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Tuesday, 18 July


*Fat Soluble Synergy* How Vitamins A, D & K2 Work Together to Enhance Effectiveness & Prevent Toxicity The Healthy Home Economist

How the fat-soluble vitamins A, D, and K2 work together to enhance effectiveness and prevent toxicity and why careful supplementation is important to ensure the proper ratios in the diet. Over the last few years the reputations of both vitamin A and vitamin D have received black eyes for their supposed potential toxicity, but this

The post *Fat Soluble Synergy* How Vitamins A, D & K2 Work Together to Enhance Effectiveness & Prevent Toxicity appeared first on The Healthy Home Economist.

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Monday, 17 July


2016 Race Foreshadowed 2024 Hopes Age of Autism The Rebel Alliance!

Trump Kennedy "The science is settled.." is doublespeak for "The checks have cleared."  Once  slated to work together, now opponents in the 2024 Presidential race.

By Anne Dachel

This is the story of how our children ended up being sacrificial lambs on the high altar of corporate profit and greed.

I remember back in 2017 the big news was that President Trump asked Robert Kennedy, Jr. to head a vaccine safety commission. That sounded hopeful to many of us.

Here is an example of how it was reported.

Jan 10, 2017, NBC News: Anti-Vaccine Activist Says Trump Asked Him to Head Commission on Vaccine Safety

VIDEO: A member of the Kennedy political dynasty who favors fringe theories on vaccinations over mainstream medical practices says he would lead a new vaccine safety commission under Donald Trump.

Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. meeting with the President-elect today even as a spokesperson for Trump tells NBC News, Hes exploring the possibility of forming a committee on autism, but adds, No decisions have been made at this time.

KENNEDY: President-elect Trump has some doubts about the current vaccine policy. He has questions about it. He said his opinion doesnt matter, but the science does matter.

NBC: That science [is] already settled with every major medical association in agreement, doctors debunking a study that years ago falsely claimed a link between vaccines and autism.

The American Academy of Pediatrics reiterating today: Vaccines are safe, effective and save lives.

While the President-elect himself has said hes pro-vaccine, hes tweeted repeatedly about what he believes is a link to autism. 

TRUMP: I am totally in favor of vaccines, but I want smaller doses over a longer period of time....


Community Shares | July 17th 2023 SafeMinds

  • The results of a new study published in Pediatrics provide further evidence of a significant co-occurrence of Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) and Gender Dysphoria (GD) in pediatric populations. The current study identified significant demographic differences in co-occurrence rates using electronic medical records. The authors reported sex, race, and insurance type, indicating potential disparities in ASD and GD diagnosis and service use. The findings suggest a need for enhanced screening in both ASD and gender clinic settings and as specialized programs and support services for youth with ASD and GD and their families. The study also highlighted the need to address biases and insurance coverage for services associated with these diagnoses to ensure that youth with co-occurring ASD and GD receive the care they need.
  • A recent Department of Education audit has revealed that most states have failed to meet their obligations to serve students with disabilities for multiple years in a row. This year, only 22 states have met the requirements under the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act. The remaining states were designated needs assistance, with 22 states and Washington, D.C. earning that label for two or more years in a row. No state qualified for the lesser categories of needs intervention or needs substantial intervention. The U.S. Department of Education must evaluate each states performance in providing special education services annually and assign them to one of four categories: meets the requirements and purposes of IDEA, needs assistance in implementing the requirements of IDEA, needs intervention in implementing the requirements of IDEA, or needs substantial intervention in implementing the requirements of IDEA.
  • According to new international research...


Lower Birth Weight for Twins Linked to Neurodevelopmental Conditions SafeMinds

Association Discovered in Identical Twins Only, Not in Fraternal Twins

A recent Swedish case-control study discovered that lower birth weight was significantly associated with neurodevelopmental conditions (NDCs), such as autism and intellectual disability (ID), among monozygotic twins. However, the same association was not found in dizygotic twins. Within the monozygotic pairs, the twin with a higher birth weight had fewer symptoms of autism and attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), higher IQ ratings, and lower odds of being diagnosed with autism and ADHD. These findings suggest that as an indicator of fetal growth alterations, lower birth weight is a nonshared environment (NSE) factor for neurodivergent outcomes, including both symptoms or diagnoses of autism, ADHD, and ID. Since this link was observed only among the monozygotic twin pairs, a genetic confounding component of the association, besides the nonshared factor, was also apparent. The authors point out, given the link between low birth weight and future NDCs, it is important to acknowledge birth weight as influential when assessing identical twins neurodevelopment. Additionally, they suggest that it is essential to recognize early identification of factors with identical twins that contribute to fetal growth restriction, such as unequal placental sharing, unbalanced intertwin blood transfusion, or slow intertwin blood transfusion. If these conditions are discovered, fetoscopic laser treatments should be considered to minimize detrimental outcomes. The authors end their study by calling for more research to obtain greater knowledge and understanding of the associations between low birth weight and NDCs....


This Week with Dave Gentry Dr. Tenpenny

07-17-2023 Listen to interview here. If you prefer to watch rather than listen, click on the video below: In this interview, Dave Gentry and I discuss political correctness on []


CDC Reports: More than 1 in 10 Boys Have ID, ASD, or Another Developmental Delay SafeMinds

Among Both Sexes, Ages 3-17, 8.56% Have Been Diagnosed with a Developmental Disability

A new Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) report shows that the percentage of American children who have been diagnosed with a developmental disability has increased, with now more than 1 in 10 boys having an intellectual disability (ID), autism spectrum disorder (ASD), or another developmental delay. Based on data from the National Health Interview Survey compiled between 2019 and 2021 for children ages 3-17, the report found that the rates of ID and ASD did not increase significantly, but parents who have been told that their child had an other developmental delay increased considerably. Other developmental delay includes a range of issues such as cerebral palsy or struggles forming words. This groups rate increased from 5.08% of kids in 2019 to 6.06% in 2021. The report also determined that among both sexes, 8.56% have been diagnosed with any developmental disability. Additionally, the report found 1.65% of children had an intellectual disability, while 3.05% had autism (4.66% boys, 1.5% girls). Rates of developmental disabilities remained significantly lower in girls, and Asian children were the least likely to be diagnosed with any developmental disability. Interestingly, this report did not find Black and Hispanic children more likely to be diagnosed with ASD compared to White children, unlike recent reports

Original Article

Original Report

The post CDC Reports: More than 1 in 10 Boys Have ID, ASD, or Another Developmental Delay appeared first on SafeMinds.


Journal to retract papers that cost its impact factor and spot in leading index Retraction Watch

A journal that didnt get an impact factor this year after Clarivate, the company behind the closely-watched but controversial metric, identified unusual citations in several articles will retract the offending papers, according to its editor. 

Genetika, a publication of the Serbian Genetics Society, did not receive an updated impact factor in Clarivates 2023 Journal Citation Reports due to citation stacking, a practice in which authors or journals seem to trade citations, also known as citation cartels or citation rings

Specifically, Clarivate identified five papers published in Genetika in 2021 that had been cited by 22 papers published in the journal Bioscience Research in 2022, Snezana Mladenovic Drinic, the editor of Genetika, told Retraction Watch. Clarivate also suppressed Bioscience Research this year, meaning that the journal did not receive a new impact factor either. 

(Jelena Milasin, president of the Serbian Genetics Society, previously told us Genetika leadership had offered to retract 32 suspicious papers published in 2021 and 2022, but Clarivate went ahead and suppressed the journal anyway.) 

Clarivate also removed Genetika from its Web of Science index when it refreshed its Master Journal List on Monday. The company said the journal failed to meet at least one of 24 quality criteria, but would not comment on which. 

Removing a journal from Web of Science, which Clarivate calls delisting, means the company will no longer index its papers, count their citations, or give the title an impact factor. The company does have a pathway for journals to become relisted. 



RFK Jr.: A fart-filled argument gives way to an antisemitic conspiracy theory that COVID-19 is an ethnically targeted bioweapon Science-Based Medicine

Last week, RFK Jr. endured hilariously bad press about an NYC press event at which two of his supporters argued over climate change, one with lots of farts. However, the fart jokes soon gave way to darker side of the event, a Q&A in which RFK Jr. shared an antisemitic conspiracy theory claiming that COVID-19 might have been "targeted" against Caucasians and Blacks, while sparing Jews and the Chinese. Antivaxxers leapt to his defense, but one wonders if the"respectable" doctors who "like RFK Jr." have learned their lesson yet.

The post RFK Jr.: A fart-filled argument gives way to an antisemitic conspiracy theory that COVID-19 is an ethnically targeted bioweapon first appeared on Science-Based Medicine.


Fluoridation Weekly Review #24 Fluoride Action Network

Raising Environmental Justice Concerns  Hispanic/Latino Communities More Likely to Receive Excessive Fluoride in Water

Analyzing an Environmental Protection Agency database from 2006-2011, researchers from Emory University, Columbia University and UC San Francisco have found that Hispanic/Latino communities are more likely to receive water with excessive amounts of fluoride, compared to that received by other communities.

Summarizing their report, they write, We found significant inequalities in community water systems (CWS) fluoride concentrations by county sociodemographic characteristics, including by racial/ ethnic composition, further raising environmental justice concerns for these communities. Compared to other CWSs, those serving Semi-Urban, Hispanic communities and communities in the Southwest were most likely to exceed 700 g/L (current USPHS optimal concentration), 1500 g/L (WHO guidance level), and 4000 g/L (US EPAs MCL). Our finding that higher proportions of Hispanic/Latino residents were associated with higher average county-level CWS fluoride concentrations adds to a growing body of evidence that Hispanic/Latino communities are disproportionately exposed to higher concentrations of regulated inorganic contaminants in public drinking water, including arsenic, uranium, nitrates, chromium, and selenium. For fluoride, this county-level association remained significant even after adjustment for the percent of public water that was manually fluoridated, indicating that naturally occurring fluoride in groundwater sources may be driving higher concentrations for CWSs serving largely Hispanic/Latino communities. In general, inequities in the natural (e.g. hydrogeology, climate), built (e.g. water infrastructure, groundwater reliance), and sociopolitical (e.g. structural racism, social and political vulnerability) environments underlie disparities in public drinking water exposures across the US.

In a sign that the evidence of fluorides neurotoxicity is becoming more widely appreciated in scholarly research, the authors note, Although the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) considers fluoridation of community water systems (CWSs) to be a major public health achievement responsible for reducing dental disease, recent epidemiologic evidence suggests that chronic exposure to population-relevant levels of fluoride may also be associated with adverse child neurodevelopmental outcome...


The Bible Teaches Believers to Manage Their Own Business and to Not be Slaves to the System Just the Opposite of Christian Teaching Vaccine Impact

An Amish Barn Raising in Wisconsin. Most Amish are independent business owners living off the grid in communities that help each other. Image source.

Make it your ambition to lead a quiet life, to attend to your own business and to work with your hands, just as we told you, so that your daily life may win the respect of outsiders and so that you will not be dependent on anybody. (1 Thessalonians 4:11-12)

by Brian Shilhavy

In the New Testament part of the Bible, Paul wrote 2 letters to the believers living in the Greek city of Thessalonica, and in his first letter he wrote:

Now about brotherly love we do not need to write to you, for you yourselves have been taught by God to love each other. And in fact, you do love all the brothers throughout Macedonia. Yet we urge you, brothers, to do so more and more.

Make it your ambition to lead a quiet life, to attend to your own business and to work with your hands, just as we told you, so that your daily life may win the respect of outsiders and so that you will not be dependent on anybody. (1 Thessalonians 4:9-12)

Apparently some of the believers there did not take his advice, and so in his second letter to the believers in this Greek city he wrote:

In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, we command you, brothers, to keep away from every brother who is idle and does not live according to the teaching you received from us. For you yourselves know how you ought to follow our example.

We were not idle when we were with you, nor did we eat anyones food without paying for it. On the contrary, we worked night and day, laboring and toiling so that we would not be a burden to any of you.

We did this, not because we do not have the right to such help, but in order to make ourselves a model for you to follow. For even when we were with you, we gave you this rule: If a man will not work, he shall not eat.

We hear that some among you are idle. They are not busy; they are busybodies. Such people we command and urge in the Lord Jesus Christ to settle down and earn the bread they eat. (2 Thessalonians 3:6-12)

What a contrast this teaching is, especially the part about attending to your own business so that...


The Bible Teaches Believers to Manage Their Own Business and to Not be Slaves to the System Just the Opposite of Christian Teaching Medical Kidnap

An Amish Barn Raising in Wisconsin. Most Amish are independent business owners living off the grid in communities that help each other. Image source.

Make it your ambition to lead a quiet life, to attend to your own business and to work with your hands, just as we told you, so that your daily life may win the respect of outsiders and so that you will not be dependent on anybody. (1 Thessalonians 4:11-12)

by Brian Shilhavy

In the New Testament part of the Bible, Paul wrote 2 letters to the believers living in the Greek city of Thessalonica, and in his first letter he wrote:

Now about brotherly love we do not need to write to you, for you yourselves have been taught by God to love each other. And in fact, you do love all the brothers throughout Macedonia. Yet we urge you, brothers, to do so more and more.

Make it your ambition to lead a quiet life, to attend to your own business and to work with your hands, just as we told you, so that your daily life may win the respect of outsiders and so that you will not be dependent on anybody. (1 Thessalonians 4:9-12)

Apparently some of the believers there did not take his advice, and so in his second letter to the believers in this Greek city he wrote:

In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, we command you, brothers, to keep away from every brother who is idle and does not live according to the teaching you received from us. For you yourselves know how you ought to follow our example.

We were not idle when we were with you, nor did we eat anyones food without paying for it. On the contrary, we worked night and day, laboring and toiling so that we would not be a burden to any of you.

We did this, not because we do not have the right to such help, but in order to make ourselves a model for you to follow. For even when we were with you, we gave you this rule: If a man will not work, he shall not eat.

We hear that some among you are idle. They are not busy; they are busybodies. Such people we command and urge in the Lord Jesus Christ to settle down and earn the bread they eat. (2 Thessalonians 3:6-12)

What a contrast this teaching is, especially the part about attending to your own business so that...


The Bible Teaches Believers to Manage Their Own Business and to Not be Slaves to the System Just the Opposite of Christian Teaching Health Impact News

An Amish Barn Raising in Wisconsin. Most Amish are independent business owners living off the grid in communities that help each other. Image source.

Make it your ambition to lead a quiet life, to attend to your own business and to work with your hands, just as we told you, so that your daily life may win the respect of outsiders and so that you will not be dependent on anybody. (1 Thessalonians 4:11-12)

by Brian Shilhavy

In the New Testament part of the Bible, Paul wrote 2 letters to the believers living in the Greek city of Thessalonica, and in his first letter he wrote:

Now about brotherly love we do not need to write to you, for you yourselves have been taught by God to love each other. And in fact, you do love all the brothers throughout Macedonia. Yet we urge you, brothers, to do so more and more.

Make it your ambition to lead a quiet life, to attend to your own business and to work with your hands, just as we told you, so that your daily life may win the respect of outsiders and so that you will not be dependent on anybody. (1 Thessalonians 4:9-12)

Apparently some of the believers there did not take his advice, and so in his second letter to the believers in this Greek city he wrote:

In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, we command you, brothers, to keep away from every brother who is idle and does not live according to the teaching you received from us. For you yourselves know how you ought to follow our example.

We were not idle when we were with you, nor did we eat anyones food without paying for it. On the contrary, we worked night and day, laboring and toiling so that we would not be a burden to any of you.

We did this, not because we do not have the right to such help, but in order to make our...


The potential of Panax notoginseng against COVID-19 infection. GreenMedInfo

PMID:  J Ginseng Res. 2023 Apr 8. Epub 2023 Apr 8. PMID: 37362082 Abstract Title:  The potential ofnotoginseng against COVID-19 infection. Abstract:  The COVID-19 pandemic has changed the world and has presented the scientific community with unprecedented challenges. Infection is associated with overproduction of proinflammatory cytokines secondary to hyperactivation of the innate immune response, inducing a cytokine storm and triggering multiorgan failure and significant morbidity/mortality. No specific treatment is yet available. For thousands of years,notoginseng has been used to treat various infectious diseases. Experimental evidence ofnotoginseng utility in terms of alleviating the cytokine storm, especially the cascade, and improving post-COVID-19 symptoms, suggests thatnotoginseng may serve as a valuable adjunct treatment for COVID-19 infection.

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20(S)- Protopanaxadiol saponins isolated from Panax notoginseng target the binding of HMGB1 to TLR4 against inflammation. GreenMedInfo

PMID:  Phytother Res. 2023 Jul 9. Epub 2023 Jul 9. PMID: 37424151 Abstract Title:  20(S)- Protopanaxadiol saponins isolated from Panax notoginseng target the binding of HMGB1 to TLR4 against inflammation in experimental ulcerative colitis. Abstract:  Ulcerative colitis (UC) has emerged as a global healthcare issue due to high prevalence and unsatisfying therapeutic measures. 20(S)- Protopanaxadiol saponins (PDS) from Panax notoginseng with anti-inflammatory properties is a potential anti-colitis agent. Herein, we explored the effects and mechanisms of PDS administration on experimental murine UC. Dextran sulfate sodium-induced murine UC model was employed to investigate anti-colitis effects of PDS, and associated mechanisms were further verified in HMGB1-exposed THP-1 macrophages. Results indicated that PDS administration exerted ameliorative effects against experimental UC. Moreover, PDS administration remarkably downregulated mRNA expressions and productions of related pro-inflammatory mediators, and reversed elevated expressions of proteins related to NLRP3 inflammasome after colitis induction. Furthermore, administration with PDS also suppressed the expression and translocation of HMGB1, interrupting the downstream TLR4/NF-B pathway. In vitro, ginsenoside CK and 20(S)-protopanaxadiol, the metabolites of PDS, exhibited greater potential in anti-inflammation, and intervened with the TLR4-binding domain of HMGB1 predictably. Expectedly, ginsenoside CK and 20(S)-protopanaxadiol administrations inhibited the activation of TLR4/NF-B/NLRP3 inflammasome pathway in HMGB1-exposed THP-1 macrophages. Summarily, PDS administration attenuated inflammatory injury in experimental colitis by blocking the binding of HMGB1 to TLR4, majorly attributed to the antagonistic efficacies of ginsenoside CK and 20(S)-protopanaxadiol.

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Neuroprotective effects of aa against diabetic retinopathy. GreenMedInfo

PMID:  Front Pharmacol. 2023 ;14:1143923. Epub 2023 Apr 18. PMID: 37144218 Abstract Title:  Neuroprotective effects of aa(Mart.) against diabetic retinopathy. Abstract:  Diabetes mellitus describes a metabolic disorder of multiple etiologies, characterized by chronic hyperglycemia, which induces a series of molecular events capable of leading to microvascular damage, affecting the blood vessels of the retina, causing diabetic retinopathy. Studies indicate that oxidative stress plays a central role in complications involving diabetes. Aa() has attracted much attention given its antioxidant capacity and potential associated health benefits in preventing oxidative stress, one of the causes of diabetic retinopathy. The objective of this work was to evaluate the possible protective effect of aa() on the retinal function of mice with induced diabetes, based on full field electroretinogram (ffERG).We opted for mouse models with induced diabetes by administration of a 2% alloxan aqueous solution and treatment with feed enriched with aapulp. The animals were divided into 4 groups: CTR (received commercial ration), DM (received commercial ration), DM + aa(-enriched ration) and CTR + aa(-enriched ration). The ffERG was recorded three times, 30, 45 and 60 days after diabetes induction, under scotopic and photopic conditions to access rod, mixed and cone responses, in addition to monitoring the weight and blood glucose of the animals during the study period. Statistical analysis was performed using the two-way ANOVA test with Tukey's post-test.Our work obtained satisfactory results with the ffERG responses in diabetic animals treated with aa, where it was observed that there was no significant decrease in the b wave ffERG amplitude of this group over time when compared to the results of the Diabetic group not treated with aa, which showed a significant reduction of this ffERG component.The results of the present study show, for the first time, that treatment with an aa-enriched diet is effective against the decrease in the amplitude of visual electrophysiological responses in animals with induced diabetes, which opens a new horizon for the prevention of retinal damage in diabetic individuals from treatment with aabase. However, it is worth mentioning that our findings consist of a preliminary study and further researches and clinical trials are needed to examine aapotential as an alternative therapy for diabetic retinopathy.

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A Simple Way to Reduce Inflammation and Chronic Disease Articles

Editor's Note: This article is a reprint. It was originally published January 20, 2018.

Did you know the energy from the Earth can help you live a healthier life? The concept is known as earthing or grounding, which is no more complicated than walking barefoot.

In "Down to Earth"1 which received the IndieFEST Award of Excellence for a documentary short in January 20172 I speak alongside other experts to shed light on this super simple yet commonly overlooked way to protect and improve human health. As cardiologist Dr. Stephen Sinatra, author of "Earthing: The Most Important Health Discovery Ever?" explains in the film:

"[G]rounding is literally putting your bare feet on the ground. When you do that, you're in contact with the Earth, and mother Earth is endowed with electrons, and these electrons are literally absorbed through your feet. It's like taking handfuls of antioxidants, but you're getting it through your feet."

Your Body Needs Grounding

Research suggests a general lack of grounding, also referred to as "electron deficiency syndrome," has a lot to do with the rise of modern diseases.

It's not unusual for Americans to spend entire days without being grounded. But though it has become the norm, it's completely unnatural, and didn't really become widespread until the advent of shoes with artificial soles that prevent grounding. When you're grounded, free electrons from the Earth are transferred into your body, and these free electrons are among the most potent antioxidants known to man.

As electrons are negatively charged and free radicals are positively charged, any free radicals encountered in your tissues are electrically neutralized or canceled out by these free electrons. This is why grounding is so effective against chronic inflammation.

Dr. Laura Koniver, who discovered grounding quite by accident after it seemed to soothe her crying infant, says in the film, "Grounding supports the body as a whole but it specifically supports organ systems down to the tissues and the cellular function of the entire body."

Also, while you may not think of your body as a generator of electricity, you are very much an electrical being, and this is in large part why it's so important to use grounding to harness the electrical charge of the Earth. In the film, Gaetan Chevalier, Ph.D., an engineer/physicist who has studied grounding, explains:

"Unbeknownst to us, we live inside a battery. The surface of the Earth is charged negatively and...

Can a Placebo Beat a Multivitamin? Articles

Multivitamin and mineral supplements are the most commonly consumed supplement in the U.S. Its estimated that one-third of U.S. adults and one-quarter of children and adolescents use them.1 But despite their popularity, multivitamins are controversial, with studies showing mixed results on their benefits.

A team of researchers from Oregon State University (OSU), however, found a significant positive effect when older men used multivitamins,2 to the extent that they concluded, "Our evidence indicates that many older men could benefit from a daily multivitamin."3

Multivitamins Improve Key Biomarkers of Nutrition

The study involved 35 healthy men aged 68 years or older. Half took a multivitamin/multimineral (MV/MM) supplement while the other half took a placebo, daily for six months. The men used no other supplements during the study period, with the exception of doctor-prescribed vitamin D.

"Our tests when the study started showed that many of these older men were not obtaining the optimal levels of several vitamins," said Tory Hagen, principal investigator and Helen P. Rumbel Professor for Healthy Aging Research at the Linus Pauling Institute. "So there certainly was room for improvement."4

Significant differences were noted between the two groups at the end of the study period, however. The multivitamin group had improved biomarkers of nutrition while the placebo group did not. In fact, nutrition biomarkers fell in some of the placebo participants, which "suggests that food alone was not enough to keep their vitamin and carotenoid levels up," Hagen explained.5

However, the placebo group also had a reduction in cellular oxygen consumption, which is a marker of cell function. "This was not observed in men who took the multivitamin, suggesting a connection between vitamin status and white blood cell function that we are eager to explore further," Hagen said in an OSU news release.6

By improving vitamin status, or preventing declines, as well as limiting reductions in cellular oxygen consumption, the team stated that multivitamin/multimineral use "may have important implications for metabolism and immune health in healthy older men."7 While vitamin and mineral deficiencies werent widespread in the healthy subjects that took part in the study, the researchers still found multivitamins to be worthwhile, explaining:


Linoleic Acid The Most Destructive Ingredient in Your Diet Articles

Fats which are water-insoluble biological molecules also known as lipids1 are the primary building block of your cell membranes. This is one of the reasons why eating the right types of fat is so important for your health and longevity.

