HET BEGINT ER OP TE LIJKEN DAT ZE ZIJN WEGGESTUURD verscheen eerst op Take care 4.


Elon Musk Creates Humanoid Robot, Which Will Cost Less Than $20K Awareness Act

In a groundbreaking development that once again showcases his visionary mindset, Elon Musk, the renowned entrepreneur and CEO of Tesla and SpaceX, recently took the stage to introduce a humanoid robot prototype. The unveiling of this innovative creation brings the promise of accessible robotics to the masses, as Musk announced that the robot would be priced at less than $20,000. This ambitious endeavor aims to revolutionize various industries, bringing automated assistance and increased efficiency to countless workplaces. Lets dive into the details of this remarkable venture.

Dubbed TeslaBot, the humanoid robot is an impressive creation designed to navigate and interact with the world just like a human being. Standing at approximately five feet and eight inches tall, TeslaBot boasts an array of advanced features that allow it to perform a wide range of tasks with dexterity and precision. The design is sleek and minimalist, following the distinctive aesthetic that has become synonymous with Teslas products.

TeslaBot is equipped with advanced sensors, cameras, and a sophisticated neural network that enables it to perceive and understand its surroundings. Its lightweight yet robust exoskeleton, made of advanced composite materials, ensures durability while allowing for smooth and agile movement. The robot is also designed with a user-friendly interface, making it easy for individuals with minimal technical expertise to operate and program.

The TeslaBot is programmed to perform various tasks, such as household chores, repetitive industrial work, and even basic caregiving responsibilities. With a payload capacity of up to 45 pounds, it can lift heavy objects, making it a valuable asset in warehouse and manufacturing environments. The robots agility and flexibility allow it to maneuver through tight spaces and navigate complex environments with ease.

Elon Musk emphasized the importance of safety during the demonstration, highlighting the incorporation of advanced artificial intelligence algorithms to prevent accidents and ensure human well-being. The TeslaBot is equipped with state-of-the-art sensors that allow it to detect and react to its surroundings, minimizing the risk of collisions and unintended contact with humans.

Furthermore, Musk has pledged to open-source the code and blueprints for TeslaBot, fostering a community-driven approach to its development and inviting collaboration from researchers, engineers, and roboticists worldwide. This open approach aims to address ethical concerns and establish transparency in the evolution of humanoid robotics.

The introduction of an affordable humanoid robot with Teslas stamp of innovation has significant implications across numerous industries. As the cost barrier lowers, small businesses, educational institutions, and individuals alike can access and leverage the power of robotics in their respective fields.


Tuesday, 11 July


Who gave you the Playbooks Take care 4

The News Unlocks The Map deciphering the encoded messages connects the dots of events. A double meaning exists to all references by using the encrypted messages between communications. By Continue Reading

Het bericht Who gave you the Playbooks verscheen eerst op Take care 4.

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