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Thursday, 13 July


Bad Climate: An Illustrated Guide To Kiribatis Ongoing Fight For Survival "IndyWatch Feed National"

Earlier this year, Swiss cartoonist Felix Schaad accompanied Australian staff from Medecins Sans Frontieres/Doctors Without Borders (MSF) to Kiribati, to learn more about the island nations epic battle to survive the growing impacts of climate change.

Schaad met with community members, political leaders, advocates and MSF team members during his trip, and documented it with a unique cartoon feature about climate, health and environmental challenges Kiribati is confronting.

Notes on Kiribati and MSF

MSF has been present in Kiribati since mid 2022. An MSF paediatrician, obstetrician, midwife and paediatric nurse are working alongside i-Kiribati staff to ensure care can be given to patients in Kiribatis main hospital and support the Ministry of Health staff. An MSF team has also worked on some of the...


Four vitamin K myths and the truth Dr Sara Wickham

I want to address some vitamin K myths.

Because if theres one birth-related topic on which myths abound, its the giving of vitamin K to newborn babies.

Vitamin K is given to prevent babies from getting a rare but potentially fatal bleeding disorder.

This disorder is called vitamin K deficiency bleeding, or VKDB. It occurs in about 1 in 11,000 babies.

Vitamin K can be given by intramuscular injection or orally (by mouth). Intramuscular vitamin K is usually given just after birth. Oral vitamin K tends to be given in a series of doses over the first few weeks of a babys life.

Vitamin K has been routinely offered in high-income countries for decades now, but it has also been controversial for much of that time. You can find out more of the key facts here.

Ive been speaking, researching and writing about vitamin K for more than 25 years now. And one of the key things that I talk to colleagues about is just how many inaccurate blog posts and information leaflets are out there.

The inaccurate ones can be inaccurate in one of two very different ways.

Some are medically-focused and fear-based. These overplay the risks or cite unusual data without looking at the issues critically, or in depth.

But others downplay the risks and give a different type of inaccurate information.

Both are written by people who are well-intentioned. Unfortunately, some sources are biased, and many are using out-of-date information. Some writers are not knowledgeable enough about the issues. Often, they have summarised or copied someone elses work (sometimes mine) and dont really understand the research or the issues well enough themselves. So they make mista...

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Wednesday, 12 July


7 Best Prenatal Vitamins in 2019 Fiona Peacock BellyBelly

Before you part with your cash, you probably want to know which are the best prenatal vitamins in 2019. This is one of the first decisions you will make about your prenatal health, so its understandable that you want to get it right. You want to give your baby the best start possible, and taking care of your health during pregnancy is the best way to go about that. Were here to help answer the question of what are the best prenatal vitamins in 2019 to take?

There are lots of different bottles and packets on the chemist shelves, all claiming to be the right one for you and your baby. How do you know which prenatal vitamin is best? Do they all do pretty much the same thing or are there variations between brands? Perhaps most importantly, which ones will your sensitive tummy be able to cope with now that youre battling pregnancy nausea?

Do I need prenatal vitamins?

Yes, you need to take prenatal vitamins for pregnancy to ensure you are getting all of the nutrients you and your baby need. While you may be able to get lots of vitamins and minerals by eating a healthy, balanced diet, its always wise to take a prenatal vitamin to be on the safe side. Even a healthy diet can lack nutrients. Taking the best prenatal vitamins means you can rest assured that youre getting everything you need, even when pregnancy nausea is restricting your diet.

How are prenatal vitamins different from other vitamins?

Prenatal vitamins differ from other vitamins because they are specifically designed to meet the needs of a pregnant woman. Your body is growing a human being from scratch and it needs a specific set of nutrients for that. Prenatal vitamins contain high amounts of folic acid which help to prevent neural tube defects. Many top-rated prenatal vitamins also contain iron which you need higher amounts of during pregnancy.

7 Best Prenatal Vitamins in 2019

What are the best prenatal vitamins? Here are the best prenatal vitamins in 2019 on the market today. Read on to find out which pregnancy vitamins made it onto the list and what we love about them:

Prenatal Vitamins in 2019 #1: Rainbow Light Prenatal Petite Mini-Tab Multivitamin

The Rainbow Light Prenatal Petite Mini-Tab Multivitamin is a compact vitamin so its ideal for people who struggle to swallow big prenatal pills. These are small prenatal vitamins so theyre easy to swallow. They are food-based multivitamin filled with vitamins, minerals, food and herbs. These pregnancy vitamins are suitable for vegetarians.

A daily serving of these small prenatal vitamins contains 600 mcg of folic acid to promote babys brain and spinal development, as well as a whole host of other vitamins and minerals. Rainbow Light Prenatal Petite Mini-Tab Multivitamins also contain probiotics to enhance digestion during pregnancy.

Rather than taking one big pill, you will need to take three tabs a day. While you could take these all at once, many...

Tuesday, 11 July


Best Workplaces for Innovators 2023: Health and wellness "IndyWatch Feed World"

Carrot Fertility earns top recognition in the health and wellness category of Fast Companys Best Workplaces for Innovators 2023.

Here are the eight companies that stood out to Fast Companys category judges.

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WiFried Is Wireless Technology Dooming a Generation? "IndyWatch Feed Health"

Editor's Note: This article is a reprint. It was originally published March 31, 2018.

Most people today live in a sea of radiofrequencies (RF), emitted from wireless technologies of all kinds, from routers to smartphones, tablets, baby monitors, TVs, appliances, smart meters and more. In the featured ABC program "Wi-Fried," originally aired in 2016, Maryanne Demasi, Ph.D., investigates the alleged safety of mobile devices.

According to many experts, chronic, heavy exposure could be having severe repercussions for our health, especially that of children, who are now being exposed even before birth.

As noted by Devra Davis, Ph.D., an epidemiologist and author of the book, "Disconnect: The Truth About Cell Phone Radiation," children have never before been exposed to this level of pulsed radiation, and it's still too early to determine the exact extent of the harm. Still, mounting evidence suggests harm is indeed occurring, so it would be foolish to wait until we're in the midst of a global catastrophe.

External Interference Can Disrupt Natural Bioelectric Signals

While a number of different devices contribute to the overall radiation burden, those kept closest to your body on a regular basis, such as your cellphone, are of greatest concern. Worldwide, there are more than 6 billion cellphone subscriptions. In other words, we're rapidly nearing total saturation, where every single person on the planet has one of these devices.

Many of these mobile phones are smartphones, with apps that frequently receive and transmit pulsed electromagnetic signals. The human body also has natural electromagnetic fields (EMFs), as many of your bodily processes involves the transmission of electric signals, and as noted by Demasi, "External interference can disrupt those signals."

In a 2016 article, Jerry Phillips, Ph.D., a biochemist and director of the Excel Science Center at the University of Colorado, explained how living cells react to RF radiation:1

"The signal couples with cells, although nobody really knows what the nature of that coupling is. Some effects of that reaction can be things like movement of calcium across membranes, the production of free radicals or a change in the expression of genes in the cell.

Suddenly important proteins are being expressed at times and places and in amounts that they shouldn't be, and that has a dramatic effect on the function of the cells. And some of these changes are consistent with what's seen when cells undergo

When you consider t...

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