Well, after three grueling rounds of peer review over the last three months, my paper on the hazards of linoleic acid (LA), an omega-6 polyunsaturated fat (PUFA), is now published in the high impact Nutrition journal Nutrients and available for free download, here.2

Please download the article and save it on your hard drive as you never know what will happen with a future crisis. You can send it to doctors who don't yet believe how dangerous seed oils are, but truthfully, the video above is likely better for your friends.

I couldn't have done it without my co-author Dr. Chris D'Adamo who skillfully and diplomatically helped to navigate the minefield of peer review. Our next paper will likely be on reductive stress which is one of the most important foundational and unknown concepts in health. It helps explains why LA is so devastating to your health at a molecular biological level.

Lowering your LA is the single most important strategy you can take to not only lower reductive stress in your mitochondria, but improve your overall health. It took me over six months to create the video above and I would strongly encourage each of you to watch is several times so you embed in your brain how important avoiding LA is for your long-term health so you can develop unconscious reflex behaviors to avoid this pernicious fat.

Fatty Acid Basics

What distinguishes one fat from another is the specific combination of fatty acids its composed of, and the properties of fats and fatty acids depend on their hydrogen saturation and the length of their molecules, also referred to as "chain length."

There are two basic types of fatty acids, based on how many of their carbon bonds are paired with hydrogen:3

Saturated fats are fully loaded with hydrogen atoms forming straight chains, and are typically solid at room temperature (examples include butter and coconut oil)

Unsaturated fats have lost at least one of the pairs of hydrogen atoms from their carbon chain and come in two varieties:

Monounsaturated f...


Maqui berry and ginseng extracts reduce cigarette smoke-induced cell injury. GreenMedInfo

PMID:  Antioxidants (Basel). 2022 Dec 14 ;11(12). Epub 2022 Dec 14. PMID: 36552669 Abstract Title:  Maqui Berry and Ginseng Extracts Reduce Cigarette Smoke-Induced Cell Injury in a 3D Bone Co-Culture Model. Abstract:  Cigarette smoking-induced oxidative stress has harmful effects on bone metabolism. Maqui berry extract (MBE) and ginseng extract (GE) are two naturally occurring antioxidants that have been shown to reduce oxidative stress. By using an osteoblast and osteoclast three-dimensional co-culture system, we investigated the effects of MBE and GE on bone cells exposed to cigarette smoke extract (CSE). The cell viability and function of the co-culture system were measured on day 14. Markers of bone cell differentiation and oxidative stress were evaluated at gene and protein levels on day 7. The results showed that exposure to CSE induced osteoporotic-like alterations in the co-culture system, while 1.5g/mL MBE and 50g/mL GE improved CSE-impaired osteoblast function and decreased CSE-induced osteoclast function. The molecular mechanism of MBE and GE in preventing CSE-induced bone cell damage is linked with the inhibition of the NF-B signaling pathway and the activation of the Nrf2 signaling pathway. Therefore, MBE and GE can reduce CSE-induced detrimental effects on bone cells and, thus, prevent smoking-induced alterations in bone cell homeostasis. These two antioxidants are thus suitable supplements to support bone regeneration in smokers.

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Consciousness Is an Act of Rebellion Mad In America

From Daniel Mackler: Consciousness is an act of rebellion. To become self-aware, to begin to have a conscious internal relationship with our own internal self, is to begin to break out of all the systems that are not conscious. We live in such an unconscious world. So many of us come from families that are profoundly unconscious; with parents, grandparents, ancestors who are profoundly un-self-aware, or perhaps you could say Self-unaware. They really dont know themselves very well. They live with so much denial and so much projection. And they are the fundamentals, the foundation of so many of the systems of our world the systems of power, of unconsciousness. And theyre the ones who taught us how to be, how to function in the world, how to live in the world; they taught us who we were and who we are; they defined us for ourselves before we knew how to define ourselves. And when we begin to look within, and to listen within, and to feel within; and to develop an internal relationship with our own internal selves, with our true Self, or maybe you want to call it our soul we begin to break away from all of these systems.

And this is dangerous . . . because we begin to overthrow the things that theyre putting on us, we begin to overthrow the projections that theyve put on us, the definitions that theyve put on us. And we begin to define ourselves from a different reality, from a true reality that comes from within, from an objective reality. And in so many cases, they dont like it. And for a very good reason: So many people who are unconscious most, everyone, perhaps, even the parts of ourselves that are unconscious dont like our burgeoning consciousness, our burgeoning Self-awareness. Because unconsciousness somehow unconsciously recognizes that consciousness is its basic enemy. Unconsciousness cannot thrive and grow in an environment where there are truth-tellers. It cannot survive, it cannot develop, and it cannot move forward.


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The post Consciousness Is an Act of Rebellion appeared first on Mad In America.


Acai Berry extracts are neuroprotective against L-glutamate-induced toxicity. GreenMedInfo

PMID:  Life (Basel). 2023 Apr 15 ;13(4). Epub 2023 Apr 15. PMID: 37109548 Abstract Title:  Acai Berry (sp.) Extracts Are Neuroprotective against L-Glutamate-Induced Toxicity by Limiting Mitochondrial Dysfunction and Cellular Redox Stress. Abstract:  Aberrant accumulation of the neurotransmitter L-glutamate (L-Glu) has been implicated as a mechanism of neurodegeneration, and the release of L-Glu after stroke onset leads to a toxicity cascade that results in neuronal death. The acai berry () is a potential dietary nutraceutical. The aim of this research was to investigate the neuroprotective effects of acai berry aqueous and ethanolic extracts to reduce the neurotoxicity to neuronal cells triggered by L-Glu application. L-Glu and acai berry effects on cell viability were quantified using 3-(4,5-Dimethylthiazol-2-yl)-2,5-diphenyltetrazolium bromide (MTT) and lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) assays, and effects on cellular bioenergetics were assessed via quantitation of the levels of cellular ATP, mitochondrial membrane potential (MMP), and production of reactive oxygen species (ROS) in neuroblastoma cells. Cell viability was also evaluated in human cortical neuronal progenitor cell culture after L-Glu or/and acai berry application. In isolated cells, activated currents using patch-clamping were employed to determine whether L-Glu neurotoxicity was mediated by ionotropic L-Glu-receptors (iGluRs). L-Glu caused a significant reduction in cell viability, ATP, and MMP levels and increased ROS production. The co-application of both acai berry extracts with L-Glu provided neuroprotection against L-Glu with sustained cell viability, decreased LDH production, restored ATP and MMP levels, and reduced ROS levels. Whole-cell patch-clamp recordings showed that L-Glu toxicity is not mediated by the activation of iGluRs in neuroblastoma cells. Fractionation and analysis of acai berry extracts with liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry identified several phytochemical antioxidants that may have provided neuroprotective effects. In summary, the acai berry contains nutraceuticals with antioxidant activity that may be a beneficial dietary component to limit pathological deficits triggered by excessive L-Glu accumulations.

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Effects of Juara on health: An overview of clinical and experimental studies. GreenMedInfo

PMID:  Nutrients. 2023 Apr 7 ;15(8). Epub 2023 Apr 7. PMID: 37111027 Abstract Title:  Effects of Juara (Martius) on Health: An Overview of Clinical and Experimental Studies and Call for Action. Abstract:  BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Juara is a fruit of ecological and nutritional importance. Its fruits represent an option for the sustainable use of the plant due to its vulnerability to extinction. Thus, the aim of this review was to analyze clinical and experimental studies and highlight the literature gaps regarding the effects of supplementation with Juara on health.METHODS: For this scoping review, we consulted the Medline (PubMed), Science Direct, and Scopus databases in March, April, and May 2022. Experimental studies and clinical trials published in the last ten years (2012-2022) were analyzed. Data were synthesized and reported.RESULTS: A total of 27 studies were included, 18 of which were experimental studies. Of these, 33% evaluated inflammatory markers associated with fat accumulation. Most of these studies (83%) used pulp in lyophilized form, and the others (17%) involved juara extract mixed in water. In addition, 78% of the studies showed positive results with respect to the lipid profile, reduction of oncological lesions, inflammation, microbiota modulation, and improvement in obesity and glycemia-related metabolic complications. Nine clinical trials with results similar to those of experimental trials were found. The majority (56%) were chronic (four to six weeks into the intervention), and 44% were acute. Three offered juara supplementation in the form of juice, four used freeze-dried pulp, two used fresh pulp, and one used a 9% dilution. The dose was fixed at 5 g, but the dilution ranged from 200 to 450 mL. These trials assessed mainly healthy, physically active, and obese individual adults (19-56 years old), and cardioprotective and anti-inflammatory effects, as well as improvement in the lipid profile and prebiotic potential, were observed.CONCLUSION: Juara supplementation showed promising results with respect to its effect on health. However, further studies are needed to clarify these possible effects on health and their mechanisms of action.

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Aa in health and disease: A critical review. GreenMedInfo

PMID:  Nutrients. 2023 Feb 16 ;15(4). Epub 2023 Feb 16. PMID: 36839349 Abstract Title:  Aa(Mart.) in Health and Disease: A Critical Review. Abstract:  The aapalm (Mart.), a species belonging to thefamily, has been cultivated for thousands of years in tropical Central and South America as a multipurpose dietary plant. The recent introduction of aafruit and its nutritional and healing qualities to regions outside its origin has rapidly expanded global demand for aaberry. The health-promoting and disease-preventing properties of this plant are attributed to numerous bioactive phenolic compounds present in the leaf, pulp, fruit, skin, and seeds. The purpose of this review is to present an up-to-date, comprehensive, and critical evaluation of the health benefits of aaand its phytochemicals with a special focus on cellular and molecular mechanisms of action. In vitro and in vivo studies showed that aapossesses antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties and exerts cardioprotective, gastroprotective, hepatoprotective, neuroprotective, renoprotective, antilipidemic, antidiabetic, and antineoplastic activities. Moreover, clinical trials have suggested that aacan protect against metabolic stress induced by oxidation, inflammation, vascular abnormalities, and physical exertion. Due to its medicinal properties and the absence of undesirable effects, aashows a promising future in health promotion and disease prevention, in addition to a vast economic potential in the food and cosmetic industries.

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Photodynamic therapy with acai and blue light in oral cells. GreenMedInfo

PMID:  J Biophotonics. 2023 Mar ;16(3):e202200259. Epub 2022 Dec 7. PMID: 36349809 Abstract Title:  Photodynamic therapy with acai (Euterpe oleracea) and blue light in oral cells: A spectroscopic and cytotoxicity analysis. Abstract:  OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the potential of photodynamic therapy (PDT) with blue light-emitting diode (LED) 460nm at 25, 50 and 100J/cmusing three concentrations of acai extracts (100, 40, and 10 mg/ml), in the proliferation and viability of head and neck tumor lines (SCC9).METHODS: Three groups of cells were analyzed for 3days in an in vitro assay with MTT (3- (4,5-dimethylthiazol-2-yl) -2,5, -diphenyltetrazolium bromide) and crystal violet: cells in the absence of acai extract and PDT (control group); cells in the presence of acai extract and no light; and cells in the presence of acai extract and LED blue light (PDT groups).RESULTS: When using acai as a PS combined with blue LED (460nm, 0.7466cm, 1000mW/cm) and irradiation at 25, 50, and 100J/cm, after 72h, cell viability (p

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Potential of Acai berry as a potential natural treatment for Alzheimer's disease. GreenMedInfo

PMID:  Molecules. 2022 Jul 30 ;27(15). Epub 2022 Jul 30. PMID: 35956841 Abstract Title:  A Preliminary Assessment of the Nutraceutical Potential of Acai Berry (sp.) as a Potential Natural Treatment for Alzheimer's Disease. Abstract:  Alzheimer's disease (AD) is characterised by progressive neuronal atrophy and the loss of neuronal function as a consequence of multiple pathomechanisms. Current AD treatments primarily operate at a symptomatic level to treat a cholinergic deficiency and can cause side effects. Hence, there is an unmet need for healthier lifestyles to reduce the likelihood of AD as well as improved treatments with fewer adverse reactions. Diets rich in phytochemicals may reduce neurodegenerative risk and limit disease progression. The native South American palm acai berry () is a potential source of dietary phytochemicals beneficial to health. This study aimed to screen the nutraceutical potential of the acai berry, in the form of aqueous and ethanolic extracts, for the ability to inhibit acetyl- and butyryl-cholinesterase (ChE) enzymes and scavenge free radicals via 2,2-diphenyl-1-picryl-hydrazyl-hydrate (DPPH) or 2,2'-azino-bis-3-ethylbenzthiazoline-6-sulphonic acid (ABTS) assays. In addition, this study aimed to quantify the acai berry's antioxidant potential via hydrogen peroxide or hydroxyl scavenging, nitric oxide scavenging, lipid peroxidation inhibition, and the ability to reduce ferric ions. Total polyphenol and flavonoid contents were also determined. Acai aqueous extract displayed a concentration-dependent inhibition of acetyl- and butyryl-cholinesterase enzymes. Both acai extracts displayed useful concentration-dependent free radical scavenging and antioxidant abilities, with the acai ethanolic extract being the most potent antioxidant and displaying the highest phenolic and flavonoid contents. In summary, extracts of the acai berry contain nutraceutical components with anti-cholinesterase and antioxidant capabilities and may therefore provide a beneficial dietary component that limits the pathological deficits evidenced in AD.

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Long-term dietary n3 fatty acid prevents aging-related cardiac diastolic and vascular dysfunction. GreenMedInfo

PMID:  Vascul Pharmacol. 2023 Jun ;150:107175. Epub 2023 Apr 25. PMID: 37105373 Abstract Title:  Long-term dietary n3 fatty acid prevents aging-related cardiac diastolic and vascular dysfunction. Abstract:  AIMS: The prevalence of left ventricular (LV) diastolic and vascular dysfunction increases with age, eventually leading to heart failure with preserved ejection fraction (HFpEF). A preventive strategy is an unmet medical need. We and others reported previously on the beneficial effects of omega-3 fatty acid alpha linolenic acid (ALA) on cardiovascular disorders in animal models and translational studies. We now investigate whether long-term dietary ALA could prevent LV diastolic dysfunction and vascular aging in a murine model.METHODS AND RESULTS: Wild-type C57BL/6J mice were fed a chow or ALA diet for 12months, starting at 6months of age. Here, we show that aged (~18months) mice recapitulate major hallmarks of HFpEF, including LV diastolic dysfunction with preserved ejection fraction, impaired vascular function, cardiac fibrosis, arterial stiffening and inflammation, as well as elevated B-type natriuretic peptide (BNP). Long-term ALA supplementation upregulated the mitochondrial tricarboxylic acid enzyme Idh2 and the antioxidant enzymes SOD1 and Gpx1. It also has been associated with reduced inflammation and ECM remodeling, accompanied by a significant downregulation of fibrosis biomarkers MMP-2 and TGF-in both cardiac and vascular tissues obtained from aged mice. Our data exhibited the preventive effects of dietary ALA against LV diastolic dysfunction, impaired vasorelaxation, cardiac fibrosis, inflammation and arterial stiffening in aged mice.CONCLUSIONS: We provide evidence and a simplified mechanistic insight on how long-term ALA supplementation is a successful strategy to prevent the development of age-related diastolic and vascular dysfunction.

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Dietary polyunsaturated fatty acids intake, air pollution, and the risk of lung cancer. GreenMedInfo

PMID:  Sci Total Environ. 2023 Jul 15 ;882:163552. Epub 2023 Apr 23. PMID: 37094679 Abstract Title:  Dietary polyunsaturated fatty acids intake, air pollution, and the risk of lung cancer: A prospective study in UK biobank. Abstract:  BACKGROUND: Epidemiological evidence on the association between specific types of polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs) intake and lung cancer risk is limited. However, whether dietary-specific PUFAs intake can modify the association between air pollutants and incident lung cancer remains unknown.METHODS: Cox proportional hazard models and restricted cubic spline regression were used to evaluate the associations of omega-3 PUFAs, omega-6 PUFAs and the ratio of omega-6 PUFAs to omega-3 PUFAs intake with lung cancer risk. Furthermore, we evaluated the associations between air pollutants and incident lung cancer, and whether dietary-specific PUFAs intake would modify the relationship using stratification analyses.RESULTS: This study found significant associations between the risk of lung cancer and omega-3 PUFAs intake (hazard ratio [HR], 0.82; 95% confidence interval [CI], 0.73-0.93; per 1g/d), and omega-6 PUFAs intake (HR, 0.98; 95% CI, 0.96-0.99; per 1g/d). We did not observe an association between the omega-6 to omega-3 PUFAs intake ratio and incident lung cancer. With regard to air pollution, omega-3 PUFAs intake attenuated the positive relationship between nitrogen oxides (NOx) pollution and lung cancer risk, and an increased incidence of lung cancer was found only in the low omega-3 PUFAs intake group (p

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The effect of omega-3 fatty acids on alcohol-induced damage. GreenMedInfo

PMID:  Front Nutr. 2023 ;10:1068343. Epub 2023 Apr 5. PMID: 37090780 Abstract Title:  The effect of omega-3 fatty acids on alcohol-induced damage. Abstract:  Alcohol is the most widely consumed psychoactive substance in the world that has a severe impact on many organs and bodily systems, particularly the liver and nervous system. Alcohol use during pregnancy roots long-lasting changes in the newborns and during adolescence has long-term detrimental effects especially on the brain. The brain contains docosahexaenoic acid (DHA), a major omega-3 (n-3) fatty acid (FA) that makes up cell membranes and influences membrane-associated protein function, cell signaling, gene expression and lipid production. N-3 is beneficial in several brain conditions like neurodegenerative diseases, ameliorating cognitive impairment, oxidative stress, neuronal death and inflammation. Because alcohol decreases the levels of n-3, it is timely to know whether n-3 supplementation positively modifies alcohol-induced injuries. The aim of this review is to summarize the state-of-the-art of the n-3 effects on certain conditions caused by alcohol intake, focusing primarily on brain damage and alcoholic liver disease.

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Anti-inflammatory effect of combining fish oil and evening primrose oil supplementation on breast cancer. GreenMedInfo

PMID:  Sci Rep. 2023 Apr 20 ;13(1):6449. Epub 2023 Apr 20. PMID: 37081029 Abstract Title:  Anti-inflammatory effect of combining fish oil and evening primrose oil supplementation on breast cancer patients undergoing chemotherapy: a randomized placebo-controlled trial. Abstract:  Breast cancer is the most common malignant tumor and one of the leading causes of cancer-related death in women throughout the world. This study is a parallel, randomized, double-blind, controlled, 12-week supplementation trial, investigating the anti-inflammatory effects of dietary intake of fish oil and evening primrose oil (EPO), in patients with breast cancer undergoing chemotherapy. The primary outcomes were changes in the nutritional status and inflammatory cytokines of patients during the study. The secondary outcomes were changes in hematological and biochemical parameters and fatty acid profile. Of the 32 eligible patients, half of them is randomly assigned to a treatment arm with fish oil and EPO (n=16), or a control arm (n=16) with mineral oil as a placebo. The intervention group was taking 2 gel capsules of fish oil and 3 gel capsules of EPO (400 mg eicosapentaenoic acid, 600 mg docosahexaenoic acid, and 351 mg gamma-linolenic acid) fish oil and evening primrose oil for 12 weeks, during their chemotherapy. The control/placebo group was taking 5 gel capsules of 1g of mineral oil. One of the patients dropped out due to discontinuation of the treatment (in the placebo group) and two did not show up at the post-treatment measurements (in the intervention group), thus, 29 women completed the study. The results showed an increase in plasma levels of docosapentaenoic acid (22:5n-3), docosahexaenoic acid (22:6n-3), total n-3PUFA, vaccenic acid (18:1n-7), and a decrease in n-6/n-3 PUFA ratio in the intervention group. An increase in the plasma level of dihomo-gamma-linolenic acid (20:3n-6) was observed in the placebo group. There was no difference in plasma levels of interleukin (IL) IL-8, IL-10, and tumor necrosis factor-alpha, while the level of IL-6 decreased in both groups and was significantly lower in the intervention group at the end of the study. In conclusion, this supplementation improved the PUFA status and decreased the level of IL-6 in breast cancer patients undergoing chemotherapy. Consequently, this treatment may help reduce cancer complications resulting from impaired lipid metabolism and inflammation. Identifier: NCT03516253. Date of registration 04/05/2018.

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Evening primrose oil attenuates oxidative stress, inflammation, fibrosis, apoptosis, and ultrastructural alterations induced by metanil yellow in the liver. GreenMedInfo

PMID:  Ultrastruct Pathol. 2023 May 4 ;47(3):188-204. Epub 2023 Mar 16. PMID: 36927382 Abstract Title:  Evening primrose oil attenuates oxidative stress, inflammation, fibrosis, apoptosis, and ultrastructural alterations induced by metanil yellow in the liver of rat: a histological, immunohistochemical, and biochemical study. Abstract:  The food color metanil yellow (Myl) is hazardous to several body systems. Evening primrose oil (EPO) was reported to have anti-inflammatory and anti-oxidant properties. The present work investigated the impact of Myl on the hepatic structure and function of rats and evaluated the protective effect of EPO. Forty adult male rats were divided into four groups: control, EPO (5g/kg/day), Myl (200mg/kg/day), and EPO- Myl group. Myl significantly increased liver enzymes, advanced glycation end products (AGE), oxidative stress parameters, pro-inflammatory cytokines, nuclear factor kappa B (NF-B), and inducible nitric oxide synthase (iNOS). Blood vessels in the liver were dilated and congested, with cellular infiltration around them and associated with fibrosis. The hepatocytes were vacuolated and had dark nuclei. The immunohistochemical expression of iNOS, glial fibrillary acidic protein (GFAP), and Bax was significantly elevated. Ultrastructurally, the hepatocytes showed lipid droplets, irregular condensed nuclei with widened perinuclear space, dilated rER, mitochondria with destructed cristae, and multiple vacuoles. Dilated congested blood sinusoids and collagen fiber bundles were seen between hepatocytes. Interestingly, these alterations were less pronounced in rats co-administrated with EPO and Myl. In conclusion, EPO can protect liver against the toxic effects of Myl due to its anti-inflammatory and anti-oxidant activities.

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The Grand Debunk of the antivaxxer book Turtles All the Way Down (part 2/10) Science-Based Medicine

The second installment in debunking the antivaxxer book "Turtles All the Way Down": Chapter 2, supposedly concerned with The Science of Adverse Events.

The post The Grand Debunk of the antivaxxer book Turtles All the Way Down (part 2/10) first appeared on Science-Based Medicine.


