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Thursday, 13 July


Action Alert Tell Congressmen to Cosponsor the PRIME Act The Weston A. Price Foundation

Support Local Meat Processing

Tell Your Representative and Senators to Cosponsor the PRIME Act

The PRIME Act [House Resolution 2814 (H.R. 2814) and Senate Bill 907 (S.907)], badly needed legislation that would allow states to pass laws legalizing the sale of custom slaughtered and processed meat in intrastate commerce, has been before Congress the past eight years; there has never been a better chance to pass this bill than now.

Congress is currently in the process of writing up the 2023 Farm Bill; the PRIME Act has a better chance of passing into law as part of the Farm Bill rather than as stand-alone legislation. Giving the bill momentum was a congressional hearing last month that the House Judiciary Subcommittee on the Administrative State, Regulatory Reform, and Antitrust held titled Where Is the Beef? Regulatory Barriers to Entry and Competition in Meat Processing; a focus was on the PRIME Act as a solution to the difficulties small farmers and ranchers have in meeting demand for local meat with the current laws in place that favor the big meatpackers. There had never been a congressional hearing on the PRIME Act since Rep. Thomas Massie first introduced the measure in 2015.

The more cosponsors HR 2814/S907 can get, the greater the chance of passing as part of the Farm Bill. Your participation and help can make that happen.


1. Call your U.S. Representative and both your U.S. Senators and ask them to sign onto HR 2814S907.

You can look up who represents you at or call the Capitol switchboard at 202-224-3121.

2. Meet your congressmen or a staffer for the congressmen. Tap the links below to see who has cosponsored the bills: 


S.907  ...


Italian Salad Dressing Closet Cooking

An easy and tasty homemade Italian style salad dressing. Summer is the season of salads and every good salad needs a good dressing! Italian dressing is a classic that can be found in pretty much every grocery store but its so easy to make your own, and its even better that store bought! The base...

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The post Italian Salad Dressing appeared first on Closet Cooking.

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