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Monday, 17 July


Lower Birth Weight for Twins Linked to Neurodevelopmental Conditions "IndyWatch Feed Health"

Association Discovered in Identical Twins Only, Not in Fraternal Twins

A recent Swedish case-control study discovered that lower birth weight was significantly associated with neurodevelopmental conditions (NDCs), such as autism and intellectual disability (ID), among monozygotic twins. However, the same association was not found in dizygotic twins. Within the monozygotic pairs, the twin with a higher birth weight had fewer symptoms of autism and attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), higher IQ ratings, and lower odds of being diagnosed with autism and ADHD. These findings suggest that as an indicator of fetal growth alterations, lower birth weight is a nonshared environment (NSE) factor for neurodivergent outcomes, including both symptoms or diagnoses of autism, ADHD, and ID. Since this link was observed only among the monozygotic twin pairs, a genetic confounding component of the association, besides the nonshared factor, was also apparent. The authors point out, given the link between low birth weight and future NDCs, it is important to acknowledge birth weight as influential when assessing identical twins neurodevelopment. Additionally, they suggest that it is essential to recognize early identification of factors with identical twins that contribute to fetal growth restriction, such as unequal placental sharing, unbalanced intertwin blood transfusion, or slow intertwin blood transfusion. If these conditions are discovered, fetoscopic laser treatments should be considered to minimize detrimental outcomes. The authors end their study by calling for more research to obtain greater knowledge and understanding of the associations between low birth weight a...


Link "IndyWatch Feed Health"

Ancient herbal practices, especially Ayurveda, have been deploying natural remedies for centuries to help with various health conditions. One such notable herb is Ashwagandha (Withania somnifera), often known as Indian ginseng or winter cherry.

Born from the rich soil of India, this root has seen increasing scientific interest due to its promising influence on sex hormones, serotonin levels, and thyroid function. This comprehensive guide delves into the plethora of health benefits offered by Ashwagandha, supported by scientific studies, historical facts, and intriguing statistics.

Ashwagandha: An Overview

Ashwagandha, with its rich history rooted in Ayurvedic medicine, is an adaptogenic herb that can help the body adapt to various stressors, both physical and emotional. Owing to its holistic impact on well-being, it has gained significant attention worldwide, with around 1.5 million people in the United States using it in 2018 source. This number is continuously rising, signifying the potential benefits of Ashwagandha.

Enhancing Sex Hormones

Ashwagandha has a profound influence on sexual function, offering a variety of benefits for both men and women.

In Women

  • Boosting Libido: Studies show that Ashwagandha enhances womens sexual desire, potentially due to its adaptogenic properties that help manage stress.
  • Enhancing Performance: Regular supplementation has been found to improve sexual satisfaction, arousal, and lubrication, making for an improved overall sexual experience source.

In Men

  • Increasing Testosterone: Ashwagandha can boost testosterone levels, thereby enhancing sexual desire, performance, and fertility source.
  • Improving Sperm Quality: It has also been found to enhance sperm count, motility, and morphology, promoting a healthier reproductive system.

By regulating sex hormones, Ashwagandha can potentially foster a harmonious sexual relationship, enhancing the overall quality of life.

Optimizing Thyroid Function

The thyroid, a small gland in the neck, plays a vital role in regulating the bodys metabolism and energy levels. Any imbalance in its functioning can cause various health issues. Luckily, Ashwagandha has shown promising results in improving thyroid function.

  • Balancing Hormone Levels: Ashwagandha supplementation can normalize TSH (thyroid-stimulating hormone) levels, contributing to improved thyroid health source.
  • Promoting Overall Vitality: By exerting a balancing effect, Ashwa......

Sunday, 16 July


House passes defense bill with restrictions on abortions, sex changes, and diversity initiatives "IndyWatch Feed World"

The House GOP successfully added provisions to the Defense Authorization Act, adding limits on abortion, sex changes, and diversity training in the military. The vote passed 219 to 210. House Speaker Kevin McCarthy praised the provisions, saying that the GOP did "exactly what we had said we would do" in using provisions in the bill to force the Biden administration to "stop using taxpayer money to do their own wokeism." "A military cannot defend themselves if you train them in woke," McCarthy said, per the New York Times.

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