The polyunsaturated fatty acids eicosapentaenoic acid and docosahexaenoic acid, and vitamin K1 modulate the gut microbiome. GreenMedInfo

PMID:  J Diet Suppl. 2023 Apr 20:1-19. Epub 2023 Apr 20. PMID: 37078491 Abstract Title:  The Polyunsaturated Fatty Acids Eicosapentaenoic Acid and Docosahexaenoic Acid, and Vitamin KModulate the Gut Microbiome: A Study Using an In Vitro Shime Model. Abstract:  Omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs) and vitamins exert multiple beneficial effects on host health, some of which may be mediated through the gut microbiome. We investigated the prebiotic potential of eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA), docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) and lipid-soluble phylloquinone (vitamin K), each at 0.2x, 1x and 5x using the simulator of the human intestinal microbial ecosystem (SHIME) to excludesystemic effects and host-microbe interactions.Microbial community composition and, diversity [shotgun metagenomic sequencing] and microbial activity [pH, gas pressure, and production of short-chain fatty acids (SCFAs)] were measured over a period of 48h. Fermentations supernatants were used to investigate the effect on gut barrier integrity using a Caco-2/goblet cell co-culture model.We found that EPA, DHA and vitamin Kincreased alpha-diversity at 24h when compared with control. Moreover, there was an effect on beta-diversity with changes in gut microbial composition, such as an increase in the(F/B) ratio and a consistent increase inandabundances with all treatments. DHA, EPA, and vitamin Kalso modulated metabolic activity of the gut microbiome by increasing total SCFAs which was related mainly to an increase in propionate (highest with EPA and vitamin Kat 0.2x). Finally, we found that EPA and DHA increased gut barrier integrity with DHA at 1x and EPA at 5x (

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11 Tips to Cope With Watching a Loved One Die Healthy Holistic Living

The heart wrenching task of watching a loved one gradually succumb to a terminal illness or sudden accident is amongst lifes most harrowing experiences. As you confront a maelstrom of emotions and an abrupt shift from cherished memories of robust health to the stark reality of decline, it is imperative to arm yourself with practical strategies to navigate this complex process.

Prelude to Death: An Emotional Rollercoaster

Understanding the process of dying is an initial step to coping with a loved ones imminent demise. When you opt for hospice or palliative care, the painful acceptance of the inevitable confronts you there is no miracle cure in sight. Even as you grapple with these harsh realities, it is necessary to acknowledge the need for additional support during these taxing times.

As you experience this profound transformation, its helpful to familiarize yourself with the seven stages of grief that begin to manifest even before the actual passing of your loved one.

  1. Shock and Denial: This stage is characterized by a sense of disbelief and numbness as the grim news sinks in.
  2. Pain and Guilt: Emotional pain and remorse for perceived shortcomings may surface during this stage.
  3. Anger and Bargaining: Frustration, resentment, and the temptation to make a bargain with a higher power are common at this stage.
  4. Depression, Reflection, and Loneliness: As the reality sets in, this stage involves reflecting on past shared experiences and feeling a sense of overwhelming loneliness.
  5. The Upward Turn: Emotional distress begins to lessen, and life without the loved one becomes more imaginable.
  6. Reconstruction and Working Through: At this stage, the individual begins to return to normalcy and adjusts to life without the deceased.
  7. Acceptance and Hope: This final stage of grief is marked by accepting the loss and a renewed sense of hope for the future....


Prenatal vitamins during pregnancy reduce the risk of autism Skeptical Raptor

The Skeptical Raptor, stalking pseudoscience in the internet jungle.

If you are a regular reader of this blog, you know Im not exactly a fan of vitamin supplements. They are expensive and they usually dont have a beneficial effect on health, despite the claims of the supplement industry. But I always forget to mention an important exception prenatal vitamins and supplements that are Read More Prenatal vitamins during pregnancy reduce the risk of autism

Skeptical Raptor


MSG one of the largest food myths being pushed Skeptical Raptor

The Skeptical Raptor, stalking pseudoscience in the internet jungle.

There is a myth that monosodium glutamate, or MSG, is unsafe or unhealthy. It is a simple amino acid, that's all. And it's safe.

Skeptical Raptor


High fish intake rich in n-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids reduces cardiovascular disease incidence in healthy adults. GreenMedInfo

PMID:  Front Physiol. 2023 ;14:1158140. Epub 2023 Mar 28. PMID: 37057185 Abstract Title:  High fish intake rich in n-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids reduces cardiovascular disease incidence in healthy adults: The ATTICA cohort study (2002-2022). Abstract:  The long-term effects of high fish intake rich in n-3 fatty acids for deterring cardiovascular disease (CVD) and related adverse outcomes in healthy individuals have not been yet elucidated.To evaluate the association between total seafood, as well as small fish, intake on 10- and 20-year CVD incidence and mortality in healthy adults.A prospective cohort study (n = 2,020) was conducted in healthy community dwelling adults in Athens, Greece, selected following age- and sex-based random multistage sampling (meanSD age at baseline: 45.214.0 years). Seafood (high (>2 servings/week) vs. low (2 servings/week) intake), including small fish rich in n-3 fatty acids (high (>1 serving/week) vs. low (1 serving/week) intake), consumption was evaluated by semi-quantitative food frequency questionnaire at baseline. The occurrence of non-fatal and/or fatal CVD events (ICD-10) was assessed during 10- and 20-year follow-up periods.Only 32.7% and 9.6% of participants had high seafood and small fish intakes, respectively. Participants with high seafood intake had 27% decreased 10-year CVD risk (adj. HR:0.73; 95% CI:0.55-0.98) and 74% lower attributable mortality (adj. HR:0.26; 95% CI:0.11-0.58). Participants with high seafood intake also sustained a 24% lower 20-year risk of CVD mortality (adj. HR: 0.76; 95% CI: 0.55-0.98). Moreover, participants with high small fish intake had a lower 10-year CVD risk and 76% decreased risk of 10-year CVD mortality (adj. HR:0.24; 95% CI:0.06-0.99), even among normotensive individuals (adj. HR:0.31; 95% CI:0.13-0.73). When analogous analyses focused on 20-year CVD incidence and mortality, similar but not significant associations were observed (all-values>0.10).High intake of seafood, and particularly small fish rich in n-3 fatty acids, was associated with a lower risk of 10-year fatal and non-fatal CVD. Thus, public health interventions aimed at enhancing small fish consumption may most effectively deter long-term CVD outcomes, particularly among low risk normotensive individuals.

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The prospective associations of egg consumption with the risk of total cerebrovascular disease morbidity. GreenMedInfo

PMID:  Nutrients. 2023 Apr 7 ;15(8). Epub 2023 Apr 7. PMID: 37111029 Abstract Title:  The Prospective Associations of Egg Consumption with the Risk of Total Cerebrovascular Disease Morbidity among Chinese Adults. Abstract:  BACKGROUND: Studies investigating the relationship between egg consumption and the risk of cerebrovascular disease (CED) have yielded inconsistent results. This study evaluated the association between egg consumption and the risk of CED among Chinese adults.METHODS: Data were obtained from China Kadoorie Biobank, Qingdao. A computerised questionnaire was used to collect information regarding egg consumption frequency. CED events were tracked through linkage with the Disease Surveillance Point System and the new national health insurance databases. Cox proportional hazards regression analyses were used to evaluate associations between egg consumption and CED risk controlling for potential confounders.RESULTS: After a median follow-up of 9.2 years, 865 and 1083 CED events among men and women, respectively, were documented. More than 50% of participants consumed eggs daily with an average age of 52.0 (10.4) years at baseline. No association between egg consumption and CED were identified in the whole cohort and women. However, a 28% lower risk of CED was observed in those who consumed eggs at a higher frequency (HR = 0.72, 95% CI: 0.55-0.95) and a significant trend for the association (for trend = 0.012) in a multivariable model in men.CONCLUSION: Higher frequency of egg consumption was associated with a lower risk of total CED events among men but not women in Chinese adults. The beneficial effect on women warrants further investigations.

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Consumption of nutritionally enriched hen eggs enhances endothelium-dependent vasodilation. GreenMedInfo

PMID:  Nutrients. 2023 Mar 25 ;15(7). Epub 2023 Mar 25. PMID: 37049437 Abstract Title:  Consumption of Nutritionally Enriched Hen Eggs Enhances Endothelium-Dependent Vasodilation via Cyclooxygenase Metabolites in Healthy Young People-A Randomized Study. Abstract:  OBJECTIVE: The present study aimed to evaluate the effects of enriched hen egg consumption on endothelium-dependent vasodilation (EDV) and the role of cyclooxygenases in EDV in the microcirculation of young healthy individuals. This study hypothesizes that Nutri4 eggs will improve endothelial function, which will be manifested by changes in microcirculatory flow measured by a laser Doppler flowmeter (LDF) during reactive hyperemia in response to vascular occlusion, in which-3 PUFA plays an important role as well as its degradation pathway by cyclooxygenases.MATERIALS AND METHODS: Participants consumed three eggs per day for three weeks: The control group (CTRL,= 14) consumed regular hen eggs (approximately 0.330 mg of lutein, 1.785 mg of vitamin E, 0.054 mg of selenium and 438 mg of-3 PUFAs daily) and Nutri4 group (= 20) consumed enriched eggs (approximately 1.85 mg of lutein, 0.06 mg of selenium, 3.29 mg of vitamin E, and 1026 mg of-3 PUFAs daily). Skin microvascular blood flow in response to EDV (post-occlusive reactive hyperemia (PORH) and iontophoresis of acetylcholine (AChID)) and sodium nitroprusside (SNPID; endothelium-independent) was assessed by laser Doppler flowmetry before and after dietary protocol and in a separate group of participants who were administered perorally 100 mg of indomethacin before microvascular response assessment. Arterial blood pressure, heart rate, serum lipid, and liver enzymes, anthropometric measurements, protein expression of cyclooxygenase 1 (COX-1), cyclooxygenase 2 (COX-2), neuronal nitric oxide synthases (nNOS), inducible nitric oxide synthases (iNOS), and endothelial nitric oxide synthases (eNOS) were measured before and after dietary protocol.RESULTS: PORH and AChID were significantly enhanced, and SNPID remained unchanged in the Nutri4 group, while none was changed in the CTRL following a respective diet. PORH decreased after administration of indomethacin in Nutri4 after dietary protocol. Protein expression of COX-2 was significantly higher in the Nutri4 group compared to the CTRL after the dietary protocol.CONCLUSION: Consumption of enriched eggs improves microvascular EDV in healthy young subjects. Results suggest an element of-3 PUFAs metabolites via the cyclooxygenases pathway in enhanced reactive hyperemia.

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The global association between egg intake and the incidence and mortality of ischemic heart disease. GreenMedInfo

PMID:  Int J Environ Res Public Health. 2023 Feb 25 ;20(5). Epub 2023 Feb 25. PMID: 36901143 Abstract Title:  The Global Association between Egg Intake and the Incidence and Mortality of Ischemic Heart Disease-An Ecological Study. Abstract:  The relationship between egg consumption and ischemic heart disease (IHD) remains controversial as there is still no clear answer regarding the relationship, with research limited to a few geographical regions. In the current study, we conducted a longitudinal analysis of the association between egg intake and IHD incidence (IHDi) and mortality (IHDd) using 28 years of international data from 1990 to 2018. Egg intake (g/day/capita) by country was obtained from the Global Dietary Database. Age-standard IHDi and IHDd rates per 100,000 subjects in each country were obtained from the 2019 Global Burden of Disease database. The analysis included a total of 142 countries with populations of at least one million, for which all data were available from 1990 to 2018. Eggs are consumed worldwide, and regional differences in consumption are also shown. Utilizing IHDi and IHDd as objective variables and egg intake as an explanatory variable, the analysis was conducted using linear mixed models, which controlled for inter- and intra-country variation from year to year. The results showed a significant negative association between egg intake, and IHDi (-0.2530.117,

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Protective effects of omega-3 supplementation against doxorubicin-induced deleterious effects on the liver and kidneys. GreenMedInfo

PMID:  Molecules. 2023 Mar 28 ;28(7). Epub 2023 Mar 28. PMID: 37049766 Abstract Title:  Protective Effects of Omega-3 Supplementation against Doxorubicin-Induced Deleterious Effects on the Liver and Kidneys of Rats. Abstract:  Anthracycline doxorubicin (DOX) is still widely used as a chemotherapeutic drug for some solid tumors. Although DOX is highly effective, its side effects are limiting factors, such as cardio, nephro and hepatotoxicity. As such, approaches used to mitigate these adverse effects are highly encouraged. Omega 3 (-3), which is a class of long-chain polyunsaturated fatty acids, has been shown to have anti-inflammatory and antioxidant effects in preclinical bioassays. Thus, we evaluated the protective effects of-3 supplementation on hepatotoxicity and nephrotoxicity induced by multiple DOX administrations in rodents. Male Wistar rats (10 rats/group) were treated daily with-3 (400 mg/kg/day) by gavage for six weeks. Two weeks after the first-3 administration, the rats received DOX (3.5 mg/kg, intraperitoneal, 1/week) for four weeks. DOX treatment reduced body weight gain increased systemic genotoxicity and caused liver-related (increase in serum ALT levels, thickness of the Glisson's capsule, compensatory proliferation and p65 levels) and kidney-related (increase in serum urea and creatinine levels, and incidence of tubular dilatation) deleterious outcomes. In contrast,-3 supplementation was safe and abrogated the DOX-related enhancement of systemic genotoxicity, serum urea and creatinine levels. Furthermore,-3 intervention reduced by 50% the incidence of kidney histological lesions while reducing by 40-50% the p65 protein level, and the proliferative response in the liver induced by DOX. Our findings indicate that-3 intervention attenuated the DOX-induced deleterious effects in the liver and kidney. Therefore, our findings may inspire future mechanistical investigations and clinical interventions with-3 on the reported outcomes.

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Omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids in managing comorbid mood disorders in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. GreenMedInfo

PMID:  J Clin Med. 2023 Apr 2 ;12(7). Epub 2023 Apr 2. PMID: 37048736 Abstract Title:  Omega-3 Polyunsaturated Fatty Acids in Managing Comorbid Mood Disorders in Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD): A Review. Abstract:  Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) is the third-leading cause of mortality globally, significantly affecting people over 40 years old. COPD is often comorbid with mood disorders; however, they are frequently neglected or undiagnosed in COPD management, thus resulting in unintended treatment outcomes and higher mortality associated with the disease. Although the exact link between COPD and mood disorders remains to be ascertained, there is a broader opinion that inflammatory reactions in the lungs, blood, and inflammation-induced changes in the brain could orchestrate the onset of mood disorders in COPD. Although the current management of mood disorders such as depression in COPD involves using antidepressants, their use has been limited due to tolerability issues. On the other hand, as omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids (n-3 PUFAs) play a vital role in regulating inflammatory responses, they could be promising alternatives in managing mood disorders in COPD. This review discusses comorbid mood disorders in COPD as well as their influence on the progression and management of COPD. The underlying mechanisms of comorbid mood disorders in COPD will also be discussed, along with the potential role of n-3 PUFAs in managing these conditions.

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Saturated fatty acids and omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids improve metabolic parameters. GreenMedInfo

PMID:  Endocrinology. 2023 Apr 17 ;164(6). PMID: 37029960 Abstract Title:  Saturated Fatty Acids and Omega-3 Polyunsaturated Fatty Acids Improve Metabolic Parameters in Ovariectomized Female Mice. Abstract:  In menopausal and postmenopausal women, the risk for obesity, cardiovascular disease, osteoporosis, and gut dysbiosis are elevated by the depletion of 17-estradiol. A diet that is high in omega-6 polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs), particularly linoleic acid (LA), and low in saturated fatty acids (SFAs) found in coconut oil and omega-3 PUFAs may worsen symptoms of estrogen deficiency. To investigate this hypothesis, ovariectomized C57BL/6J and transgenic fat-1 mice, which lower endogenous omega-6 polyunsaturated fatty acids, were treated with either a vehicle or estradiol benzoate (EB) and fed a high-fat diet with a high or low PUFA:SFA ratio for ~15 weeks. EB treatment reversed obesity, glucose intolerance, and bone loss in ovariectomized mice. fat-1 mice fed a 1% LA diet experienced reduced weight gain and adiposity, while those fed a 22.5% LA diet exhibited increased energy expenditure and activity in EB-treated ovariectomized mice. Coconut oil SFAs and omega-3 FAs helped protect against glucose intolerance without EB treatment. Improved insulin sensitivity was observed in wild-type and fat-1 mice fed 1% LA diet with EB treatment, while fat-1 mice fed 22.5% LA diet was protected against insulin resistance without EB treatment. The production of short-chain fatty acids by gut microbial microbiota was linked to omega-3 FAs production and improved energy homeostasis. These findings suggest that a balanced dietary fatty acid profile containing SFAs and a lower ratio of omega-6:omega-3 FAs is more effective in alleviating metabolic disorders during E2 deficiency.

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Robert F Kennedy Jr denies vaccine scientific consensus but accepts climate change Skeptical Raptor

The Skeptical Raptor, stalking pseudoscience in the internet jungle.

Robert F Kennedy Jr rejects vaccine scientific consensus but accepts it for climate change. Scientific evidence supports both equally.

Skeptical Raptor


The Relationship of Omega-3 Fatty acids with dementia and Cognitive Decline GreenMedInfo

PMID:  Am J Clin Nutr. 2023 Jun ;117(6):1096-1109. Epub 2023 Apr 5. PMID: 37028557 Abstract Title:  The Relationship of Omega-3 Fatty Acids with Dementia and Cognitive Decline: Evidence from Prospective Cohort Studies of Supplementation, Dietary Intake, and Blood Markers. Abstract:  Previous data have linked omega-3 fatty acids with risk of dementia. We aimed to assess the longitudinal relationships of omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acid intake as well as blood biomarkers with risk of Alzheimer's disease (AD), dementia, or cognitive decline. Longitudinal data were derived from 1135 participants without dementia (mean age = 73 y) in the Alzheimer's Disease Neuroimaging Initiative (ADNI) cohort to evaluate the associations of omega-3 fatty acid supplementation and blood biomarkers with incident AD during the 6-y follow-up. A meta-analysis of published cohort studies was further conducted to test the longitudinal relationships of dietary intake of omega-3 and its peripheral markers with all-cause dementia or cognitive decline. Causal dose-response analyses were conducted using the robust error meta-regression model. In the ADNI cohort, long-term users of omega-3 fatty acid supplements exhibited a 64% reduced risk of AD (hazard ratio: 0.36, 95% confidence interval: 0.18, 0.72; P = 0.004). After incorporating 48 longitudinal studies involving 103,651 participants, a moderate-to-high level of evidence suggested that dietary intake of omega-3 fatty acids could lower risk of all-cause dementia or cognitive decline by20%, especially for docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) intake (relative risk [RR]: 0.82, I= 63.6%, P = 0.001) and for studies that were adjusted for apolipoprotein APOE4 status (RR: 0.83, I= 65%, P = 0.006). Each increment of 0.1 g/d of DHA or eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) intake was associated with an 8%9.9% (P

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Intermittent fasting protects against Alzheimer's disease. GreenMedInfo

PMID:  Nat Aging. 2022 Nov ;2(11):1024-1039. Epub 2022 Nov 17. PMID: 37118092 Abstract Title:  Intermittent fasting protects against Alzheimer's disease in mice by altering metabolism through remodeling of the gut microbiota. Abstract:  Alzheimer's disease (AD) is the most common form of dementia without effective clinical treatment. Here, we show that intermittent fasting (IF) improves cognitive functions and AD-like pathology in a transgenic AD mouse model (5XFAD). IF alters gut microbial composition with a significant enrichment in probiotics such as Lactobacillus. The changes in the composition of the gut microbiota affect metabolic activities and metabolite production. Metabolomic profiling analysis of cecal contents revealed IF leads to a decreased carbohydrate metabolism (for example, glucose) and an increased abundance in amino acids (for example, sarcosine and dimethylglycine). Interestingly, we found that the administration of IF-elevated sarcosine or dimethylglycine mimics the protective effects of IF in 5XFAD mice, including the amelioration of cognitive decline, amyloid-(A) burden and glial overactivation. Our findings thus demonstrate an IF regimen is a potential approach to prevent AD progression, at least through the gut-microbiota-metabolites-brain axis, and constitutes an innovative AD therapeutic avenue.

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Improvement in blood pressure after intermittent fasting in hypertension. GreenMedInfo

PMID:  Arq Bras Cardiol. 2023 Mar ;120(5):e20220756. PMID: 37098959 Abstract Title:  Improvement in Blood Pressure After Intermittent Fasting in Hipertension: Could Renin-Angiotensin System and Autonomic Nervous System Have a Role? Abstract:  BACKGROUND: Although it has been reported that the intermittent fasting (IF) diet has positive effects on heart health and improvement in blood pressure, it has not been sufficiently clarified how it could have these positive effects yet.OBJECTIVE: We aimed to evaluate the effects of IF on the autonomic nervous system (ANS) and renin-angiotensin system (RAS), which are closely related to blood pressure.METHODS: Seventy-two hypertensive patients were included in the study, and the data of 58 patients were used. All the participants fasted for about 15-16 hours for 30 days. Participants were evaluated with 24-hour ambulatory blood pressure monitoring and Holter electrocardiography before and after IF; also, 5 ml venous blood samples were taken for assessment of Serum angiotensin I (Ang-I) and angiotensin II (Ang-II) levels and angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) activity. For data analysis, the p-value

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Effects of intermittent fasting on cognitive health and Alzheimer's disease. GreenMedInfo

PMID:  Nutr Rev. 2023 Apr 12. Epub 2023 Apr 12. PMID: 37043764 Abstract Title:  Effects of intermittent fasting on cognitive health and Alzheimer's disease. Abstract:  OBJECTIVE: Caloric restriction by intermittent fasting produces several metabolic changes, such as increased insulin sensitivity and use of ketone bodies as energy sources. In humans, intermittent fasting has been studied in hypertension, diabetes, and related conditions, but, to date, not as a strategy to reduce the risk of emergent dementia. In this scoping review, the relevance of intermittent fasting as a potential preventive intervention for Alzheimer's dementia is explored.BACKGROUND: The beneficial effects of calorie restriction have been documented in animals and humans. Decreased oxidative stress damage and attenuated inflammatory responses are associated with intermittent fasting. These changes have a favorable impact on the vascular endothelium and stress-induced cellular adaptation.RESULTS: Physiological alterations associated with fasting have profound implications for pathological mechanisms associated with dementias, particularly Alzheimer's disease. Compared with ad libitum feeding, caloric restriction in animals was associated with a reduction in-amyloid accumulation, which is the cardinal pathological marker of Alzheimer's disease. Animal studies have demonstrated synaptic adaptations in the hippocampus and enhanced cognitive function after fasting, consistent with these theoretical frameworks. Furthermore, vascular dysfunction plays a crucial role in Alzheimer's disease pathology, and intermittent fasting promotes vascular health.CONCLUSIONS: These observations lead to a hypothesis that intermittent fasting over the years will potentially reverse or delay the pathological process in Alzheimer's disease.

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The value of intermittent fasting and low carbohydrate diet in prediabetic patients for the prevention of cardiovascular diseases. GreenMedInfo

PMID:  Arq Bras Cardiol. 2023 ;120(4):e20220606. Epub 2023 Apr 7. PMID: 37042857 Abstract Title:  The Value of Intermittent Fasting and Low Carbohydrate Diet in Prediabetic Patients for the Prevention of Cardiovascular Diseases. Abstract:  BACKGROUND: Prediabetic patients are at increased risk for cardiovascular diseases and the development of microvascular and macrovascular complications. Intermittent fasting (IF) and low-carbohydrate diet (LCD) are promising dietary plans.OBJECTIVES: Our aims to analyze the benefits of IF combined with LCD on microvascular and macrovascular outcomes in prediabetic patients.METHODS: The study included 485 prediabetic patients with no history of cardiovascular diseases divided into group I: (n = 240 patients) who underwent IF (16 h IF 3-4 days per week) combined with LCD (

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Intermittent fasting modulates the intestinal microbiota and improves obesity and host energy metabolism. GreenMedInfo

PMID:  NPJ Biofilms Microbiomes. 2023 Apr 7 ;9(1):19. Epub 2023 Apr 7. PMID: 37029135 Abstract Title:  Intermittent fasting modulates the intestinal microbiota and improves obesity and host energy metabolism. Abstract:  Intermittent fasting (IF) is a promising paradigm for weight loss which has been shown to modulate the gut microbiota based on 16S rRNA gene amplicon sequencing. Here, 72 Chinese volunteers with a wide range of body mass index (BMI) participated in a three-week IF program during which an average loss of 3.67kg body weight accompanied with improved clinical parameters was observed irrespective of initial anthropometric and gut microbiota status. Fecal samples were collected before and after the intervention and subjected to shotgun metagenomic sequencing. De novo assembly yielded 2934 metagenome-assembled genomes (MAGs). Profiling revealed significant enrichment of Parabacteroides distasonis and Bacteroides thetaiotaomicron after the intervention, with inverse correlations between their relative abundances and parameters related to obesity and atherosclerotic cardiovascular diseases (ASCVD). MAGs enriched after the intervention showed high richness and diversity of carbohydrate-active enzymes, with an increased relative abundances of genes related to succinate production and glutamate fermentation.

