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Saturday, 29 July


Indonesian Architect Favors Natural Materials Natural Building Blog

Yu Sing, an Indonesian architect, relies on local materials when constructing homes and public spaces. Natural houses are no longer the first choice for peoples homes, Yu Sing said. The state even calls them uninhabitable homes.

Yu Sing founded Studio Akanoma in 2008 to showcase the design of low-cost housing using natural materials. A year later he published Dreams of Affordable Homes, which covers his design process and shows a breakdown of development costs, which are often low when opting for local building materials.

Studio Akanoma cites the decline in the use of nipa, a mangrove palm, in roofing. Today most new homes opt for more expensive zinc sheets because the nipa palms are widely seen as backward. Some believe the palm fronds will last only one year before a replacement thatch is required, but nipa, when thatched correctly, can ensure long term waterproofing, cooler temperatures and quieter living conditions compared with the disruptive patter of rain on a hot zinc roof.

In 2016 Yu Sing and colleagues designed the simple kitchen from bamboo for a local womens group. The kitchen was a place to learn and hone their craft, producing food from wild plants and locally grown produce. The kitchens bamboo roof appears inverted, but it is a deliberate technique to retain rain for drinking water. The kitchen walls are made from a composite of soil, rice straw, rice husk, limestone and cow manure.

A building made of bamboo at the Turetogo Bamboo Campus in southern Indonesia.

Bamboo has been used for food and shelter for centuries across these islands, but when Yu Sing hired carpenters to build the structure, he found bamboo was almost a novel commodity for the tradesmen. They said it was their first time as carpenters to have a lot of bamboo to make bamboo constructions, he said.



Let This Gallery Of Cosplay From ComicCon 2023 Inspire Your Next Build Make: DIY Projects and Ideas for Makers

Let This Gallery Of Cosplay From ComicCon 2023 Inspire Your Next Build

Every year at ComicCon we see a smorgasbord of fantastic cosplay work. Luckily this year, a few folks have volunteered to collect images so that we can be inspired for our future builds. Unfortunately, we didnt get social media tags for each of these, so if you know who any of them are, feel free []

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Friday, 28 July


A Majestic Iron Horse Gallops Across Maker Faire Hannover 2023 Make: DIY Projects and Ideas for Makers

A Majestic Iron Horse Gallops Across Maker Faire Hannover 2023

A fascinating mix of imposing size and graceful elegance! On August 19 and 20, 2023, visitors to Maker Faire Hanover will be able to admire the 4.5m X 8.5m iron horse by Spanish artist Jor Ferr in action. To rocking sounds, the mechanically controlled legs gallop, while a ballerina dances on its back. "The Iron Horse" is not only a visually stunning, but is a symbol of the inventiveness of the Maker community.

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A Durable And Pretty Candle Lantern Makeover With Milk Paint Funky Junk Interiors

Give your old wooden candle lantern a fresh look with a pretty Milk Paint makeover! We show you the vision and how to accomplish it. This post contains some affiliate links in which I earn a small percentage from qualifying purchases through these links, at no extra cost to you. Thank-you for helping to support []

The post A Durable And Pretty Candle Lantern Makeover With Milk Paint appeared first on Funky Junk Interiors.


Bright Lights, Big TV DIY Ambient Lights Make: DIY Projects and Ideas for Makers

Bright Lights, Big TV DIY Ambient Lights

Televisions these days are technological marvels  absolutely massive yet paper-thin screens with crystal-clear 4K (or better) resolution, up to 120Hz refresh rates, high dynamic range (HDR) color and luminance, and other features that turn living rooms into amazing personal theaters. As great as these new TVs are though, the magic still ends at the thin bezel []

The post Bright Lights, Big TV DIY Ambient Lights appeared first on Make: DIY Projects and Ideas for Makers.

Thursday, 27 July


The Saudi Arabia Exhibit at the Venice Architecture Biennale Natural Building Blog

This years Venice Architecture Biennale has as its theme The Laboratory of the Future. The laboratory part of the title suggests experimentation and radical rethinking.

The National Pavilion of Saudi Arabia shows a series of more traditional yet still alluring spaces with arches on either side of a rectangular central room that feels almost cave-like and prehistoric. Inside the dimly lit central space is just one object a hollow 3D-printed clay column from which light is projected on to the floor, walls and ceiling. The patterns are  inspired by undulating desert dunes and the vernacular architecture of Asir, a region in the south-west of the country that consists of coastal plains and high mountains.

This object will be relocated to the bottom of the Red Sea eventually, where they will create new habitats for marine life and leave a legacy for future generations.

It is in this long cavernous central space that one can also smell a fragrance created specifically for the pavilion. It was designed to capture elements of the culture, explains the assistant curator. We have frankincense, which was a core element of our trade routes, we have myrrh and we also have lavender. Its our way of introducing Saudi Arabia to the world. When we talk about architecture we always forget the unseen and focus on the visual.

The curators of the Saudi pavilion are keen to emphasize that the pavilion is a collaborative effort that seeks to finds common ground in its desire to improve the human condition and answer the challenges confronting our world. In practice, what thi...


Review: BeagleCam V2 3D Printer Camera Make: DIY Projects and Ideas for Makers

Review: BeagleCam V2 3D Printer Camera

Manufacturer: Minton Price: $89 URL: 10% off, if you use the amazon link The printer device. It offers the ability to control your printer remotely, que up jobs, see what is happening in real-time, and record time lapse videos. Unbox and setup Inside the box are []

The post Review: BeagleCam V2 3D Printer Camera appeared first on Make: DIY Projects and Ideas for Makers.

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