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Long-term intermittent fasting improves neurological function by promoting angiogenesis after cerebral ischemia. GreenMedInfo

PMID:  PLoS One. 2023 ;18(3):e0282338. Epub 2023 Mar 30. PMID: 36996042 Abstract Title:  Long-term intermittent fasting improves neurological function by promoting angiogenesis after cerebral ischemia via growth differentiation factor 11 signaling activation. Abstract:  Intermittent fasting (IF), an alternative to caloric restriction, is a form of time restricted eating. IF conditioning has been suggested to have neuroprotective effects and potential long-term brain health benefits. But the mechanism underlying remains unclear. The present study focused on the cerebral angiogenesis effect of IF on ischemic rats. Using a rat middle cerebral artery occlusion model, we assessed neurological outcomes and various vascular parameters such as microvessel density (MVD), regional cerebral blood flow (rCBF), proliferation of endothelial cells (ECs), and functional vessels in the peri-infarct area. IF conditioning ameliorated the modified neurological severity score and adhesive removal test, increased MVD, and activated growth differentiation factor 11 (GDF11)/activin-like kinase 5 (ALK5) pathways in a time-dependent manner. In addition, long-term IF conditioning stimulated proliferation of ECs, promoted rCBF, and upregulated the total vessel surface area as well as the number of microvessel branch points through GDF11/ALK5 pathways. These data suggest that long-term IF conditioning improves neurological outcomes after cerebral ischemia, and that this positive effect is mediated partly by angiogenesis in the peri-infarct area and improvement of functional perfusion microvessels in part by activating the GDF11/ALK5 signaling pathway.

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Impact of intermittent fasting on the gut microbiota. GreenMedInfo

PMID:  Adv Biol (Weinh). 2023 Mar 22:e2200337. Epub 2023 Mar 22. PMID: 36950759 Abstract Title:  Impact of Intermittent Fasting on the Gut Microbiota: A Systematic Review. Abstract:  Obesity often results in severe negative health consequences and represents a growing issue for global health. Reducing food intake is a crucial factor for weight loss. Intermittent fasting is a relatively new intervention that contributes to weight reduction. Considering the intimate relationship between obesity and inflammatory pathologies with gut microbiota alterations, a systematic review of the literature was herein conducted to elucidate the relationship between time-restricted food intake and gut microbiota diversity in humans. Searches are carried out in three databases (PubMed, MedLine/OVID, and Academic Search Complete) between April 2019 and April 2022. Nine studies (all with longitudinal design) were identified as eligible by presenting data about the impact of intermittent fasting schemes on gut microbiota. At the phylum level, Firmicutes and Bacteroidetes increase throughout follow-ups, while 16 bacteria genera change their abundance in response to intermittent fasting. Finally, some genera associated with clinical predictors such as weight change, abdominal circumference, and metabolic variables were reported. Changes induced by fasting schemes positively impact the diversity and abundance of gut microbiota and the biomarkers described here. However, the changes previously reported have been studied in short periods and some return to their basal state after fasting intervention.

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This Controversial Root Improves Sex & Thyroid Hormones For Women While Influencing Serotonin (Happy Brain Chemistry Hormone) Levels Healthy Holistic Living

Ancient herbal practices, especially Ayurveda, have been deploying natural remedies for centuries to help with various health conditions. One such notable herb is Ashwagandha (Withania somnifera), often known as Indian ginseng or winter cherry.

Born from the rich soil of India, this root has seen increasing scientific interest due to its promising influence on sex hormones, serotonin levels, and thyroid function. This comprehensive guide delves into the plethora of health benefits offered by Ashwagandha, supported by scientific studies, historical facts, and intriguing statistics.

Ashwagandha: An Overview

Ashwagandha, with its rich history rooted in Ayurvedic medicine, is an adaptogenic herb that can help the body adapt to various stressors, both physical and emotional. Owing to its holistic impact on well-being, it has gained significant attention worldwide, with around 1.5 million people in the United States using it in 2018 source. This number is continuously rising, signifying the potential benefits of Ashwagandha.

Enhancing Sex Hormones

Ashwagandha has a profound influence on sexual function, offering a variety of benefits for both men and women.

In Women

  • Boosting Libido: Studies show that Ashwagandha enhances womens sexual desire, potentially due to its adaptogenic properties that help manage stress.
  • Enhancing Performance: Regular supplementation has been found to improve sexual satisfaction, arousal, and lubrication, making for an improved overall sexual experience source.

In Men

  • Increasing Testosterone: Ashwagandha can boost testosterone levels, thereby enhancing sexual desire, performance, and fertility source.
  • Improving Sperm Quality: It has also been found to enhance sperm count, motility, and morphology, promoting a healthier reproductive system.

By regulating sex hormones, Ashwagandha can potentially foster a harmonious sexual relationship, enhancing the overall quality of life.

Optimizing Thyroid Function

The thyroid, a small gland in the neck, plays a vital role in regulating the bodys metabolism and energy levels. Any imbalance in its functioning can cause various health issues. Luckily, Ashwagandha has shown promising results in improving thyroid function.

  • Balancing Hormone Levels: Ashwagandha supplementation can normalize TSH (thyroid-stimulating hormone) levels, contributing to improved thyroid health source.
  • Promoting Overall Vitality: By exerting a balancing effect, Ashwa...


Harnessing the Healing Power of Smart Stem Cells Derived From Human Fat Healthy Holistic Living

Recent research has uncovered a new type of smart stem cell known as Induced Multipotent Stem Cells (iMS), marking a significant step forward in the field of regenerative medicine. These iMS cells, derived from readily accessible human fat cells, have shown an impressive ability to adapt and transform in animal studies, thus demonstrating their potential for tissue repair1.

John Pimanda, a professor at UNSW Medicine & Health, explains that iMS cells are unique in their ability to respond to their environment. The idea that stem cells can respond and adapt to their surroundings to repair various types of damaged tissue is novel, and could lead to a paradigm shift in stem cell research and treatment strategies1.


The Generation of Smart Stem Cells

Scientists created iMS cells by exposing human fat cells to a compound mixture, which triggered a process that resulted in the cells losing their original identity and behaving like smart stem cells. Interestingly, these reprogrammed cells remained dormant when injected into mice, until an injury occurred. Following an injury, the cells adapted and transformed into the required tissue for repair.

iMS Cells: Adaptive Chameleons of Regenerative Medicine

Heres how these iMS cells are transformative in the field of regenerative medicine:

  • Responsive to Surroundings: iMS cells behave like chameleons, responding to local cues and seamlessly blending into the tissue that needs healing.
  • Unprecedented Abilities: Unlike other stem cell technologies, iMS cells arent limited in their regenerative abilities and do not carry risks such as tumor development.
  • Patient-specific: Since iMS cells are derived from the patients own tissue, they significantly reduce the risk of rejection.
  • Wide Adaptation: iMS cells derived from adult tissue have shown the ability to adapt to a wide range of tissue types in mice, making them a kind of smart stem cell....


Why Did People Look Older In The Past? Healthy Holistic Living

You might have been perplexed while going through an old family photo album or watching classic television shows, finding yourself questioning why the seemingly young people in the past look much older than their actual ages. Is it just your perspective, or does it have a basis in reality? Intriguingly, according to a video from Vsauce, there is some validity to this notion. While part of this perception can be attributed to associating older looks with being aged, numerous factors like standards of living, healthcare advancements, and lifestyle choices also play substantial roles in how we perceive the age of people from the past.

Aging Across Decades:

Life in the past was notably different from how we live today, especially concerning standards of living and healthcare facilities. Higher living standards and better healthcare provision naturally affect the rate of aging. For instance, a person working in a contemporary, comfortable office environment is likely to age slower than a Victorian chimney sweep indulging in a daily smoking habit. Remarkably, even over a relatively short span, such as a few decades, these changes are noticeably reflected in aging patterns.

A Look at the Studies:

A comprehensive study conducted in 2018 investigated the relationship between biological aging and chronological age between 1988 and 2010. Biological age, determined by indicators such as blood pressure and lung functionality, was compared across the years. The study revealed considerable differences in aging over this short period, with newer generations appearing biologically younger than their predecessors.

The research noted, Over the past 20 years, the biological age of the U.S. population seems to have decreased for males and females across the age range. However, the degree of change has not been the same for men and women or by age. The study outlined that:

  • Young males experienced more significant improvements than young females, possibly contributing to a reduction in early adult mortality and subsequently narrowing the gender mortality gap.
  • Improvements were larger for older adults than for younger ones.
  • Lifestyle factors like smoking significantly influenced these outcomes. The gap between men and womens biological ages diminished as male smoking rates declined and female rates increased.
  • Medication use also led to health improvements.

However, these factors couldnt fully explain t...

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Sunday, 16 July


Berberine is a potential alternative for metformin with good regulatory effect on lipids in treating metabolic diseases. GreenMedInfo

PMID:  Biomed Pharmacother. 2023 Jul ;163:114754. Epub 2023 Apr 23. PMID: 37094549 Abstract Title:  Berberine is a potential alternative for metformin with good regulatory effect on lipids in treating metabolic diseases. Abstract:  Metformin (MTF) and berberine (BBR) share several therapeutic benefits in treating metabolic-related disorders. However, as the two agents have very different chemical structure and bioavailability in oral route, the goal of this study is to learn their characteristics in treating metabolic disorders. The therapeutic efficacy of BBR and MTF was systemically investigated in the high fat diet feeding hamsters and/or ApoEmice; in parallel, gut microbiota related mechanisms were studied for both agents. We discovered that, although both two drugs had almost identical effects on reducing fatty liver, inflammation and atherosclerosis, BBR appeared to be superior over MTF in alleviating hyperlipidemia and obesity, but MTF was more effective than BBR for the control of blood glucose. Association analysis revealed that the modulation of intestinal microenvironment played a crucial role in the pharmacodynamics of both drugs, in which their respective superiority on the regulation of gut microbiota composition and intestinal bile acids might contribute to their own merits on lowering glucose or lipids. This study shows that BBR may be a good alternative for MTF in treating diabetic patients, especially for those complicated with dyslipidemia and obesity.

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Berberine is a potential therapeutic agent for sepsis. GreenMedInfo

PMID:  Drug Des Devel Ther. 2023 ;17:1139-1151. Epub 2023 Apr 13. PMID: 37077411 Abstract Title:  Berberine Alleviates Acute Lung Injury in Septic Mice by Modulating Treg/Th17 Homeostasis and Downregulating NF-B Signaling. Abstract:  PURPOSE: A common complication of sepsis is acute lung injury (ALI), which is associated with an acute onset, rapid disease changes, and high mortality. Regulatory T (Treg) and T helper 17 (Th17) cells comprise CD4T cell subsets, which strongly influence inflammation during ALI. In this study, we investigated the effect of berberine (BBR), an antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, and immunomodulatory drug, on the inflammatory response and immune state in mice with sepsis.METHODS: A mouse model of cecal ligation and puncture (CLP) was established. The mice were intragastrically administered 50 mg/kg BBR. We used histological techniques to evaluate inflammatory tissue injury and flow cytometry for analyzing Treg/Th17 levels. We also assessed NF-B signaling pathways by Western blotting assays and immunofluorescence staining. Enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) was performed to measure the content of cytokines.RESULTS: Treatment with BBR considerably mitigated lung injury while improving survival, post-cecal ligation, and puncture (CLP). Treatment with BBR ameliorated pulmonary edema and hypoxemia in septic mice and inhibited the NF-B signaling pathway. BBR also increased Treg cells and decreased Th17 proportions in the spleen and lung tissue of CLP-treated mice. Blocking Treg cells weakened the protective effect of BBR on sepsis-associated lung injury.CONCLUSION: Overall, these results suggested that BBR is a potential therapeutic agent for sepsis.

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Long-term use of Lacticaseibacillus paracasei N1115 from early life alleviates high-fat-diet-induced obesity and dysmetabolism in mice. GreenMedInfo

PMID:  Benef Microbes. 2022 Nov 16 ;13(5):407-416. Epub 2022 Oct 14. PMID: 36239668 Abstract Title:  Long-term use ofN1115 from early life alleviates high-fat-diet-induced obesity and dysmetabolism in mice. Abstract:  Obesity has become one of the most serious public health problems worldwide, and an increasing number of studies indicate that the gut microbiota can affect host metabolism. Therefore, the present study was conducted to evaluate whether long-term use of probiotics can alleviate host obesity and metabolism by altering gut microbiota. The high-fat diet (HFD) starting from weaned period led to higher levels of visceral fat and a significantly heavier liver in male mice. Moreover, HFD resulted in disorders of glucose and lipid metabolism, changes in insulin-resistance indices (IR), and an increase in serum insulin and leptin in mice. Of note, 15 weeks use ofN1115 decreased visceral fat, liver weight, serum levels of insulin and leptin, and IR and alleviated lipid dysmetabolism. HFD resulted in a significant increase in the relative abundance of,, andand may decrease the faecal short-chain fatty acid (SCFA) levels in mice; in turn, treatment with the potential probiotic strainN1115 protected mice from these negative effects. HFD significant impaired the physiology of the host especially in male mice and dramatically changed the composition of host gut microbiota. However, the use of potential probiotic strain, such asN1115, may prevent these impairments due to HFD via effecting the host gut microbiota and SCFA.

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Lactobacillus paracasei IMC 502 ameliorates type 2 diabetes. GreenMedInfo

PMID:  J Sci Food Agric. 2023 Apr ;103(6):2949-2959. Epub 2022 Nov 1. PMID: 36221226 Abstract Title:  Lactobacillus paracasei IMC 502 ameliorates type 2 diabetes by mediating gut microbiota-SCFA-hormone/inflammation pathway in mice. Abstract:  BACKGROUND: Type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) is a complex and prevalent metabolic disease that seriously threatens human health. Numerous studies have shown that probiotics as dietary supplements have the potential to prevent and treat T2DM. However, the ability of various strains to improve diabetes symptoms and corresponding mechanisms are different. Thus, mechanistic investigation is required to validate the pharmacology of each probiotic strain for T2DM treatment. Lactobacillus paracasei IMC 502 was originally isolated from Italian elderly human feces and its probiotic attributes have been demonstrated. Here, the antidiabetic pharmacodynamics of L. paracasei IMC 502 on T2DM mice was explored.RESULTS: Lactobacillus paracasei IMC 502 significantly decreased blood glucose, HbA1c and lipid levels, improved insulin resistance and glucose intolerance, regulated the mRNA/protein expression of key hepatic enzymes associated with gluconeogenesis, de novo lipogenesis and PI3K/Akt pathway, and repaired pancreatic and hepatic tissue damage. This probiotic conferred beneficial outcomes in the gut microbiome of diabetic mice, which induced transformation of short-chain fatty acids (SCFAs) and further enhanced the secretion of downstream hormones, and ultimately ameliorated the inflammatory response.CONCLUSION: Lactobacillus paracasei IMC 502 prevents and alleviates T2DM by mediating the gut microbiota-SCFA-hormone/inflammation pathway.2022 Society of Chemical Industry.

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Fermented vegetables and legumes vs. lifestyle diseases: microbiota and more. GreenMedInfo

PMID:  Life (Basel). 2023 Apr 19 ;13(4). Epub 2023 Apr 19. PMID: 37109573 Abstract Title:  Fermented Vegetables and Legumes vs. Lifestyle Diseases: Microbiota and More. Abstract:  Silages may be preventive against lifestyle diseases, including obesity, diabetes mellitus, or metabolic syndrome. Fermented vegetables and legumes are characterized by pleiotropic health effects, such as probiotic or antioxidant potential. That is mainly due to the fermentation process. Despite the low viability of microorganisms in the gastrointestinal tract, their probiotic potential was confirmed. The modification of microbiota diversity caused by these food products has numerous implications. Most of them are connected to changes in the production of metabolites by bacteria, such as butyrate. Moreover, intake of fermented vegetables and legumes influences epigenetic changes, which lead to inhibition of lipogenesis and decreased appetite. Lifestyle diseases' feature is increased inflammation; thus, foods with high antioxidant potential are recommended. Silages are characterized by having a higher bioavailable antioxidants content than fresh samples. That is due to fermentative microorganisms that produce the enzyme-glucosidase, which releases these compounds from conjugated bonds with antinutrients. However, fermented vegetables and legumes are rich in salt or salt substitutes, such as potassium chloride. However, until today, silages intake has not been connected to the prevalence of hypertension or kidney failure.

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Beat Fatigue and Heal Your Body Through Optimum Hydration Articles

Editor's Note: This article is a reprint. It was originally published August 26, 2018.

Dr. Dana Cohen has been an internist (a doctor of internal medicine) for the past 20 years, with a focus on integrative or functional medicine. She had the distinction of working with low-carb pioneer Dr. Robert Atkins right out of residency, which completely changed her way of thinking about medicine.

In this interview, we discuss the importance of hydration, the topic of her book, "Quench: Beat Fatigue, Drop Weight, and Heal Your Body Through the New Science of Optimum Hydration."

"I have been searching for my book for 20 years," she says. "My coauthor, Gina Bria, came in to see me one day. She started the Hydration Foundation. She's a cultural anthropologist. She did her research on how desert communities hydrate. They certainly don't drink eight glasses of water a day!

She blew my mind. She started to tell me about the work [professor of bioengineering] Gerald Pollack was doing on the fourth phase of water and how desert communities hydrate. They hydrate via gel. Even desert plants, that's how they hydrate.

We had so much in common. Her mother was in a nursing home, suffering from dehydration. My mother was in a nursing home with Alzheimer's. I looked at her and said, 'Do you want to write this book?'

I know, as a clinician, this is something that all of my patients can benefit from from my athletes to my really sick patients. I think it affects everybody. We're not talking about overdehydration, where you need intravenous fluids.

We're talking about this low-grade, subclinical dehydration that affects almost all of us at some point, almost every day. That was three and a half years ago. We dove into the research and came up with 'Quench.'"

The Importance of Structured Water

A key component of proper hydration is getting the water into the cell. This is an area where understanding Pollack's fourth phase of water becomes key. We've always known water exists as liquid, ice and vapor. But there's also a gel phase, known as structured water. A more technical term is exclusion zone (EZ) water. This is the kind of water found inside your body's cells.

"It also happens to be the phase of water that's in plants and found in nature," Cohen says. By getting more of this gel-like water into your body, you're able to hydrate better overall. In this gel phase, water also holds energy, l...

Launch of a New Doorway to Freedom Articles

In this video, I interview repeat guest Dr. Meryl Nass, who has a monthly podcast with journalist James Corbett on Children's Health Defense (CHD) TV. Their show is focused on the implementation of the World Health Organizations efforts to install global tyranny with respect to health and global governance.

The implications for public health are enormous and extremely troubling. The WHO is basically laying the foundation to take control over all aspects of everyones lives, across the world, under the auspice of biosecurity.

In this interview, Nass explains how the WHO is being set up as a central governing body for the world, and what we can do to stop it. She also details the price shes paid for taking a stand against the false COVID narrative and offering early treatment.

Sacrificial Lamb

Nass was one of the doctors who, during the COVID pandemic, offered patients early treatment in Maine and Maryland. As a result, her medical license was suspended and the medical board forced her to undergo psychiatric evaluation. Apparently, in the present era, doctors who think saving lives is more important than following unscientific medical advice created by bureaucrats is considered insanity. She comments:

This whole pandemic, and the takeover of the world by elites, (global cabal) has been orchestrated primarily through fear, and one thing that's necessary is to make doctors cooperate. To do that, the best way is to scare them, and the best way to scare them is to threaten their medical licenses ...

In July and August of 2021, there were national news reports of several doctors who were prescribing ivermectin and [who] were being investigated, but none of them actually lost their licenses.

Apparently, this was not enough to stop doctors from prescribing ivermectin, and in states where it was allowed, hydroxychloroquine. These are both licensed drugs and the federal government had no legal authority to take them off the menu.

Licensed doctors could prescribe licensed drugs, as could nurse practitioners, PAs [physicians assistants], et cetera. Neither one had a black box warning, neither one was a controlled substance. They were both safe, and they both had been used for a number of decades.

So, instead, it had to be done through the states because states regulate medical practice in the U.S., and pharmacy practice so, about 30 states issu...

Strategies to Optimize Mitochondrial Health in Long COVID Articles

The video above features a recent lecture I gave to the American College for Advancement in Medicine (ACAM) on how to optimize your mitochondrial health and function.

Mitochondrial dysfunction is at the root of most all chronic diseases, and it also plays a crucial role in conditions such as long COVID, which is becoming quite common. Its also a root factor that must be addressed in COVID jab injuries, regardless of symptoms or severity.

Features of the post-jab injuries we see point to severe mitochondrial dysfunction, which in turn causes energy failure. The same goes for long COVID in people who struggle with unrelenting fatigue and other symptoms for months after theyve recovered from COVID-19 infection.

If you can improve your mitochondrial function and restore energy supply to your cells, youre going to massively increase your odds of reversing the problems caused by the jab or the virus.

US Life Expectancy Falls in Historic Decline

Allopathic medicine has been a leading cause of death in the U.S. for over two decades. In 1998, researchers concluded that properly prescribed and correctly taken pharmaceutical drugs were the fourth leading cause of death in the U.S.

Two years later, in 2000, Dr. Barbara Starfield published her groundbreaking paper, "Is US Health Really the Best in the World?"1 in which she provided data showing that medical errors by doctors were the third leading cause of death. Little has changed since then.

In 2016, Johns Hopkins patient safety experts calculated that more than 250,000 patients died each year from medical errors, again pegging it as the third leading cause of death.2

In July 2022, the National Institutes of Health concluded the annual death toll from medical errors could be as high as 440,000 and possibly even more because of lack of reporting making it, still, the third leading cause of death.3

In future years, I believe the medical intervention sold as "COVID vaccines" will prove to be the No. 1 killer of Americans, and were already seeing that trend. Something extraordinarily odd happened in 2020 and 2021, something that shaved nearly three years off the life expectancy in the U.S.4

Even a tenth or two-tenths of a year mean decline in life expectancy on a population level is a big deal, as it means a lot more people are dying prematurely than they really should be. A three-year drop is simply unheard of.

While media blame thi...


A high intake of fruit and vegetables combined, and total fruit was associated with reduced risk of hypertension. GreenMedInfo

PMID:  Eur J Nutr. 2023 Apr 27. Epub 2023 Apr 27. PMID: 37106252 Abstract Title:  Fruit and vegetable consumption and the risk of hypertension: a systematic review and meta-analysis of prospective studies. Abstract:  PURPOSE: A high fruit and vegetable intake has been associated with reduced risk of hypertension; however, results have been inconsistent and it is unclear whether specific types of fruits and vegetables are particularly beneficial. This systematic review and meta-analysis aimed to summarize the published prospective studies on fruit and vegetable consumption and risk of hypertension.METHODS: Embase and PubMed databases were searched for relevant prospective studies up to 15th May 2022. Random effects models were used to calculate summary relative risks (RRs) and 95% confidence intervals (CIs) for the association between fruit and vegetable intake and risk of hypertension. Strength of evidence was assessed using World Cancer Research Fund (WCRF) criteria.RESULTS: Eighteen prospective studies (451 291 participants, 145 492 cases) were included. The summary RR (95% CI) of hypertension per 200 g/day was 0.97 (0.95-0.99, I=68%, n=8) for fruits and vegetables, 0.93 (0.89-0.98, I=77%, n=10) for fruits, and 1.00 (0.98-1.02, I=38%, n=10) for vegetables. Reductions in risk were observed up to 800 g/day for fruits and vegetables, and 550 g/day for fruits, and these two associations were considered probably causal using WCRF criteria. Inverse associations were observed for apples or pears, blueberries, raisins or grapes, avocado, broccoli, carrots and lettuce, while positive associations were observed for cantaloupe, Brussels sprouts, cruciferous vegetables, and total and fried potatoes (n=2-5).CONCLUSION: A high intake of fruit and vegetables combined, and total fruit was associated with reduced risk of hypertension, while results for fruit and vegetable subtypes were mixed and need further study.

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Effects of dragon fruit oligosaccharides on immunity, gut microbiome, and their metabolites in healthy adults. GreenMedInfo

PMID:  Food Res Int. 2023 May ;167:112657. Epub 2023 Mar 1. PMID: 37087207 Abstract Title:  Effects of dragon fruit oligosaccharides on immunity, gut microbiome, and their metabolites in healthy adults - A randomized double-blind placebo controlled study. Abstract:  Healthy food has wide popularity and relates positively to health. Our previous studies have shown that dragon fruit oligosaccharides (DFO) have prebiotic activities, balancing the gut microbiota in a simulated human colon system, and are safe and stimulate the immune system in rats. The effects of DFO on immune stimulation gut microbe modulation and the correlation of gut microbiota and nutrients were investigated in a human trial. This clinical study was a randomized, double-blinded, placebo-controlled trial. The participants were 107 healthy adults, divided into 3 groups that received DFO in drinking waterdoses of 4 and 8 g/day, compared to the placebo group for 4 consecutive weeks. DFO consumption at 4 g/day increased IgA level (11.31 mg/dL or 10.95% from baseline) and 8 g/day outstandingly promoted the growth of Bifidobacterium spp. (8.41%) and Faecalibacterium (1.99%) and decreased harmful bacteria, especially, Escherichia coli (8.44%). The relationship between gut microbes and nutrient intake was explored and significant (p 

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Whale Vomit Age of Autism The Rebel Alliance!


By Cathy Jameson

My husband and I have had a running joke for years.  Anytime I suggest he use a natural remedy, like homeopathic drops or an essential oil for an ache or a pain, he says, "No thanks.  I'll pass.  I don't need any whale vomit."  I reply, "Fine.  More for me."  

Then we laugh and laugh.

Whale vomit.  Im not sure when we started saying that since its something weve never used.  I dont think its something people actually use anyway.  I do remember, though, when I started to hear more about using natural products for ailments.  That was many years ago while scouring Yahoo! message boards.  I remember being inspired by other parents who used natural products to help their children detox.  I wanted to have a success story for my son, too, so I eagerly kept reading their stories.  Back then, we didnt know why my sons behavior, demeanor and health took a turn for the worse.  Before going down the medical route, I resorted to trying something simple.  First, I made changes to his diet.  Then, I opted to use some supplements that another parent suggested.  The first ones I remember ordering were digestive enzymes.  After seeing a pretty quick response, I thought Id read more to see if other ones could help. 

From basic over-the-counter ones, like vitamin D3 to ones that have to be special ordered, supplements remain part of life here. 

Over the years, protocols have changed.  We rotate through some things faster than others.  Other bottles stay in the supplement basket on the kitchen counter unopened for weeks, sometimes months, at a time.  Lately, Ive been focused on alleviating my sons constipation that returned.  When that happens, we look at several factors, like what hes eating and how hydrated he is (or isnt).   Some days, when it becomes apparent that we need to encourage some movement, its back to basics prune juice, senna, and a stool softener.  Fortunately, as things soon begin to get moving for him again, life goes a bit back to normal.  I was glad for that, especially last week.  Around the same time as things settled down for Ronan, I found that I needed to take care of something myself. 

Ive felt some discomfort in my shoulder that hasnt gotten any better with basic homeopathic treatment....


Geoengineering Watch Global Alert News, July 15, 2023, #414 Geoengineering Watch

Dane Wigington Record deluge, record heat and record drought catastrophes are causing chaos and devastation from the US to China, Brazil, Australia and everywhere in between. We are still officially told that global climate engineering operations are only a dangerous proposal though those that take the time to look up are finally beginning to ask questions. From farms to


Effects of kiwi fruit polysaccharides on metabolites and gut microbiota of acrylamide-induced mice. GreenMedInfo

PMID:  Front Nutr. 2023 ;10:1080825. Epub 2023 Feb 6. PMID: 36814509 Abstract Title:  Effects of kiwi fruit () polysaccharides on metabolites and gut microbiota of acrylamide-induced mice. Abstract:  INTRODUCTION: Kiwifruit () has rich nutritious and medicinal properties. It is widely consumed worldwide for the intervention of metabolism disorders, however, the underlying mechanism remains unclear. Acrylamide, a well-known toxic ingredient, mainly forms in high-temperature processed carbohydrate-rich food and causes disorders of gut microbiota and systemic metabolism.METHODS: This study explored the protective effects and underlying mechanisms of kiwifruit polysaccharides against acrylamide-induced disorders of gut microbiota and systemic metabolism by measuring the changes of gut microbiota and serum metabolites in mice.RESULTS: The results showed that kiwifruit polysaccharides remarkably alleviated acrylamide-induced toxicity in mice by improving their body features, histopathologic morphology of the liver, and decreased activities of liver function enzymes. Furthermore, the treatment restored the healthy gut microbiota of mice by improving the microbial diversity and abundance of beneficial bacteria such as. Metabolomics analysis revealed the positive effects of kiwifruit polysaccharides mainly occurred through amino and bile acid-related metabolism pathways including nicotinate and nicotinamide metabolism, primary bile acid biosynthesis, and alanine, aspartate and glutamate metabolism. Additionally, correlation analysis indicated thatexhibited a highly significant correlation with critical metabolites of bile acid metabolism.DISCUSSION: Concisely, kiwifruit polysaccharides may protect against acrylamide-induced toxicity by regulating gut microbiota and metabolism.

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Association of oral or intravenous vitamin C supplementation with mortality. GreenMedInfo

PMID:  Nutrients. 2023 Apr 12 ;15(8). Epub 2023 Apr 12. PMID: 37111066 Abstract Title:  Association of Oral or Intravenous Vitamin C Supplementation with Mortality: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis. Abstract:  Mortality is the most clinically serious outcome, and its prevention remains a constant struggle. This study was to assess whether intravenous or oral vitamin C (Vit-C) therapy is related to reduced mortality in adults. Data from Medline, Embase, and the Cochrane Central Register databases were acquired from their inception to 26 October 2022. All randomized controlled trials (RCTs) involving intravenous or oral Vit-C against a placebo or no therapy for mortality were selected. The primary outcome was all-cause mortality. Secondary outcomes were sepsis, COVID-19, cardiac surgery, noncardiac surgery, cancer, and other mortalities. Forty-four trials with 26540 participants were selected. Although a substantial statistical difference was observed in all-cause mortality between the control and the Vit-C-supplemented groups (= 0.009, RR 0.87, 95% CI 0.78 to 0.97, I= 36%), the result was not validated by sequential trial analysis. In the subgroup analysis, mortality was markedly reduced in Vit-C trials with the sepsis patients (= 0.005, RR 0.74, 95% CI 0.59 to 0.91, I= 47%), and this result was confirmed by trial sequential analysis. In addition, a substantial statistical difference was revealed in COVID-19 patient mortality between the Vit-C monotherapy and the control groups (= 0.03, RR 0.84, 95% CI 0.72 to 0.98, I= 0%). However, the trial sequential analysis suggested the need for more trials to confirm its efficacy. Overall, Vit-C monotherapy does decrease the risk of death by sepsis by 26%. To confirm Vit-C is associated with reduced COVID-19 mortality, additional clinical random control trials are required.

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The flavonoid fisetin ameliorates renal fibrosis. GreenMedInfo

PMID:  Kidney Res Clin Pract. 2023 May ;42(3):325-339. Epub 2023 Mar 22. PMID: 37098680 Abstract Title:  The flavonoid fisetin ameliorates renal fibrosis by inhibiting SMAD3 phosphorylation, oxidative damage, and inflammation in ureteral obstructed kidney in mice. Abstract:  BACKGROUND: Renal fibrosis is characterized by the accumulation of extracellular matrix and inflammatory cells and kidney dysfunction, which is a major pathway in the progression of chronic kidney disease (CKD). Accumulating evidence indicates that oxidative stress plays a critical role in the initiation and progression of CKD via proinflammatory and profibrotic signaling pathways. Fisetin (3,3',4',7-tetrahydroxyflavone) has biological activities including antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, and anti-aging effects. Therefore, we evaluated the antifibrotic effects of fisetin on unilateral ureteral obstruction (UUO)-induced kidneys.METHODS: C57BL/6 female mice were subjected to right UUO and intraperitoneally injected every other day with fisetin (25 mg/kg/ day) or vehicle from 1 hour before surgery to 7 days after surgery. Kidney samples were analyzed for renal fibrosis (-smooth muscle actin [-SMA] expression, collagen deposition, and transforming growth factor [TGF]1/SMAD3 signaling pathway), oxidative damage (4-HNE and 8-OHdG expression), inflammation (proinflammatory cytokine/chemokine, macrophage, and neutrophil infiltration), and apoptosis (TUNEL staining). Cultured human proximal tubule cells were treated with fisetin before TGF-to confirm the TGF-downstream pathway (SMAD2/3 phosphorylation).RESULTS: We found that fisetin treatment protected against renal fibrosis by inhibiting the phosphorylation of SMAD3, oxidative damage, inflammation, apoptotic cell death, and accumulation of profibrotic M2 macrophages in the obstructed kidneys. In cultured human proximal tubular cells, fisetin treatment inhibited TGF-1-induced phosphorylation of SMAD3 and SMAD2.CONCLUSION: Fisetin alleviates kidney fibrosis to protect against UUO-induced renal fibrosis, and could be a novel therapeutic drug for obstructive nephropathy.

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Network pharmacology identifies fisetin as a treatment for osteoporosis. GreenMedInfo

PMID:  J Orthop Surg Res. 2023 Apr 22 ;18(1):312. Epub 2023 Apr 22. PMID: 37087476 Abstract Title:  Network pharmacology identifies fisetin as a treatment for osteoporosis that activates the Wnt/-catenin signaling pathway in BMSCs. Abstract:  BACKGROUND: Although fisetin may exist widely in many natural herbs, its anti-OP mechanism is still unclear. The aim of this study is to explore the molecular anti-osteoporosis (OP) mechanism of fisetin based on network pharmacology and cell experiments.METHODS: The target of fisetin was extracted by the Traditional Chinese Medicine Systems Pharmacology Database and Analysis Platform (TCMSP). The targets of OP were obtained by DisGeNET, GeneCards and the Comparative Toxicogenomics Database, and the targets of fisetin in OP were screened by cross-analysis. The protein-protein interaction (PPI) network was constructed by STRING, and the core targets were obtained. We performed gene ontology (GO) and Kyoto Encyclopedia of Genes and Genomes (KEGG) pathway enrichment analyses on common targets via the Database for Annotation, Visualization and Integrated Discovery. Finally, an in vitro cell experiment was used to verify the anti-OP effect and mechanism of fisetin.RESULTS: There are 44 targets of fisetin related to the treatment of OP. The PPI results suggest that CTNNB1, CCND1, TP53, JUN, and AKT1 are the core targets. A total of 259 biological process, 57 molecular function and 26 cell component terms were obtained from GO enrichment analysis. The results of KEGG pathway enrichment analysis suggested that fisetin treatment of OP may be related to the Wnt signaling pathway, estrogen signaling pathway, PI3K-Akt signaling pathway and other signaling pathways. In vitro cell experiments showed that fisetin significantly increased the expression levels of ALP, collagen I, osteopontin and RUNX2 in bone marrow mesenchymal stem cells (BMSCs) (p

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Theaflavin-3,3'-digallate ameliorates collagen-induced arthritis. GreenMedInfo

PMID:  J Inflamm Res. 2023 ;16:109-126. Epub 2023 Jan 10. PMID: 36647388 Abstract Title:  Theaflavin-3,3'-Digallate Ameliorates Collagen-Induced Arthritis Through Regulation of Autophagy and Macrophage Polarization. Abstract:  PURPOSE: Previous studies have presented that theaflavin-3,3'-digallate (TFDG), one of natural flavonoids, have protective effects on collagen-induced arthritis (CIA). Besides, it was reported that TFDG could affect inflammatory signaling pathways, like NF-B, JNK, and so on, to ameliorate inflammation. However, the anti-inflammatory mechanisms mentioned above are common to natural flavonoid products including TFDG. Therefore, this study aimed to further investigate the other mechanisms of TFDG against CIA.METHODS: DBA/1 mice (8-10 weeks) were intravenously injected Freund's Adjuvant (100L) at the base of tail and intraperitoneally injected PBS or different dosage of TFDG (1 mg/kg or 10 mg/kg). Then the paw and knee tissues were collected to assess the severity of joint destruction. In vitro experiments, bone marrow macrophages (BMMs) were exposed to TNF-(10ng/mL) with or without different concentrations of TFDG (0.1mol/L or 1.0mol/L). Besides, the targets of TFDG were predicted with docking software and were verified through experiment.RESULTS: TFDG treatment could reduce M1 macrophage (pro-inflammatory) and inflammatory cytokines, such as IL-1, IL- 6 and TNF-, both in vitro and in vivo. At the same time, the M2 macrophage (alternatively activated) polarization was promoted by TFDG. Animal experiments showed TFDG ameliorated joint destructions. For investigating the mechanisms, the targets of TFDG were predicted by bioinformatics tools. According to predictions, we hypothesized that TFDG could act with BCL-2 to weaken the interaction between BCL-2 and Beclin1. Beclin1 plays a central role in autophagy, and we found that the autophagy level of BMMs was recovered by TFDG. Besides, 3-MA, an autophagy inhibitor, could attenuate the therapeutic effect of TFDG.CONCLUSION: TFDG protected against collagen-induced arthritis by attenuating the inflammation and promoting anti-inflammatory M2 macrophage polarization through controlling autophagy.

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Theaflavin-3,3'-digallate ameliorates learning and memory impairments. GreenMedInfo

PMID:  Physiol Behav. 2023 Mar 15 ;261:114077. Epub 2023 Jan 11. PMID: 36638877 Abstract Title:  Theaflavin-3,3'-digallate ameliorates learning and memory impairments in mice with premature brain aging induced by D-galactose. Abstract:  Age-related neurodegenerative diseases accompanied by learning and memory deficits are growing in prevalence due to population aging. Cellular oxidative stress is a common pathomechanism in multiple age-related disorders, and various antioxidants have demonstrated therapeutic efficacy in patients or animal models. Many plants and plant extracts possess potent antioxidant activity, but the compounds responsible are frequently unknown. Identification and evaluation of these phytochemicals is necessary for optimal targeted therapy. A recent study identified theaflavin-3,3'-digallate (TFDG) as the most potent among a large series of phytochemical antioxidants. Here we examined if TFDG can mitigate learning and memory impairments in the D-galactose model of age-related neurodegeneration. Experimental mice were injected subcutaneously with D-galactose (120 mg/kg) for 56 days. In treatment groups, different doses of TFDG were administered daily by gavage starting on day 29 of D-galactose injection. Model mice exhibited poor learning and memory in the novel object recognition and Y-maze tests, reduced brain/body mass ratio, increased brain glutamate concentration and acetylcholinesterase activity, decreased brain acetylcholine concentration, and lower choline acetyltransferase, glutaminase, and glutamine synthetase activities. Activities of antioxidant enzymes glutathione peroxidase and superoxide dismutase were also reduced, while the concentration of malondialdehyde, a lipid peroxidation product, was elevated. Further, antioxidant genes Nrf2, Prx2, Gsh-px1, and Sod1 were downregulated in brain. Each one of these changes was dose-dependently reversed by TFDG. TFDG is an effective antioxidant response inducer and neuroprotectant that can restore normal neurotransmitter metabolism and ameliorate learning and memory dysfunction in the D-galactose model of age-related cognitive decline.

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Car Manufacturers to Require Face Recognition to Drive Their Vehicles in the Near Future Medical Kidnap

Comment by Brian Shilhavy
Editor, Health Impact News

The automotive industry is moving quickly now to take away one of the last freedoms most Americans still have: the ability to get in ones own vehicle and drive anywhere one wants, whenever they want to.

In an announcement this week, Biometric Update reported that almost all of the major automakers have either recently announced or have already patented facial recognition technologies that will require drivers to supply a scanned image of their faces in order to use their autos in the near future.

Sony, Honda, Ford, Genesis, and Mullen Automotive nod toward facial recognition tech

by William McCurdy

A slew of the worlds largest automakers, including Sony, Honda, Ford, Genesis, and Mullen Automotive, have all either recently announced or patented facial recognition technologies.

A newly unveiled prototype car from Sony and Honda, called Afeela, is set to employ facial recognition to unlock the vehicle and open its door.

The semiconductors and chipsets set to underpin this biometric tech will be provided by electronics giant Qualcomm.

The firms will start taking orders in 2025, with U.S. deliveries set to start in 2026.

Commenting on the move, Sony Honda Mobility President Izumi Kawanishi told Axios, that though the automotive industry has been a very traditional business, it is growing up by adopting products and software from the IT world.

Ford is yet another example of a major automaker that appears it could be getting into the action. In June, the auto giant filed a patent application for enhanced biometric authorization, w...


Car Manufacturers to Require Face Recognition to Drive Their Vehicles in the Near Future Vaccine Impact

Comment by Brian Shilhavy
Editor, Health Impact News

The automotive industry is moving quickly now to take away one of the last freedoms most Americans still have: the ability to get in ones own vehicle and drive anywhere one wants, whenever they want to.

In an announcement this week, Biometric Update reported that almost all of the major automakers have either recently announced or have already patented facial recognition technologies that will require drivers to supply a scanned image of their faces in order to use their autos in the near future.

Sony, Honda, Ford, Genesis, and Mullen Automotive nod toward facial recognition tech

by William McCurdy

A slew of the worlds largest automakers, including Sony, Honda, Ford, Genesis, and Mullen Automotive, have all either recently announced or patented facial recognition technologies.

A newly unveiled prototype car from Sony and Honda, called Afeela, is set to employ facial recognition to unlock the vehicle and open its door.

The semiconductors and chipsets set to underpin this biometric tech will be provided by electronics giant Qualcomm.

The firms will start taking orders in 2025, with U.S. deliveries set to start in 2026.

Commenting on the move, Sony Honda Mobility President Izumi Kawanishi told Axios, that though the automotive industry has been a very traditional business, it is growing up by adopting products and software from the IT world.

Ford is yet another example of a major automaker that appears it could be getting into the action. In June, the auto giant filed a patent application for enhanced biometric authorization, w...


Whey protein concentrate ameliorates the methotrexate-induced liver and kidney damage. GreenMedInfo

PMID:  Br J Nutr. 2023 Mar 23:1-8. Epub 2023 Mar 23. PMID: 36950976 Abstract Title:  Whey protein concentrate ameliorates the methotrexate-induced liver and kidney damage. Abstract:  Methotrexate (MTX) is a cytotoxic immunosuppressant that is widely used in the treatment of tumours, rheumatoid arthritis and psoriasis. This study aims to evaluate the effects of whey proteins on MTX-induced liver and kidney damage by focusing on oxidantantioxidant systems and eating habits. The study was conducted in four groups of thirty SpragueDawley rats (control, control + whey protein concentrate (WPC), MTX, MTX + WPC). A single dose of 20 mg/kg MTX was administered intraperitoneally to the MTX groups. Control and MTX groups were given 2 g/kg WPC by oral gavage every day for 10 d. At the end of day 10, blood samples were drawn and liver and kidney tissues were removed. MTX administration increased the lipid peroxidation level and decreased glutathione level, superoxide dismutase and glutathione-S-transferase activities in the liver and kidney. Administration of WPC significantly reduced the damage caused by MTX in the liver and kidney. While a decrease in serum urea level and an increase in serum creatinine level were detected in the MTX group, WPC administration reversed these results up to control group levels. Administration of WPC to the MTX group significantly reversed the histopathological damage scores of the liver and kidney. WPC administration ameliorated the MTX-induced oxidative damage in the liver and kidney tissues due to its antioxidant properties. Liver and kidney damage can be prevented by using whey proteins as a nutraceutical in MTX therapy. In conclusion, whey proteins demonstrated a protective effect against MTX-induced liver and kidney damage.

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JPMorgan Chase Files a Notice of Appeal in Jeffrey Epstein Case to Prevent All Future Lawsuits Against the Child Sex Trafficker Medical Kidnap

Top Row: CIA Director William Burns, Thomas Pritzker, executive chairman of Hyatt Hotels, Sergy Brin, co-founder of Google, Larry Page, co-founder of Google, Mort Zuckerman, a real-estate billionaire who owns US News & World Report. Bottom Row: Elon Musk, Bill Gates, Jamie Dimon, CEO of JPMorgan Chase Bank, Former President Donald Trump, Robert F. Kennedy Jr., Democratic Presidential Candidate.

by Brian Shilhavy
Editor, Health Impact News

While the nation was obsessed with the movie Sound of Freedom this past week, which claims to expose the child sex trafficking industry (...


Liposomal lactoferrin exerts antiviral activity against HCoV-229E and SARS-CoV-2 pseudoviruses. GreenMedInfo

PMID:  Viruses. 2023 Apr 15 ;15(4). Epub 2023 Apr 15. PMID: 37112952 Abstract Title:  Liposomal Lactoferrin Exerts Antiviral Activity against HCoV-229E and SARS-CoV-2 Pseudoviruses In Vitro. Abstract:  A limited number of effective therapies are currently available to treat human coronavirus SARS-CoV-2 and other human coronaviruses, which are responsible for nearly a third of global cases of the common cold. The possibility of new emerging coronaviruses demands powerful new antiviral strategies. Lactoferrin is a well-known protein that possesses anti-inflammatory and immunomodulatory activities, and it has previously shown antiviral activity against several viruses, including SARS-CoV-2. To increase this antiviral activity, here we present bovine liposomal lactoferrin. Liposomal encapsulation of the compound was proven to increase permeability, bioavailability, and time release. In the present work, we compare the antiviral activity of free and liposomal bovine lactoferrin against HCoV229E and SARS-CoV-2 in vitro and in human primary bronchial epithelial cells, and we demonstrated that the liposomal form exerts a more potent antiviral activity than its free form at non-cytotoxic doses.

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JPMorgan Chase Files a Notice of Appeal in Jeffrey Epstein Case to Prevent All Future Lawsuits Against the Child Sex Trafficker Vaccine Impact

Top Row: CIA Director William Burns, Thomas Pritzker, executive chairman of Hyatt Hotels, Sergy Brin, co-founder of Google, Larry Page, co-founder of Google, Mort Zuckerman, a real-estate billionaire who owns US News & World Report. Bottom Row: Elon Musk, Bill Gates, Jamie Dimon, CEO of JPMorgan Chase Bank, Former President Donald Trump, Robert F. Kennedy Jr., Democratic Presidential Candidate.

by Brian Shilhavy
Editor, Health Impact News

While the nation was obsessed with the movie Sound of Freedom this past week, which claims to expose the child sex trafficking industry (...


Car Manufacturers to Require Face Recognition to Drive Their Vehicles in the Near Future Health Impact News

Comment by Brian Shilhavy
Editor, Health Impact News

The automotive industry is moving quickly now to take away one of the last freedoms most Americans still have: the ability to get in ones own vehicle and drive anywhere one wants, whenever they want to.

In an announcement this week, Biometric Update reported that almost all of the major automakers have either recently announced or have already patented facial recognition technologies that will require drivers to supply a scanned image of their faces in order to use their autos in the near future.

Sony, Honda, Ford, Genesis, and Mullen Automotive nod toward facial recognition tech

by William McCurdy

A slew of the worlds largest automakers, including Sony, Honda, Ford, Genesis, and Mullen Automotive, have all either recently announced or patented facial recognition technologies.

A newly unveiled prototype car from Sony and Honda, called Afeela, is set to employ facial recognition to unlock the vehicle and open its door.

The semiconductors and chipsets set to underpin this biometric tech will be provided by electronics giant Qualcomm.

The firms will start taking orders in 2025, with U.S. deliveries set to start in 2026.

Commenting on the move, Sony Honda Mobility President Izumi Kawanishi told Axios, that though the automotive industry has been a very traditional business, it is growing up by adopting products and software from the IT world.

Ford is yet another example of a major automaker that appears...


Antimicrobial effects of lactoferrin against Helicobacter pylori Infection. GreenMedInfo

PMID:  Pathogens. 2023 Apr 14 ;12(4). Epub 2023 Apr 14. PMID: 37111484 Abstract Title:  Antimicrobial Effects of Lactoferrin againstInfection. Abstract:  ()is the primary causative agent of various gastroduodenal an adapted microorganism that has evolved to survive in the acidic conditions of the human stomach, possessing a natural strategy for colonizing harsh environments. Despite the implementation of various eradication regimens worldwide, the eradication rate ofhas decreased to less than 80% in recent years due to the emergence of antibiotic-resistant strains. This has posed a significant challenge in treatinginfection, as antibiotic resistance and side effects have become increasingly problematic. Lactoferrin, a member of the transferrin family, is an iron-binding protein with antioxidant, antibacterial, antiviral, and anti-inflammatory properties that promote human health. The concentrations of lactoferrin in the gastric juice and mucosa significantly increase duringinfection and are strongly correlated with the severity of gastric mucosal inflammation. Numerous researchers have studied the antimicrobial properties of lactoferrin both in vitro and in vivo. In addition, recent studies have investigated the addition of oral lactoferrin supplementation toeradication therapy, even though monotherapy with lactoferrin does not eradicate the microorganism. In this article, we reviewed the survival strategy ofto evade the antimicrobial activity of human lactoferrin and explore the potential of lactoferrin ineradication therapy.

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JPMorgan Chase Files a Notice of Appeal in Jeffrey Epstein Case to Prevent All Future Lawsuits Against the Child Sex Trafficker Health Impact News

Top Row: CIA Director William Burns, Thomas Pritzker, executive chairman of Hyatt Hotels, Sergy Brin, co-founder of Google, Larry Page, co-founder of Google, Mort Zuckerman, a real-estate billionaire who owns US News & World Report. Bottom Row: Elon Musk, Bill Gates, Jamie Dimon, CEO of JPMorgan Chase Bank, Former President Donald Trump,...


The effects of omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids on breast cancer as a preventive measure or as an adjunct to conventional treatments. GreenMedInfo

PMID:  Nutrients. 2023 Mar 7 ;15(6). Epub 2023 Mar 7. PMID: 36986040 Abstract Title:  The Effects of Omega-3 Polyunsaturated Fatty Acids on Breast Cancer as a Preventive Measure or as an Adjunct to Conventional Treatments. Abstract:  In order to understand how omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acid (-3 PUFA) supplements affect breast cancer prevention and treatment, a systematic review of articles published in the last 5 years in two databases was performed. Of the 679 articles identified, only 27 were included and examined based on five topics, taking into account: the induction type of the breast cancer used in animal models; the characteristics of the induction model by cell transplantation; the experimental design of the-3 supplementation-combined or not with a treatment antitumor drug; the fatty acids (FAs) composition used; the analysis of the studies' outcomes. There are diverse and well-established animal models of breast cancer in the literature, with very relevant histological and molecular similarities depending on the specific objective of the study, such as whether the method of tumor induction was transgenic, by cell transplantation, or by oncogenic drugs. The analyses of outcomes were mainly focused on monitoring tumor growth, body/tumor weight, and molecular, genetic, or histological analyses, and few studies evaluated latency, survival, or metastases. The best results occurred when supplementation with-3 PUFA was associated with antitumor drugs, especially in the analysis of metastases and volume/weight of tumors or when the supplementation was started early and maintained for a long time. However, the beneficial effect of-3 PUFA supplementation when not associated with an antitumor agent remains unclear.

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Saturday, 15 July


Grow a Mango Tree from the Pit! The Healthy Home Economist

How to sprout and grow a mango tree from the pit of a mango purchased at a farmers market or health food store. Mangos are one of my familys favorite fruits, so growing a few mango trees in my yard has been a DIY project Ive been wanting to tackle for quite some time. This

The post Grow a Mango Tree from the Pit! appeared first on The Healthy Home Economist.


My Sister Lucys Death and Life: Picturing an Alternate Timeline of Recovery Mad In America

(Photo by Sue Cheng.)

Ill never forget standing beside my sister Lucy as she was strapped to a gurney during a midnight admission to an E.R. in Cambridge, of 13 or 14 hospitalizations, Ive forgotten whichand hearing her try to persuade hospital workers to release her.

She was profoundly articulate and compelling as she made her case, but by then shed been diagnosed as borderline, which, of course, meant that anything she expressed in her own defense would be discounted as manipulative and disordered. 

I dont remember what I said, exactly. What I wanted to do, then and always, was scream at everyone in screaming distance: Dont you realize?! This woman is the sweetest, most caring, most extraordinary soul youll ever meet in your life! Shes funny as hell! Shes a pianist! She plays Beethoven like she knew him! Treat her with compassion! Acknowledge her humanity! Listen to what she says! 

This was back in the late 1980s, shortly after I dropped everything and went to live with her. Ill never stop dwelling on that moment and the system that failed my sister. Ill never stop trying to process her suicide in 1992, just as Ill never stop working to process my husbands in 2011. This is the nature of grief following suicide: It never truly resolves. Those of us left behind spend the rest of our own lives trying to understand why our loved ones were cut shortand what might have helped them survive. We envision alternate timelines in which they healed, recovered, perhaps blossomed, even thrived. 

Right now Im finishing a novel in which I try to bring Lucy back from the dead. In it, I persuade an eccentric Harvard neuroscientist to put me into a coma, and I zip up to heaven on a quest to drag her home. Its a bizarre little book, probably unpublishable. But I dont care. Its...


Vitamin D and omega-3 (Fatty Acid) supplementation in pregnancy for the primary prevention of food allergy in children. GreenMedInfo

PMID:  Children (Basel). 2023 Feb 27 ;10(3). Epub 2023 Feb 27. PMID: 36980026 Abstract Title:  Vitamin D and Omega-3 (Fatty Acid) Supplementation in Pregnancy for the Primary Prevention of Food Allergy in Children-Literature Review. Abstract:  During the last decades the prevalence of food allergy (FA), an adverse immune response to a specific food antigen, has risen, with negative effects on the quality of life (QoL) of many children and their families. The pathogenesis of FA is complex, involving both genetic and environmental factors. SPINK5, STAT6, HLA and FOXP3 are some of the genes that are reported to be implicated in FA development. Regarding environmental factors, particular interest has been focused on modification of the dietary habits of pregnant women for the primary prevention of FA. Specifically, Vitamin D and omega-3 (-3) fatty acid supplementation during pregnancy may influence the development of FA in the offspring. Vitamin D is a hormone with various actions, including mediation of the immune system, reducing the production of inflammatory cytokines and promoting tolerance. Vitamin D deficiency in pregnancy suppresses T-regulatory cells in the fetus, and Vitamin D supplementation might protect against FA development. Dietary-3 fatty acids are found mainly in fish and vegetable oils. They are beneficial for human health, playing a role in the immune system as anti-inflammatory agents, and providing cell membrane stabilization with inhibition of antigen presentation. It is documented that maternal supplementation with-3 during pregnancy may protect from allergic sensitization in the children. The aim of this literature review was to explore the potential preventive role of maternal supplementation during pregnancy with Vitamin D and-3 in the development of FA in the offspring. With the prevalence of FA rising, all the possible protective mechanisms and measures for FA prevention need to be explored, starting with those that can be modified.

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Investigation of the antitumor effect on breast cancer cells of the electrospun amygdalin-loaded nanofibers. GreenMedInfo

PMID:  Int J Biol Macromol. 2023 Jun 1 ;239:124201. Epub 2023 Mar 30. PMID: 37001771 Abstract Title:  Investigation of the antitumor effect on breast cancer cells of the electrospun amygdalin-loaded poly(l-lactic acid)/poly(ethylene glycol) nanofibers. Abstract:  In this study, PLA/PEG nanofibers (NFs) loaded with amygdalin (AMG) and bitter almond kernels extract were produced by electrospinning to prevent local breast cancer recurrence, and the effect of produced NFs on the MCF-7 cell line was investigated in vitro. The electrospun NFs were characterized by scanning electron microscopy (SEM), Fourier-transform infrared spectroscopy (FT-IR), thermal analysis (DSC) and tensile strength and physical analyzes were performed. Loading of AMG to nanofibers increased fiber diameters from 827.93  174.507 nm to 1855.32  291.057 m. When drug release results were analyzed, the NFs showed a controlled release profile extending up to 10 h. The encapsulation efficiency of AMG-loaded NFs was calculated at 100  0,01 %, 94  0,02 %, and 88  0,02 %. When in vitro cytotoxicity results were analyzed, showed that all NFs are effective in inducing cytotoxicity against MCF-7 breast cancer cells. Importantly, 20 mg AMG-loaded NFs displayed effectively higher cytotoxic effects against breast cancer cells relative to the other NFs. Considering all the results, AMG-loaded NFs can give sustained release of drugs at the local sites. Therefore, AMG-loaded nanofibers can reduce the risk of local recurrence of cancer after surgery and can be directly implanted into solid tumor cells for treatment.

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Effects of vitamin C combined with rbFGF on inflammatory factors and oxygen environment in patients with high-voltage electrical burns. GreenMedInfo

PMID:  Int Wound J. 2023 Apr 28. Epub 2023 Apr 28. PMID: 37118938 Abstract Title:  Effects of vitamin C combined with rbFGF on inflammatory factors and oxygen environment in patients with high-voltage electrical burns. Abstract:  To investigate the effect of vitamin C combined with recombinant basic fibroblast growth factor (rbFGF) on inflammatory factors and oxygen environment in patients with high-voltage electrical burns. A retrospective analysis of 98 patients with high-voltage electrical burns admitted to our hospital from January 2021 to April 2022. A total of 98 patients were divided into research group and control group, including 49 cases treated with vitamin C combined with rbFGF and 49 cases treated with only rbFGF. The disappearance time of clinical symptoms, wound healing rate, area of granulation tissue growth, level of inflammatory factors, oxygen environment were compared between two groups after one and three courses of treatment. After treatment, the disappearance time of erythema, pain, swelling, blisters, exudate symptoms, wound healing time, scab formation time, and hospitalisation time in the research group were significantly better than those in control group (P.05), while it is significantly better than those in control group after three courses of treatment (P

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New Mexico Foster Parent Confesses Guilt of Sexually Abusing Children for Years but Does No Jail Time, 8-Year-Old Girl Awarded $485 Million Medical Kidnap

by Brian Shilhavy
Editor, Health Impact News

As the movie Sound of Freedom is shown to packed out movie theaters across the U.S. to millions of people sitting in air conditioned theaters eating their popcorn, shaking their heads at the horror of child sex trafficking that is portrayed in poor countries like Columbia, tens of thousands of young children are being sexually abused and trafficked right here in our own borders every day, begging for help, with their voices falling on deaf ears.

And it is all legal, because it is being done under the color of law in our nations child welfare system.

One of those cases actually made the corporate news this week, but was obviously drowned out by all the hype behind the Sound of Freedom movie.

A jury in New Mexico awarded $485 million to an 8-year-old female victim of Clarence Garcia, a 66-year-old foster parent in New Mexico who sexually abused the girl while she was in his care.

A Rio Arriba County jury awarded an astounding $485 million in a lawsuit. It was filed on behalf of a girl who was repeatedly raped by her foster father, Clarence Garcia.

I think the message that was sent first and foremost is that this little girl matters, said Joshua Conaway, an attorney in the case.

In 2019, a court-appointed guardian for the girl filed a lawsuit on her behalf against Clarence Garcia and his wife, Debbie Garcia. (Full article.)



New Mexico Foster Parent Confesses Guilt of Sexually Abusing Children for Years but Does No Jail Time, 8-Year-Old Girl Awarded $485 Million Vaccine Impact

by Brian Shilhavy
Editor, Health Impact News

As the movie Sound of Freedom is shown to packed out movie theaters across the U.S. to millions of people sitting in air conditioned theaters eating their popcorn, shaking their heads at the horror of child sex trafficking that is portrayed in poor countries like Columbia, tens of thousands of young children are being sexually abused and trafficked right here in our own borders every day, begging for help, with their voices falling on deaf ears.

And it is all legal, because it is being done under the color of law in our nations child welfare system.

One of those cases actually made the corporate news this week, but was obviously drowned out by all the hype behind the Sound of Freedom movie.

A jury in New Mexico awarded $485 million to an 8-year-old female victim of Clarence Garcia, a 66-year-old foster parent in New Mexico who sexually abused the girl while she was in his care.

A Rio Arriba County jury awarded an astounding $485 million in a lawsuit. It was filed on behalf of a girl who was repeatedly raped by her foster father, Clarence Garcia.

I think the message that was sent first and foremost is that this little girl matters, said Joshua Conaway, an attorney in the case.

In 2019, a court-appointed guardian for the girl filed a lawsuit on her behalf against Clarence Garcia and his wife, Debbie Garcia. (Full article.)



What Is the Cell Danger Response? Articles

Since early 2020, I have worked with patients with spike protein injuries, either from COVID-19 or the vaccines. Now and then, I've observed a specific treatment for a spike protein injury have a rapid effect that was so dramatic it would have been difficult to believe it had happened had I not witnessed it firsthand.

Whenever I spotted a treatment doing that, I asked, "Why did this happen?" Over time, I realized two mechanisms appeared to be able to account for almost every case where I observed this happen.

The first was that impaired fluid circulation in the body was restored, most commonly by restoring the physiologic zeta potential (something the spike protein is uniquely suited to inhibit). Since this is a complex but relatively unknown topic, I've worked to explain what zeta potential is, how its disruption creates illness by impairing fluid circulation throughout the body, and the methods I know of which can restore it.

Note: In parallel to doing this, I also discussed the fourth phase of water (something also critical for the health of the body) as the two concepts are deeply interrelated.

The second was that the Cell Danger Response (CDR) was deactivated. Since there is much more awareness about this (still relatively unknown) concept in the integrative medical field, I felt zeta potential needed to be covered first. Nonetheless, the CDR is an essential concept to understand, and like zeta potential, it plays a foundational role in explaining and addressing many of the complex conditions we face today.

Before I go further, I would like to acknowledge two of my colleagues who have a great deal of experience working with the CDR that assisted me in drafting this series (and both independently observed that the COVID vaccines triggered the CDR).

What Is the Cell Danger Response?

For cells to survive, something has to protect them from the innumerable threats they encounter. In complex organisms, we typically assign that role to the immune system. In contrast, in single-celled organisms (e.g., bacteria), it's fulfilled either by them putting protective agents into their environment (e.g., bacteriocins to kill enemy bacteria) or them evolving resistance to the danger they are facing (e.g., antibiotics).

However, those a...

The Greatest History Never Told Articles

A common mantra was chanted by world leaders during the COVID-19 pandemic a Great Reset is necessary to build back better from the crisis and create a new sustainable future. This future is one led by a powerful global cartel eager to gain control over society and, ultimately, humanity.

But this message of a new world order swooping in to save the masses from a fearful enemy didnt start during the pandemic. Its origins go much deeper.

In the video above,1 Ivor Cummins, a biochemical engineer with a background in medical device engineering and leading teams in complex problem-solving, interviews Jacob Nordangard, a Swedish researcher and author who has a Ph.D. in technology and social change, a Master of Social Science in geography and a Master of Social Science in culture and media production.

Nordangard is the author of Rockefeller: Controlling the Game, a book that explores how this prominent family funded and shaped key aspects of society, from environmental and climate research to education, medicine, politics and agriculture, all using propaganda techniques. Their goal was a transformation of the worlds economy, culture and governments, into a new world order with the Rockefellers and their select cronies at the helm.

The interview takes you on a journey from the late 19th century to present day, laying out the nefarious path of how we ended up in the place we are today, on the verge of takeover by a corrupted few.

While the topics covered are a good primer, it is important to understand that the interview fails to uncover any information on Rockefellers link to the Rothschild family, who are exponentially wealthier, as they have been global bankers for centuries before the Rockefellers started and are likely stealthily pulling their strings.

The Rockefellers Rise to Power

In the late 19th century, John D. Rockefeller became the richest man in the world. He started Standard Oil Corporation in 1870, which soon came under fire. In 1911, Standard Oil was ruled an unreasonable monopoly and split into 34 companies, which became Exxon, Mobil, Chevron, Amoco, Marathon and others.2

To improve his image and exert more world control, Rockefeller got into philanthropy, allowing him to avoid taxation and put money into society in ways that would benefit his businesses. Rockefeller founded the University of Chicago and the Rockefeller Institute for Medical Research, allowing him to set the research agenda to further their...

How to Boost Brain Health and Reverse Neurological Disease Articles

Editor's Note: This article is a reprint. It was originally published June 10, 2018.

Your brain is a really important part of your body. I'm sure no one would disagree with that. In this interview, Dr. Lee Cowden, co-founder of the Academy of Comprehensive Integrative Medicine (ACIM), discusses some really simple and inexpensive strategies that boost brain health and support neuroregeneration. This is also the topic of this year's ACIM conference, which will be held in Orlando, Florida, in November.

The Academy of Comprehensive Integrative Medicine was founded in 2008 with the vision of educating integrative practitioners around the globe, for the most part online. "Many practitioners are so busy that they can never take the time to go to all of the meetings they need to go to, to learn what they need to learn," Cowden says, "so we decided to start putting educational courses online."

ACIM Offers Training Programs

In 2014, ACIM began offering a 300-hour online integrative medicine fellowship training program. Workshops are held in Dallas every few months to allow practitioners to get hands-on training. In 2018, there were hands-on conferences in July and September 20. Those were all preludes to the main conference in Orlando in November.

"Everything we're doing this year is focused on the brain [and] neuroregeneration," Cowden says. "With integrative medicine, we look at the causation, and see if we can resolve the causation of the illness. Once the cause goes away, usually the illness goes away."

You don't have to be a health care professional to benefit from ACIM. Even laypeople can study with ACIM.

The academy offers a core wellness coach program that includes 70 hours of training. "I think every integrative practitioner needs to have half a dozen or more wellness coaches working with them to hold the hands of the patients until they get well," Cowden says.

ACIM Conference 2018: Neuroregeneration

The November conference focused on strategies that can help regenerate all types of neurological conditions, including Alzheimer's, autism, multiple sclerosis, amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, Parkinson's disease and other less severe conditions such as the neurological effects of fibromyalgia, and less common conditions such as reflex sympathetic dystrophy and peripheral neuropathy.

"The tendency of the American public is to look for a magic bullet. But, really, for neurological diseases, I haven't found a magic bullet. There's a lot of very important pieces.

I call those the foundational pieces: Diet, removing electromagnetic fields (EMFs) from the patient's su...


Inflammation and vitamin C in women with prenatal depression and anxiety. GreenMedInfo

PMID:  Antioxidants (Basel). 2023 Apr 17 ;12(4). Epub 2023 Apr 17. PMID: 37107316 Abstract Title:  Inflammation and Vitamin C in Women with Prenatal Depression and Anxiety: Effect of Multinutrient Supplementation. Abstract:  Elevated inflammation has been associated with adverse mood states, such as depression and anxiety, and antioxidant nutrients, such as vitamin C, have been associated with decreased inflammation and improved mood. In the current study comprising a cohort of pregnant women with depression and anxiety, we hypothesised that elevated inflammation would be associated with adverse mood states and inversely associated with vitamin C status and that multinutrient supplementation would optimise vitamin concentrations and attenuate inflammation. Sixty-one participants from the NUTRIMUM trial had blood samples collected between 12 and 24 weeks gestation (baseline) and following 12 weeks of daily supplementation with a multinutrient formula containing 600 mg of vitamin C or active placebo. The samples were analysed for inflammatory biomarkers (C-reactive protein (CRP) and cytokines) and vitamin C content and were related to scales of depression and anxiety. Positive correlations were observed between interleukin-6 (IL-6) and all of the mood scales administered (0.05). Supplementation with the multinutrient formula resulted in a significant increase in the vitamin C status of the cohort (= 0.007) but did not affect the inflammatory biomarker concentrations (>0.05). In conclusion, greater systemic inflammation was associated with worse mood states; however, 12-week multinutrient supplementation did not alter inflammatory biomarker concentrations. Nevertheless, the vitamin C status of the cohort was improved with supplementation, which may aid pregnancy and infant outcomes.

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Vitamin C and vitamin D3 alleviate metabolic-associated fatty liver disease. GreenMedInfo

PMID:  Front Pharmacol. 2023 ;14:1163694. Epub 2023 Apr 5. PMID: 37089915 Abstract Title:  Vitamin C and vitamin Dalleviate metabolic-associated fatty liver disease by regulating the gut microbiota and bile acid metabolismthe gut-liver axis. Abstract:  Previous studies have demonstrated that both vitamin C (VC) and vitamin D(VDhave therapeutic potential against metabolic disorders, including obesity, diabetes, and metabolic-associated fatty liver disease (MAFLD). However, it is unclear whether VC supplementation is associated with improving the intestinal flora and regulating the metabolism of bile acidsthe gut-liver axis in MAFLD. There is still no direct comparison or combination study of these two vitamins on these effects.In this study, we employed biochemical, histological, 16S rDNA-based microbiological, non-targeted liver metabolomic, and quantitative real-time polymerase chain reaction analyses to explore the intervening effect and mechanism of VC and VDon MAFLD by using a high-fat diet (HFD)-induced obese mouse model.Treatment of mice with VC and VDefficiently reversed the characteristics of MAFLD, such as obesity, dyslipidemia, insulin resistance, hepatic steatosis, and inflammation. VC and VDshowed similar beneficial effects as mentioned above in HFD-induced obese mice. Interestingly, VC and VDreshaped the gut microbiota composition; improved gut barrier integrity; ameliorated oxidative stress and inflammation in the gut-liver axis; inhibited bile acid salt reflux-related ASBT; activated bile acid synthesis-related CYP7A1, bile acid receptor FXR, and bile acid transportation-related BSEP in the gut-liver axis; and improved bile secretion, thus decreasing the expression of FAS in the liver and efficiently ameliorating MAFLD in mice.Together, the results indicate that the anti-MAFLD activities of VC and VDare linked to improved gut-liver interactionsregulation of the gut microbiota and bile acid metabolism, and they may therefore prove useful in treating MAFLD clinically.

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Impact of intravenous vitamin C as a monotherapy on mortality risk in critically ill patients. GreenMedInfo

PMID:  Front Nutr. 2023 ;10:1094757. Epub 2023 Mar 24. PMID: 37051117 Abstract Title:  Impact of intravenous vitamin C as a monotherapy on mortality risk in critically ill patients: A meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials with trial sequential analysis. Abstract:  BACKGROUND: This meta-analysis aimed at investigating the pooled evidence regarding the effects of intravenous vitamin C (IVVC) on mortality rate in critically ill patients.METHODS: Databases including Medline, Embase, and Cochrane Library were searched from inception to October, 2022 to identify RCTs. The primary outcome was the risk of overall mortality. Subgroup analyses were performed based on IVVC dosage (i.e., cut-off value: 100 mg/kg/day or 10000 mg/day). Trial sequential analysis (TSA) was used to examine the robustness of evidence.RESULTS: A total of 12 trials including 1,712 patients were analyzed. Although meta-analysis demonstrated a lower risk of mortality in patients with IVVC treatment compared to those without [risk ratio (RR): 0.76, 95% CI: 0.6 to 0.97,= 0.02,= 36%, 1,711 patients), TSA suggested the need for more studies for verification. Moreover, subgroup analyses revealed a reduced mortality risk associated with a low IVVC dosage (RR = 0.72,= 0.03, 546 patients), while no beneficial effect was noted with high IVVC dosage (RR = 0.74,= 0.13,= 60%, 1,165 patients). The durations of vasopressor [mean difference (MD): -37.75 h, 404 patients) and mechanical ventilation (MD: -47.29 h, 388 patients) use were shorter in the IVVC group than those in the controls, while there was no significant difference in other prognostic outcomes (e.g., length of stay in intensive care unit/hospital) between the two groups.CONCLUSION: Although intravenous vitamin C as a monotherapy reduced pooled mortality, durations of vasopressor use and mechanical ventilation, further research is required to support our findings and to identify the optimal dosage of vitamin C in the critical care setting.SYSTEMATIC REVIEW REGISTRATION:, identifier CRD42022371090.

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The role of a ketogenic diet in the treatment of dementia in type 2 diabetes mellitus. GreenMedInfo

PMID:  Nutrients. 2023 Apr 19 ;15(8). Epub 2023 Apr 19. PMID: 37111190 Abstract Title:  The Role of a Ketogenic Diet in the Treatment of Dementia in Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus. Abstract:  Type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) shares a common molecular mechanism and underlying pathology with dementia, and studies indicate that dementia is widespread in people with T2DM. Currently, T2DM-induced cognitive impairment is characterized by altered insulin and cerebral glucose metabolism, leading to a shorter life span. Increasing evidence indicates that nutritional and metabolic treatments can possibly alleviate these issues, as there is a lack of efficient preventative and treatment methods. The ketogenic diet (KD) is a very high-fat, low-carbohydrate diet that induces ketosis in the body by producing a fasting-like effect, and neurons in the aged brain are protected from damage by ketone bodies. Moreover, the creation of ketone bodies may improve brain neuronal function, decrease inflammatory expression and reactive oxygen species (ROS) production, and restore neuronal metabolism. As a result, the KD has drawn attention as a potential treatment for neurological diseases, such as T2DM-induced dementia. This review aims to examine the role of the KD in the prevention of dementia risk in T2DM patients and to outline specific aspects of the neuroprotective effects of the KD, providing a rationale for the implementation of dietary interventions as a therapeutic strategy for T2DM-induced dementia in the future.

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Ketogenic diet in therapy of bipolar affective disorder. GreenMedInfo

PMID:  Psychiatr Pol. 2022 Dec 31 ;56(6):1345-1363. Epub 2022 Dec 31. PMID: 37098202 Abstract Title:  Ketogenic diet in therapy of bipolar affective disorder - case report and literature review. Abstract:  Bipolar affective disorder (BPAD) is a chronic mental disorder, characterised by mood swings, alternating between depression and manic or hypomanic episodes. Unfortunately, in some patients pharmacological treatment does not bring satisfactory results, and a certain group of patients shows resistance to treatment. Therefore, other treatment methods are sought after, including a change in diet. The most promising nutrition model is the ketogenic diet. In the presented case study of a male patient, thanks to the introduction of the ketogenic diet, full remission of the disease was achieved, doses of lamotrigine were reduced and quetiapine was completely discontinued. Previously, neither lamotrigine monotherapy nor combined treatment with quetiapine achieved euthymia. The effects of the diet may be related to, among others, the influence on ionic channels and increase in blood acidity (similarly to mood stabilisers), increase in gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) concentration, modulation of GABAA receptors and blocking of AMPA receptors by medium-chain fatty acids. The ketogenic diet influences glutamate metabolism and nerve cell metabolism, which uses ketone bodies as energy sources. Ketosis can also stimulate the biogenesis of mitochondria, improve brain metabolism, act as a neuroprotective factor, as well as increase glutathione synthesis and reduce oxidative stress. However, there is a need for carefully planned studies, with an appropriate representative group, to verify the potential benefits and risks of introducing the ketogenic diet in patients with BPAD.

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The ketogenic diet for Dravet syndrome. GreenMedInfo

PMID:  Nutrition. 2023 Jun ;110:111976. Epub 2023 Feb 12. PMID: 37060636 Abstract Title:  The ketogenic diet for Dravet syndrome: A multicenter retrospective study. Abstract:  OBJECTIVE: The ketogenic diet (KD) is one of the main treatments for drug-resistant epilepsy. However, there have been few multicenter reports on the use of the KD for the treatment of Dravet syndrome (DS). The aim of this study was to analyze the efficacy and safety of this approach based on a large number of multicenter cases.METHODS: This was a retrospective, multicenter cohort study from 14 centers in China. All patients were treated with the KD. We compared the effects of KD intervention time, age, and other factors.RESULTS: From March 2014 to March 2020, we treated 114 patients with DS with the KD. The male-to-female ratio was 67:47. The KD median initiation age was 3 y and 4 mo, and the median number of antiseizure medications (ASMs) was 2.4. KD therapy was the first choice for three patients. Exactly 10.5% of the patients started KD therapy after failure of the first ASM therapy, with 35.1% after failure of the second, 44.7% after the third, and 7% after the fourth or more. After KD therapy for 1, 3, 6, and 12 mo, the seizure-free rates were 14%, 32.5%, 30.7%, and 19.3%, respectively; KD efficacy (50% reduction in seizure frequency) were 57.9%, 76.3%, 59.6%, and 43%, respectively; the retention rates were 97.4%, 93%, 71.9%, and 46.5%, respectively; and the rates of adverse events were 25.2%, 19.9%, 11%, and 5.7%, respectively.CONCLUSIONS: Real-world, multicenter data analysis showed that the KD is effective for patients with DS and has a low incidence of side effects.

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New Mexico Foster Parent Confesses Guilt of Sexually Abusing Children for Years but Does No Jail Time, 8-Year-Old Girl Awarded $485 Million Health Impact News

by Brian Shilhavy
Editor, Health Impact News

As the movie Sound of Freedom is shown to packed out movie theaters across the U.S. to millions of people sitting in air conditioned theaters eating their popcorn, shaking their heads at the horror of child sex trafficking that is portrayed in poor countries like Columbia, tens of thousands of young children are being sexually abused and trafficked right here in our own borders every day, begging for help, with their voices falling on deaf ears.

And it is all legal, because it is being done under the color of law in our nations child welfare system.

One of those cases actually made the corporate news this week, but was obviously drowned out by all the hype behind the Sound of Freedom movie.

A jury in New Mexico awarded $485 million to an 8-year-old female victim of Clarence Garcia, a 66-year-old foster parent in New Mexico who sexually abused the girl while she was in his care.

A Rio Arriba County jury awarded an astounding $485 million in a lawsuit. It was filed on behalf of a girl who was repeatedly raped by her foster father, Clarence Garcia.

I think the message that was sent first and foremost is that this little girl matters, said Joshua Conaway, an attorney in the case.

In 2019, a court-appointed guardian for the girl filed a lawsuit on her behalf against Clarence Garcia and his wife, Debbie Garcia. (Full article.)



A ketogenic diet improves vascular hyperpermeability in type 2 diabetes. GreenMedInfo

PMID:  J Cell Mol Med. 2023 May ;27(10):1410-1422. Epub 2023 Apr 15. PMID: 37060584 Abstract Title:  A ketogenic diet improves vascular hyperpermeability in type 2 diabetic mice by downregulating vascular pescadillo1 expression. Abstract:  The role of pescadillo1 (PES1) in regulating vascular permeability has been unknown. This study probes the role of PES1 and its mediated molecular mechanism in modulating vascular hyperpermeability in diabetic mice. Male C57BL/6J and db/db mice were fed a standard diet and a ketogenic diet (KD). Meanwhile, mouse vascular endothelial cells (MVECs) were treated with-hydroxybutyric acid (-HB), Pes1 siRNA or a Pes1 overexpression plasmid. Additionally, knockout (KO) of Pes1 in mice was applied. After 12weeks of feedings, enhanced vascular PES1 expression in diabetic mice was inhibited by the KD. The suppression of PES1 was also observed in-HB-treated MVECs. In mice with Pes1 KO, the levels of vascular VEGF and PES1 were attenuated, while the levels of vascular VE-cadherin, Ang-1 and Occludin were upregulated. Similar outcomes also occurred after the knockdown of Pes1 in cultured MVECs, which were opposite to the effects induced by PES1 overexpression in MVECs. In vitro and in vivo experiments showed that high glucose concentration-induced increases in vascular paracellular permeability declined after MVECs were treated by-HB or by knockdown of Pes1. In contrast, increases in vascular permeability were induced by overexpression of Pes1, which were suppressed by coadministration of-HB in cultured endothelial cells. Similarly declines in vascular permeability were found by Pes1 knockdown in diabetic mice. Mechanistically,-HB decreased PES1-facilitated ubiquitination of VE-cadherin. The KD suppressed the diabetes-induced increase in PES1, which may result in vascular hyperpermeability through ubiquitination of VE-cadherin in type 2 diabetic mice.

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Ketogenic Diet Alleviates Hypoglycemia-Induced Neuroinflammation. GreenMedInfo

PMID:  Mol Nutr Food Res. 2023 Jun ;67(11):e2200711. Epub 2023 Apr 25. PMID: 37052374 Abstract Title:  Ketogenic Diet Alleviates Hypoglycemia-Induced Neuroinflammation via Modulation the Gut Microbiota in Mice. Abstract:  SCOPE: This study aims to investigate the role of gut microbiota regulation with ketogenic diet (KD) in hypoglycemia-induced neuroinflammation.METHODS AND RESULTS: Immunofluorescence staining and western blotting show that KD alleviates blood-brain barrier injury induced by hypoglycemia by increasing Podxl and zonula occludens-1 (ZO-1) levels. KD-fed mice show reduced brain edema by decreasing aquaporin-4 (AQP4) content and maintaining its polarized expression. 16S rRNA gene amplicon sequencing results show that KD reduces the Chao 1 index of gut microbiota-diversity, and significant separation is detected in the-diversity analysis between the control and KD-fed mice. KD increases the relative abundance of Firmicutes and Proteobacteria and decreases that of Bacteroidetes. Hypoglycemia can reduce SOD and GSH-PX levels while increasing TNF-, IL-1, and IL-6 mRNA levels in the brain tissues of mice. KD alleviates hypoglycemia-induced neuroinflammation by inhibiting microglia activation and TLR4/p38MAPK/NF-B signaling pathway. Importantly, antibiotic cocktail depletion of the gut microbiota weakens anti-inflammatory and antioxidation responses in KD-fed mice.CONCLUSION: Collectively, these findings suggest that KD alleviates hypoglycemia-induced brain injury via gut microbiota modulation, which may provide novel insights into the therapy for hypoglycemia.

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Ketogenic diet as a promising non-drug intervention for Alzheimer's disease. GreenMedInfo

PMID:  J Alzheimers Dis. 2023 ;92(4):1173-1198. PMID: 37038820 Abstract Title:  Ketogenic Diet as a Promising Non-Drug Intervention for Alzheimer's Disease: Mechanisms and Clinical Implications. Abstract:  Alzheimer's disease (AD) is a progressive neurodegenerative disorder that is mainly characterized by cognitive deficits. Although many studies have been devoted to developing disease-modifying therapies, there has been no effective therapy until now. However, dietary interventions may be a potential strategy to treat AD. The ketogenic diet (KD) is a high-fat and low-carbohydrate diet with adequate protein. KD increases the levels of ketone bodies, providing an alternative energy source when there is not sufficient energy supply because of impaired glucose metabolism. Accumulating preclinical and clinical studies have shown that a KD is beneficial to AD. The potential underlying mechanisms include improved mitochondrial function, optimization of gut microbiota composition, and reduced neuroinflammation and oxidative stress. The review provides an update on clinical and preclinical research on the effects of KD or medium-chain triglyceride supplementation on symptoms and pathophysiology in AD. We also detail the potential mechanisms of KD, involving amyloid and tau proteins, neuroinflammation, gut microbiota, oxidative stress, and brain metabolism. We aimed to determine the function of the KD in AD and outline important aspects of the mechanism, providing a reference for the implementation of the KD as a potential therapeutic strategy for AD.

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Ketogenic diet alleviates renal fibrosis. GreenMedInfo

PMID:  Front Nutr. 2023 ;10:1127845. Epub 2023 Mar 23. PMID: 37032786 Abstract Title:  Ketogenic diet alleviates renal fibrosis in mice by enhancing fatty acid oxidation through the free fatty acid receptor 3 pathway. Abstract:  INTRODUCTION: The ketogenic diet (KD), as a dietary intervention, has gained importance in the treatment of solid organ structural remodeling, but its role in renal fibrosis has not been explored.METHODS: Male C57BL/6 mice were fed a normal diet or a KD for 6 weeks prior to unilateral ureteral obstruction (UUO), a well-establishedmodel of renal fibrosis in rodents. Seven days after UUO, serum and kidney samples were collected. Serum-hydroxybutyrate (-OHB) concentrations and renal fibrosis were assessed. NRK52E cells were treated with TGF1, a fibrosis-inducing cytokine, and with or without-OHB, a ketone body metabolized by KD, to investigate the mechanism underlying renal fibrosis.RESULTS: KD significantly enhanced serum-OHB levels in mice. Histological analysis revealed that KD alleviated structural destruction and fibrosis in obstructed kidneys and reduced the expression of the fibrosis protein markers-SMA, Col1a1, and Col3a1. Expression of the rate-limiting enzymes involved in fatty acid oxidation (FAO), Cpt1a and Acox1, significantly decreased after UUO and were upregulated by KD. However, the protective effect of KD was abolished by etomoxir (a Cpt1a inhibitor). Besides, our study observed that KD significantly suppressed UUO-induced macrophage infiltration and the expression of IL-6 in the obstructive kidneys. In NRK52E cells, fibrosis-related signaling was increased by TGF1 and reduced by-OHB.-OHB treatment restored the impaired expression of Cpt1a. The effect of-OHB was blocked by siRNA targeting free fatty acid receptor 3 (FFAR3), suggesting that-OHB might function through the FFAR3-dependent pathway.DISCUSSION: Our results highlight that KD attenuates UUO-induced renal fibrosis by enhancing FAO via the FFAR3-dependent pathway, which provides a promising dietary therapy for renal fibrosis.

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Ketogenic diet attenuates refractory epilepsy of Harel-Yoon Syndrome with ATAD3A variants. GreenMedInfo

PMID:  Pediatr Neurol. 2023 Jun ;143:79-83. Epub 2023 Mar 9. PMID: 37031571 Abstract Title:  Ketogenic Diet Attenuates Refractory Epilepsy of Harel-Yoon Syndrome With ATAD3A Variants: A Case Report and Review of Literature. Abstract:  BACKGROUND: Harel-Yoon syndrome is a disease caused by variants in the ATAD3A gene, which manifest as global developmental delay, hypotonia, intellectual disability, and axonal neuropathy. The aim of this study is to summarize the clinical and gene mutation characteristics of a child with refractory epilepsy caused by ATAD3A gene mutation.METHODS: The whole-exome sequencing combined with copy number variation analysis could help to understand the genetic diversity and underlying disease mechanisms in ATAD3A gene mutation.RESULTS: We report a Chinese boy with Harel-Yoon syndrome presenting with refractory epilepsy, hypotonia, global developmental delay, and congenital cataract through whole-exome sequencing. Genetic analysis showed a missense mutation, c.251T>C(p.Thr84Met) in the ATAD3A gene (NM_001170535.1). Further copy number variation analysis identified a novel heterozygous deletion on chromosome1p36.33, which spans ATAD3A exon 1 and 2 regions. Multiple antiepileptic drugs failed to control his seizures. Eventually, seizure was controlled through ketogenic diet (KD).CONCLUSION: Our case shows the potential diagnostic role of whole-exome sequencing in Harel-Yoon syndrome and expands the ATAD3A gene mutation spectrum. Multiple antiepileptic drugs failed to control refractory epilepsy in Harel-Yoon syndrome. The KD therapy may be effective for patients with refractory epilepsy who carry the ATAD3A variants.

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Ketogenic diet alleviates renal interstitial fibrosis. GreenMedInfo

PMID:  J Nutr Biochem. 2023 Aug ;118:109335. Epub 2023 Apr 5. PMID: 37023933 Abstract Title:  Ketogenic diet alleviates renal interstitial fibrosis in UUO mice by regulating macrophage proliferation. Abstract:  The ketogenic diet (KD), a high-fat and extremely low-carbohydrate dietary regimen, has long been acknowledged as a highly beneficial dietary therapy for the treatment of intractable epilepsy throughout the last decade. Because of its significant therapeutic potential for a variety of ailments, KD is increasingly attracting study interest. In renal fibrosis, KD has received little attention. This study aimed to determine whether KD protects against renal fibrosis in unilateral ureteral obstruction (UUO) models and the possible mechanisms. The ketogenic diet, according to our findings, reduces UUO-induced kidney injury and fibrosis in mice. KD dramatically decreased the number of F4/80macrophages in kidneys. Next, immunofluorescence results revealed a reduction in the number of F4/80Ki67macrophages in the KD group. Furthermore, our study evaluated the impact of-hydroxybutyric acid (-OHB) in RAW246.7 macrophages in vitro. We found that-OHB inhibits macrophage proliferation. Mechanistically,-OHB inhibits macrophage proliferation may be via the FFAR3-AKT pathway. Collectively, our study indicated that KD ameliorates UUO-induced renal fibrosis by regulating macrophage proliferation. KD may be an effective therapy method for renal fibrosis due to its protective impact against the disorder.

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Efficacy of very low-calorie ketogenic diet with the Pronokal method in obese women with polycystic ovary syndrome. GreenMedInfo

PMID:  Endocr Connect. 2023 Jul 1 ;12(7). Epub 2023 Jun 12. PMID: 37018117 Abstract Title:  Efficacy of very low-calorie ketogenic diet with the Pronokalmethod in obese women with polycystic ovary syndrome: a 16-week randomized controlled trial. Abstract:  OBJECTIVE: The aim of this study isto assess the efficacy of a very low-calorie ketogenic diet (VLCKD) method vs a Mediterranean low-calorie diet (LCD) in obese polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) women of a reproductive age.DESIGN: Randomized controlled open-label trial was performed in this study. The treatment period was 16 weeks; VLCKD for 8 weeks then LCD for 8 weeks, according to the Pronokalmethod (experimental group; n = 15) vs Mediterranean LCD for 16 weeks (control group; n = 15). Ovulation monitoring was carried out at baseline and after 16 weeks, while a clinical exam, bioelectrical impedance analysis (BIA), anthropometry, and biochemical analyses were performed at baseline, at week 8, and at week 16.RESULTS: BMI decreased significantly in both groups and to a major extent in the experimental group (-13.7% vs -5.1%, P = 0.0003). Significant differences between the experimental and the control groups were also observed in the reduction of waist circumference (-11.4% vs -2.9%), BIA-measured body fat (-24.0% vs -8.1%), and free testosterone (-30.4% vs -12.6%) after 16 weeks (P = 0.0008, P = 0.0176, and P = 0.0009, respectively). Homeostatic model assessment for insulin resistance significantly decreased only in the experimental group (P = 0.0238) but without significant differences with respect to the control group (-23% vs -13.2%, P>0.05). At baseline, 38.5% of participants in the experimental group and 14.3% of participants in the control group had ovulation, which increased to 84.6% (P = 0.031) and 35.7% (P>0.05) at the end of the study, respectively.CONCLUSION: In obese PCOS patients, 16 weeks of VLCKD protocol with the Pronokalmethod was more effective than Mediterranean LCD in reducing total and visceral fat, and in ameliorating hyperandrogenism and ovulatory dysfunction.SIGNIFICANCE STATEMENTS: To the best of our knowledge, this is the first randomized controlled trial on the use of the VLCKD method in obese PCOS. It demonstrates the superiority of VLCKD with respect to Mediterranean LCD in reducing BMI with an almost selective reduction of fat mass and a unique effect of VLCKD in reducing visceral adiposity, insulin resistance, and in increasing SHBG with a consequent reduction of free testosterone. Interestingly, this study also demonstrates the superiority of the VLCKD protocol in improving ovulation, whose occurrence increased by 46.1% in the group treated by the VLCKD method against a rise of 21.4% in the group treated by Mediterranean LCD. This study extends the therapeutic approach possibilities in obese...


Regulatory effects of ketogenic diet on the inflammatory response in obese Saudi women. GreenMedInfo

PMID:  J Taibah Univ Med Sci. 2023 Oct ;18(5):1101-1107. Epub 2023 Mar 21. PMID: 37009396 Abstract Title:  Regulatory effects of ketogenic diet on the inflammatory response in obese Saudi women. Abstract:  OBJECTIVE: In recent years, the use of a ketogenic diet (KD) against obesity has gained popularity in KSA. This study was designed to determine the impact of KD on anthropometric indices and on the abnormal regulation of inflammatory activities in obese Saudi women. Moreover, we investigated the potential of beta-hydroxybutyrate (BHB) supplementation on the inhibition of pro-inflammatory activities.METHODS: We enrolled 31 Saudi women (aged, 35.3  8.4 years) with an average BMI of 33.96  4.44 kg/munderwent an 8-week KD (8KD) from January to March 2021. Changes in anthropometric measurements were collected at baseline and after 4-8 weeks of intervention. Compliance with the dietary regimen was monitored weekly by plasma BHB level.RESULTS: Twenty-nine females commenced the diets and 23 completed the study (a 79% completion rate). In comparison to pre-intervention, the 8KD resulted in a significant increase in the levels of plasma BHB (P 

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Ketogenic diet and inflammation: implications for mood and anxiety disorders. GreenMedInfo

PMID:  Adv Exp Med Biol. 2023 ;1411:537-554. PMID: 36949325 Abstract Title:  Ketogenic Diet and Inflammation: Implications for Mood and Anxiety Disorders. Abstract:  The ketogenic diet, known as a low-carbohydrate, high-protein, and high-fat diet, drastically restrains the major source of energy for the body, forcing it to burn all excess fat through a process called ketosis-the breaking down of fat into ketone bodies. First suggested as a medical treatment for children suffering from epilepsy, this diet has gained increased popularity as a rapid weight loss strategy. Over the past few years, there have been numerous studies suggesting that the ketogenic diet may provide therapeutic effects for several psychiatric conditions such as mood- and anxiety-related disorders. However, despite significant progress in research, the mechanisms underlying its therapeutic effects remain largely unexplored and are yet to be fully elucidated. This chapter provides an in-depth overview of preclinical and clinical evidence supporting the use of a ketogenic diet in the management of mood and anxiety disorders and discusses its relationship with inflammatory processes and potential mechanisms of actions for its therapeutic effects.

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Ketogenic diets initiated in late mid-life improved measures of spatial memory. GreenMedInfo

PMID:  Geroscience. 2023 Mar 18. Epub 2023 Mar 18. PMID: 36933143 Abstract Title:  Ketogenic diets initiated in late mid-life improved measures of spatial memory in male mice. Abstract:  Studies have shown ketogenic diets (KD) started from early middle-age improved health span and longevity in mice. KDs started later in life or administered intermittently may be more feasible and promote compliance. Therefore, this study sought to test if continuous or intermittent KDs started in late-middle-aged mice would improve cognition and motor function at advanced age. Eighteen-month-old male C57BL/6JN mice were assigned to an isocaloric control (CD), KD, or intermittent ketogenic (IKD, 3-day KD/week) diet. A panel of behavior tests were performed to assess cognitive and motor functions with aging. Y-maze alternation rate was higher for both IKD and KD mice at 23 months of age and for KD mice at 26 months indicating an improved spatial working memory. Twenty-six-month-old KD mice also showed better spatial learning memory in Barnes maze when compared to the CD. Improved grid wire hang performance was observed in aged IKD and KD versus CD mice indicating better muscle endurance under isometric contraction. A reduced level of circulating proinflammatory cytokines in aged KD (IL-6 and TNF-) and IKD (IL-6) mice may contribute to the phenotypic improvements observed with these interventions. This study demonstrates that when initiated at late-middle age, the KD improved measures of spatial memory and grid wire hang performance in aged male mice, with IKD showing results intermediate to the CD and KD groups.

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Alleviation of asthma symptoms after ketogenic diet. GreenMedInfo

PMID:  Cureus. 2023 Feb ;15(2):e34526. Epub 2023 Feb 1. PMID: 36879703 Abstract Title:  Alleviation of Asthma Symptoms After Ketogenic Diet: A Case Report. Abstract:  Asthma is a chronic disease that affects the quality of life of patients, and asthma exacerbations are often a reason for hospitalization and activity limitations. Obesity has been linked to asthma as a risk and exacerbating factor. Evidence suggests that weight reduction has a positive effect on asthma control. However, there is also debate on the role of the ketogenic diet in asthma control. Here we present a case of asthma who reported markedly improved asthma after starting a ketogenic diet in the absence of any other lifestyle change. Over the four months on the ketogenic diet, the patient reported losing 20 kg of weight, reduction in blood pressure (without antihypertensives), and complete alleviation of asthma symptoms. This case report is important as the control of asthma after a ketogenic diet is not studied well in humans and therefore needs to be studied extensively.

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The effects of eight weeks' very low-calorie ketogenic diet on liver health. GreenMedInfo

PMID:  Nutrients. 2023 Feb 6 ;15(4). Epub 2023 Feb 6. PMID: 36839183 Abstract Title:  The Effects of Eight Weeks' Very Low-Calorie Ketogenic Diet (VLCKD) on Liver Health in Subjects Affected by Overweight and Obesity. Abstract:  Very low-calorie ketogenic diets (VLCKD) are widely employed in successful weight-loss strategies. Herein, we evaluated the efficacy and safety of a VLCKD on non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) and parameters commonly associated with this condition in overweight and obese subjects who did not take any drugs. This prospective, real-life study included thirty-three participants who followed a VLCKD for 8 weeks. NAFLD was diagnosed using transient elastography (FibroScan). Data on anthropometric measurements, bioimpedance analysis, and biochemical assays were gathered both before and after the dietary intervention. BMI (kg/m) (from 33.846.55 to 30.896.38,

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The ketogenic diet and neuroinflammation. GreenMedInfo

PMID:  Int J Mol Sci. 2023 Feb 4 ;24(4). Epub 2023 Feb 4. PMID: 36834515 Abstract Title:  The Ketogenic Diet and Neuroinflammation: The Action of Beta-Hydroxybutyrate in a Microglial Cell Line. Abstract:  The ketogenic diet (KD), a diet high in fat and protein but low in carbohydrates, is gaining much interest due to its positive effects, especially in neurodegenerative diseases. Beta-hydroxybutyrate (BHB), the major ketone body produced during the carbohydrate deprivation that occurs in KD, is assumed to have neuroprotective effects, although the molecular mechanisms responsible for these effects are still unclear. Microglial cell activation plays a key role in the development of neurodegenerative diseases, resulting in the production of several proinflammatory secondary metabolites. The following study aimed to investigate the mechanisms by which BHB determines the activation processes of BV2 microglial cells, such as polarization, cell migration and expression of pro- and anti-inflammatory cytokines, in the absence or in the presence of lipopolysaccharide (LPS) as a proinflammatory stimulus. The results showed that BHB has a neuroprotective effect in BV2 cells, inducing both microglial polarization towards an M2 anti-inflammatory phenotype and reducing migratory capacity following LPS stimulation. Furthermore, BHB significantly reduced expression levels of the proinflammatory cytokine IL-17 and increased levels of the anti-inflammatory cytokine IL-10. From this study, it can be concluded that BHB, and consequently the KD, has a fundamental role in neuroprotection and prevention in neurodegenerative diseases, presenting new therapeutic targets.

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Anti-tumor effect of the ketogenic diet against DMH-induced colon cancer. GreenMedInfo

PMID:  Maedica (Bucur). 2022 Dec ;17(4):812-819. PMID: 36818275 Abstract Title:  Anti-Tumor Effect of the Ketogenic Diet against DMH-Induced Colon Cancer in Rats. Abstract:  Colon cancer is one of the most common malignancies with significant importance. Recent theories believe that cancers are metabolic diseases. Therefore, the role of metabolism in the prevention and treatment of cancer has been considered and the ketogenic diet is one example. In the present study, we evaluated the effect of the ketogenic diet and a high carbohydrate diet on tumor size and number, histopathology, and insulin level as well as VEGF level in 1, 2 dymethylhydrazine (DMH)-induced colon cancer in rats. Forty adult male Wistar rats were divided into four groups as follows: control, colon cancer, ketogenic diet, and high carbohydrate diet groups. For induction of colon cancer, 30 mg/kg of 1,2 DMH solution was injected subcutaneously twice a week for 24 weeks. The results showed that the ketogenic diet reduced tumor size, number, and histopathological changes as well as VEGF level (P

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Vinpocetine prevents rotenone-induced Parkinson disease motor and non-motor symptoms through attenuation of oxidative stress, neuroinflammation and -synuclein expressions. GreenMedInfo

PMID:  Neurotoxicology. 2023 May ;96:37-52. Epub 2023 Mar 23. PMID: 36965781 Abstract Title:  Vinpocetine prevents rotenone-induced Parkinson disease motor and non-motor symptoms through attenuation of oxidative stress, neuroinflammation and-synuclein expressions in rats. Abstract:  Parkinson's disease (PD) is a progressive neurodegenerative disease characterized by motor and non-motor symptoms. Epidemiological reports showed a significant association between environmental toxicants-induced gut dysbiosis and PD. Neuroinflammation, mitochondrial dysfunction and decreased cerebral blood flow are hallmarks of PD. This study sought to evaluate the protective ability of vinpocetine (VIN), a neuroprotectant, on rotenone (ROT) (mitochondrial complex I inhibitor) induced PD in rats. Sixty male Sprague Dawley rats were randomly divided into six groups (n = 10) and treated orally as follows; group 1: vehicle (10 ml/kg); group 2: rotenone (10 mg/kg) + vehicle; group 3-5: vinpocetine (5, 10 or 20 mg/kg) + rotenone (10 mg/kg), respectively, or group 6: vinpocetine 20 mg/kg before behavioural assay for motor symptoms (fore-limb hanging test and open field test) and non-motor symptoms (working memory and learning capabilities in Y-maze/Morris water maze tasks, anxiety in hole board test and gut motility with intestinal transit time). Following treatment for 28 days, biochemical assays and immunostaining was performed. We examined the effect of vinpocetine on rotenone-induced oxidative stress and inflammatory markers. The pretreatment of rats with vinpocetine reversed rotenone-induced locomotor deficit, motor incoordination, cognition deficits and gut dysfunction. In addition, rotenone-induced a significant increase in the level of interleukin-6 and tumor necrotic factor-, oxidative stress markers, cholinergic signalling, gut dysfunction and haematologic dysfunctions which were attenuated by vinpocetine administration. Immunostainings showed that rotenone-induced dopamine neuron loss, microglia reactivity, astrocytes activation, toll-like receptor 4 (TLR4) and-synuclein (SNCA) expressions which were attenuated by vinpocetine administration. Findings from this study revealed a neuroprotective effect of vinpocetine on rotenone-induced PD through anti-neuroinflammatory and antioxidant mechanisms.

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Sound of Freedom Movie Allegedly Funded by Billionaire Philanthropists with Ties to Human Trafficking Medical Kidnap

Left: Hillary Clinton with Mexican Billionaire Carlos Slim. (Source.) Right: Billionaire John Paul DeJoria with his wife and an unidentified representative of the Central Intelligence Agency. (Source.)

by Brian Shilhavy
Editor, Health Impact News

More information is continuing to surface about the people behind the box office hit movie Sound of Freedom.

As I wrote in my original critique of this film, the fact that this movie is becoming so popular on the Big Screen is proof that the elite are NOT censoring it, as so many in the Right Wing Christian alternative media are claiming. See:

Sound of Freedom Film Falls Short of Revealing Who are the Ones Trafficking Children and How to Stop It

I received plenty of negative emails from Conservatives after my review of the Sound of Freedom film, because in the minds of so many Conservatives the child trafficking issue is only a liberal problem, and the child sex trafficking business, according to them, is all backed by the Bidens, who are the ones trying to stop the film from being seen.

This was a typical comment I received from someone named Teri Belyea:

I rarely if ever disagree with your perspective but your take on this film is deeply flawed.

She provided no further explanation as to why my take on this film was deeply flawed. It actually took me two days to write an...


Sound of Freedom Movie Allegedly Funded by Billionaire Philanthropists with Ties to Human Trafficking Vaccine Impact

Left: Hillary Clinton with Mexican Billionaire Carlos Slim. (Source.) Right: Billionaire John Paul DeJoria with his wife and an unidentified representative of the Central Intelligence Agency. (Source.)

by Brian Shilhavy
Editor, Health Impact News

More information is continuing to surface about the people behind the box office hit movie Sound of Freedom.

As I wrote in my original critique of this film, the fact that this movie is becoming so popular on the Big Screen is proof that the elite are NOT censoring it, as so many in the Right Wing Christian alternative media are claiming. See:

Sound of Freedom Film Falls Short of Revealing Who are the Ones Trafficking Children and How to Stop It

I received plenty of negative emails from Conservatives after my review of the Sound of Freedom film, because in the minds of so many Conservatives the child trafficking issue is only a liberal problem, and the child sex trafficking business, according to them, is all backed by the Bidens, who are the ones trying to stop the film from being seen.

This was a typical comment I received from someone named Teri Belyea:

I rarely if ever disagree with your perspective but your take on this film is deeply flawed.

She provided no further explanation as to why my take on this film was deeply flawed. It actually took me two days to write an...


Thymoquinone antifungal activity against Candida glabrata. GreenMedInfo

PMID:  Metabolites. 2023 Apr 21 ;13(4). Epub 2023 Apr 21. PMID: 37110238 Abstract Title:  Thymoquinone Antifungal Activity againstOral Isolates from Patients in Intensive Care Units-An In Vitro Study. Abstract:  The number ofspp. infections and drug resistance are dramatically increasing worldwide, particularly among immunosuppressed patients, and it is urgent to find novel compounds with antifungal activity. In this work, the antifungal and antibiofilm activity of thymoquinone (TQ), a key bioactive constituent of black cumin seedL., was evaluated againsta WHO 'high-priority' pathogen. Then, its effect on the expression ofandgenes (related to biofilm adhesion and development, respectively) were analyzed. Swab samples were taken from the oral cavity of 90 hospitalized patients in ICU wards, transferred to sterile falcon tubes, and cultured on Sabouraud Dextrose Agar (SDA) and Chromagarfor presumptive identification. Next, a 21-plex PCR was carried out for the confirmation of species level.isolates underwent antifungal drug susceptibility testing against fluconazole (FLZ), itraconazole (ITZ), amphotericin B (AMB), and TQ according to the CLSI microdilution method (M27, A3/S4). Biofilm formation was measured by an MTT assay.andgene expression was assessed by real-time PCR. From the 90 swab samples, 40 isolates were identified aswith the 21-plex PCR. Most isolates were resistant to FLZ (= 29, 72.5%), whereas 12.5% and 5% were ITZ and AMB resistant, respectively. The minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) of TQ againstwas 50g/mL. Importantly, TQ significantly inhibited the biofilm formation ofisolates, andgene expression was reduced significantly at MICconcentration of TQ. TQ seems to have some antifungal, antibiofilm (adhesion) effect onisolates, showing that this plant secondary metabolite is a promising agent to overcomeinfections, especially oral candidiasis.

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Radical scavenging is not involved in thymoquinone-induced cell protection in neural oxidative stress models. GreenMedInfo

PMID:  Antioxidants (Basel). 2023 Apr 1 ;12(4). Epub 2023 Apr 1. PMID: 37107234 Abstract Title:  Radical Scavenging Is Not Involved in Thymoquinone-Induced Cell Protection in Neural Oxidative Stress Models. Abstract:  Thymoquinone (TQ), an active compound fromseeds, is often described as a pharmacologically relevant compound with antioxidative properties, while the synthesis of TQ in the plant via oxidations makes it inapplicable for scavenging radicals. Therefore, the present study was designed to reassess the radical scavenging properties of TQ and explore a potential mode of action. The effects of TQ were studied in models with mitochondrial impairment and oxidative stress induced by rotenone in N18TG2 neuroblastoma cells and rotenone/MPPin primary mesencephalic cells. Tyrosine hydroxylase staining revealed that TQ significantly protected dopaminergic neurons and preserved their morphology under oxidative stress conditions. Quantification of the formation of superoxide radicals via electron paramagnetic resonance showed an initial increase in the level of superoxide radicals in the cell by TQ. Measurements in both cell culture systems revealed that the mitochondrial membrane potential was tendentially lowered, while ATP production was mostly unaffected. Additionally, the total ROS levels were unaltered. In mesencephalic cell culture under oxidative stress conditions, caspase-3 activity was decreased when TQ was administered. On the contrary, TQ itself tremendously increased the caspase-3 activity in the neuroblastoma cell line. Evaluation of the glutathione level revealed an increased level of total glutathione in both cell culture systems. Therefore, the enhanced resistance against oxidative stress in primary cell culture might be a consequence of a lowered caspase-3 activity combined with an increased pool of reduced glutathione. The described anti-cancer ability of TQ might be a result of the pro-apoptotic condition in neuroblastoma cells. Our study provides evidence that TQ has no direct scavenging effect on superoxide radicals.

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Sound of Freedom Movie Allegedly Funded by Billionaire Philanthropists with Ties to Human Trafficking Health Impact News

Left: Hillary Clinton with Mexican Billionaire Carlos Slim. (Source.) Right: Billionaire John Paul DeJoria with his wife and an unidentified representative of the Central Intelligence Agency. (Source.)

by Brian Shilhavy
Editor, Health Impact News

More information is continuing to surface about the people behind the box office hit movie Sound of Freedom.

As I wrote in my original critique of this film, the fact that this movie is becoming so popular on the Big Screen is proof that the elite are NOT censoring it, as so many in the Right Wing Christian alternative media are claiming. See:

Sound of Freedom Film Falls Short of Revealing Who are the Ones Trafficking Children and How to Stop It

I received plenty of negative emails from Conservatives after my review of the Sound of Freedom film, because in the minds of so many ...


Thymoquinone inhibits lung cancer stem cell properties. GreenMedInfo

PMID:  Carcinogenesis. 2023 Apr 27. Epub 2023 Apr 27. PMID: 37105709 Abstract Title:  Thymoquinone inhibits lung cancer stem cell properties via triggering YAP degradation. Abstract:  Due to the characteristics of high recurrence and metastasis, it is still difficult to cure lung cancer. Cancer stem cells (CSCs) are a group of tumor cells with self-renewal ability and differentiation potential, which are responsible for lung cancer recurrence. Therefore, targeting CSCs may provide a new strategy for lung cancer treatment. Thymoquinone (TQ), the main active ingredient isolated from black seed oil, has shown significant anti-cancer effects in various cancers. However, the effects of TQ on lung cancer stem cells (LCSCs) has never been clarified. In the present study, we successfully separated and enriched lung cancer tumorsphere cells. Our data showed that TQ significantly inhibited the stem-like properties of LCSCs. In addition, we found TQ promoted Yes-associated protein (YAP) phosphorylation and ubiquitination, and the inhibitory effects of TQ on LCSCs could be enhanced by silencing YAP. Taken together, these results suggest that TQ, functions by targeting YAP, may be a potential therapeutic agent against lung cancer.

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Akathisia and Prescribed Harm as Traumatic Chemical Brain Injury (TCBI) Mad In America

To illustrate how Ive come, in part, to perceive and understand traumatic chemical brain injury, or TCBI, caused by psychiatric drugs (though other classes of medications cause akathisia and other harm), heres an analogy I find useful.

Imagine traveling in a large van filled with people on a mountain highway at night. Due to the many bends and turns on the road, its difficult to see oncoming traffic. As you emerge from a sharp turn with a blind curve, you dont even see the jackknifed semi-truck sliding straight toward your van before the collision.

Some passengers may not survive the crash while others might walk away with mild injuries. There might even be one lucky passenger who walks away without a scratch. However, based on the speed and mass of the two vehicles, the more likely scenario would be that all passengers will be injured to varying degrees and in myriad ways, from severe to moderate to mild. Some injuries will be life-threatening or disabling. Other injuries might be late-appearing, and still others will create secondary complications that could become chronic.

While you and the other passengers shared the same van that was hit by the same truck at the same time and on the same road, it would be unlikely that all the passengers in the van would sustain the exact same injuries. On the other hand, there might be similarities across the board.

When someone sustains a TCBI from psychotropic drugs, there are certain markers that remain consistent. Just like soft-tissue damage in the neck (whiplash) is a common injury after a car accident, for many people suffering from drug harm, akathisia, easily the most distressing and unbearable, is common and can persist long after drugs are discontinue...


Should Branson Have Fluoridated Water? Experts on Both Sides Speak Fluoride Action Network

The Branson Board of Aldermen held a special meeting on Thursday to discuss fluoride in Branson water; several experts discussed the pros and cons of continuing to fluoridate water.

Dr. Gabriel K. Harr is a dentist in Branson who has practiced for close to a year in Branson and practiced in Kansas for close to five years. He said fluoridation is the single most effective way to guard against decay of the teeth. In my own personal experience moving here to Branson, we have well water, and my kids since weve been here have actually had a 30% in cavities in their own mouths, he said. He cited an American Dental Association study in support of fluoridation.

Harr also said this way of stopping tooth decay is cost effective and less than the cost of one filling. Harr concluded his time speaking by stating that, In my expert opinion, it would be in our best interest to continue with the fluoridation in our water system.

Bill Osmunson offered a different opinion.

Osmunson is a dentist with masters degree in public health. He has provided treatment for patients for close to 49 years. For the first quarter of a century, roughly, I promoted water fluoridation; I thought it was beneficial. However, what I was looking at was socioeconomics. The rich are healthier, and the healthier are richer, Osmunson said.

He said one issue is that people should have freedom to choose. There are different sources of fluoride. The dentist said if one wanted to force somebody to have the medication, then fluoridation is a good choice, except only about have the people drink the water anyway.

Another point Osmunson made is that swallowing fluoride isnt approved by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) or the Center for Drug Evaluation and Research (CDER). In other words, fluoride is a drug. Its intent is to prevent disease, and the Center for Drug Evaluation and Research has not approved it, saying that evidence is incomplete for efficacy, he added.

He also said that they didnt comment on dosage and safety. Osmunsons next point was that many are swallowing too much fluoride.

The dentist said close to two out of three people show a marker of excess fluoride ingestion. In addition, the expert said the benefit of ingesting it is questionable and is determined by how statistics are obtained.



The key to your health could be in your ZIP code Healthy Holistic Living

In January 2015, President Obama launched the Precision Medicine Initiative, a plan to support research into treatment and prevention strategies that take differences between people especially genetics into account.

However, precision medicine cant just look gene-deep. Where we live the air we breathe, the water we drink, the environments around us has a huge impact on our health and even on our DNA.

As a professor of environmental health sciences, epidemiology and medicine and co-director of the Joint Geisinger-JHSPH Environmental Health Institute (EHI), I have been working with electronic health record data to link such environmental issues as animal feeding operations, agricultural practices, unconventional natural gas development and the built environment to such outcomes as drug-resistant infections, diabetes and asthma control, pregnancy outcomes and obesity. Working with Dr Annemarie Hirsch, an epidemiologist in the EHI, we are seeking to discover how to translate these findings into the delivery of more precise clinical care.

Understanding more how our environment and social conditions shape our health could lead to better treatments and better preventive care. But two problems stand in our way before we can do this. The first is that these data arent being collected. And if we were to start collecting them, health care providers wouldnt know how to use them.



How Do I Stop My Mind Racing And Get Some Sleep? Healthy Holistic Living

Martin turns off the light to fall asleep, but his mind quickly springs into action. Racing thoughts about work deadlines, his overdue car service, and his fathers recent surgery occupy his mind.

As he struggles to fall asleep, the hours start to creep by. He becomes frustrated about how he will cope tomorrow. This is a pattern Martin has struggled with for many years.

But whats going on when your mind is racing at night? And how do you make it stop?

It can happen to anyone

In bed, with no other visual or sound cues to occupy the mind, many people start to have racing thoughts that keep them awake. This can happen at the start of the night, or when they awake in the night.

The good news is there are effective ways to reduce these racing thoughts, and to help get some sleep. To do this, lets take a step back and talk about insomnia.

What is insomnia?

If you are like Martin, youre not alone. Right now, up to six in every ten people have regular insomnia symptoms. One in ten have had these symptoms for months or years.

Insomnia includes trouble falling asleep at the start of the night, waking up during the night, and feelings of daytime fatigue, concentration difficulties, lethargy or poor mood.

Just like Martin, many people with insomnia find as soon as they get into bed, they feel alert and wide awake. So whats going on?

The more time we spend in bed doing things other than sleep, the more our brain and body start to learn that bed is a place for these non-sleep activities.

These activities dont just include worrying. They can be using a mobile phone, watching TV, eating, working, arguing, smoking or playing with pets.

Gradually, our brains can learn that bed is a place for these other activities instead of rest and sleep. Over time the simple act of getting into bed can become a trigger to feel more alert and awake. This is called conditioned insomnia.

Here are six ways to spend less time awake in bed with racing thoughts.

1. Re-learn to associate bed with sleep

Stimulus control therapy can help re-build the relationship between bed and sleep.

Follow these simple steps every nig...


Old Person Smell Is A Real Thing, And This Is Why It Happens Healthy Holistic Living

The Old Person Smell a term most have heard and some might even have associated with aging is a scientifically acknowledged phenomenon. Its not merely a product of myth or derogatory stereotype, but a real, tangible experience whose mechanism is an interesting subject of research in the scientific community. In Japan, this distinct smell is referred to as kareishu1.

Our understanding of this smell of aging deepens with a groundbreaking study2 that provided evidence supporting the notion that humans, much like other animals, can distinguish age based solely on body odor.

Unveiling the Odor of Aging: A Fascinating Experiment

To explore this fascinating aspect of human sensory perception, a study designed an intriguing experiment. They enlisted volunteers from different age groups and had them sleep in T-shirts with underarm pads for five consecutive nights. The objective? To collect the body odors emanating from each individual.

The pads soaked in sweat were cut and placed into separate jars. Then came the most exciting part a group of lucky volunteers, aged between 20 and 30 years old, were asked to rate the pleasantness of the odors and estimate the donors age.

The results of this experiment suggested that humans can discriminate age based on body odor. The unique smell linked to older individuals, often term...


Cancer rates are climbing among young people. Its not clear why Healthy Holistic Living

Three years ago, Vanessa Chapoy was only 24 when she discovered a lump in her breast as big as a walnut. What followed was a series of medical examinations that ultimately led to her diagnosis of stage two breast cancer. Chapoys world was turned upside down as she stepped into the relentless journey of cancer treatments which included lumpectomy, fertility treatments, chemotherapy, and a double mastectomy.

Now, at 27, shes still battling the after-effects of her treatments. As an unfortunate souvenir of her journey, she suffers from early menopause-like symptoms due to hormone therapy and chemo brain, a cognitive impairment following chemotherapy. Chapoys story is far from unique; its becoming increasingly common, symbolizing a worrisome trend in our health landscape: the rise of early-onset cancer.

The Startling Statistics: Early-Onset Cancer on the Rise

Cancer, a disease usually associated with older adults, has been infiltrating the lives of younger individuals with alarming regularity. Nearly 60% of cancer patients in the United States are diagnosed at the age of 65 or older. However, in recent decades, the incidence of cancer among individuals under 50 (designated as early-onset cancer) has been on a disturbing upward trend.

Termed as an oncological tsunami, this alarming upswing in cancer rates has seen an increase of nearly 18% in early-onset cases between 2000 and 2019 in the U.S alone. This surge, as reflected by data from the National Cancer Institute (NCI), has eclipsed a slight decline in cancer rates...

Friday, 14 July


Buffalo children needed major dental surgery after drinking defluorinated water, lawsuit says Fluoride Action Network

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