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Monday, 22 May


What You Should Know About Lyme Disease

In our last article, we discussed general aspects of those tiny but problematic arachnids: ticks. Perhaps the most well-known disease transmitted by ticks is Lyme Disease. Spring and Fall are seasons that ticks are commonly known to bite humans. The most well-known disease passed by ticks to humans is known as Lyme disease. Lyme disease[Read More]

The post What You Should Know About Lyme Disease first appeared on .

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Sunday, 21 May


The Five Food Ingredients You Dont Want In Your Food Healthy Holistic Living

On April 11th, the California Assemblys Health Committee gave the green light to a bill outlawing five potentially harmful chemical food ingredients: brominated vegetable oil, potassium bromate, propylparaben, Red Dye No. 3, and titanium dioxide. These substances, found in a plethora of foodstuffs like candies, cereals, and a myriad of typical grocery items in the United States, have raised health concerns, prompting this legislative move. Therefore, its vital to stay informed and examine product labels for the presence of these ingredients.

A Closer Look at the Quintet of Food Ingredients to Avoid

These five culprits have been on the negative radar for some time. European countries have already enforced bans, and now California has joined this health-conscious initiative. However, they can still be found lurking in many food products, hence the necessity of scrutinizing product labels. If detected, its recommended to return the product to the shelf and opt for healthier alternatives. (1, 2)

  1. Brominated Vegetable Oil

Often present in sports beverages, brominated vegetable oil serves as an emulsifier, which helps to merge components that usually resist unification, such as oil and water. Another unconventional use includes preventing the flame retardant in paper products from igniting. It can be spotted in approximately 70 distinct soda variants, especially those with vivid citrus flavor, as it prevents citrus essences from splitting and rising to the surface. (3)

The principal issue centers on bromine. Research indicates that bromine impacts the nervous system and may even instigate tumor development in mice. Despite the FDA stating no evidence supports that brominated vegetable oil is unsafe for human consumption, it remains a contentious ingredient due to these concerns.

  1. Potassium Bromate

Favored by bakers and brewers, potassium bromate is a chemical additive that promotes superior rise and texture in baked goods. It can be traced in numerous packaged breads, dumplings, and frozen food items. Although studies have hinted at its potential carcinogenicity, the FDA tightly controls its use, permitting just one teaspoon per 800 cups of flour in any given product. The cooking process supposedly reduces, if not eliminates, residual potassium bromate in the end product. So far, theres no evidence suggesting harmful effects in humans from the detected levels of potassium bromate in food, but the precautionary principle still motivates many to avoid it. (4, 5)

  1. Propylparaben

A popular preservative used to impede mold growth and prolong product shelf life, propylparaben is prevalent in numerous American products, from cake icing and baked desserts to corn tortillas. Its also common in water-based cosmetics. Known to induce skin irritation and alle...


Put a Clove of Garlic in the Toilet Before Going to Bed, You Will Not Regret It Healthy Holistic Living

Ever wondered about adding garlic to your toilet bowl? It might strike as odd, but this versatile plant has remarkable attributes that make it quite beneficial for toilet hygiene and maintenance. This practice traces back generations and holds testament to its effectiveness. Lets unravel the magic behind this exceptional technique that boasts numerous advantages.

Tidying up the toilet isnt exactly the most enjoyable task! Rather than dreading the process and continuously pushing it back, simplify it using a common kitchen ingredient: Garlic. This might seem rather peculiar! However, it is a remarkably convenient solution for comprehensive toilet cleaning. Garlic is rich in allicin, a compound responsible for its potent aroma, but it also deters fungi, bacteria, and mold that can wreak havoc on your plumbing. Furthermore, the sulfur compounds present in garlic can magically neutralize unpleasant odors! Isnt that incredible? Lets discover how you can harness its power for toilet maintenance.

Maximizing Toilet Cleanliness and Freshness with Garlic

Garlic, as youve gathered by now, serves as...


High Five For Moms! Age of Autism The Rebel Alliance!

5 Kids Cathy
Note: Cathy is celebrating her daughter's COLLEGE graduation today and has the day off. How the years have flown by. Last week was Mother's Day, but today's Best of is a tribute to all Moms, written by one of the best. Our Cathy.

By Cathy Jameson

My youngest childs recent birthday marked a monumental moment for me and my husband.  We are now parents of 5 teenagers.  Five!  No wonder lifes been a bit busier than usual.

No matter their ages, though, lifes always been busy for us.  Some of the busy is good it keeps us out of the house and active in our community.  Some of the busy can sometimes be overwhelming, for both the kids and for me.  For each of us, this year has had more stressors thanks to COVID19.  Despite those stressors, well, and because of those, its been one of the most trying years ever.  When lifes been flipped upside down, especially by someone or something else, it makes it hard to move in a forward direction.  Getting to celebrate a happy birthday in the middle of one of our busiest weeks put the biggest smile of my face.  That time to pause, to focus on life, and to celebrate it (with cake!) put things into perspective for me. 

Were still here.

Were still doing things.

Were still taking time to be thankful.  

Being thankful for happy celebrations is easy.  Being thankful to be living in a world where the new normal is anything but normal takes effort.  When I look at whats going on in the news and hear how others are living in fear, I see a world that I dont recognize anymore.  Society seems to have lost its mind with a novel virus thats got a pretty high recovery rate.  Terrified of humans and interacting with them, Ive never seen anything like it in my life! 

Life, as interrupted and upside down as it is, must go on.  My kids cant do everything they used to with some places still closed, but they can pursue living outside of other peoples comfort zones.  So they do. 

Theyve participated on sports teams and excelled.

Theyve joined afterschool clubs and learned.

Theyve joined other families for get togethers and enjoyed it.

In the beginning, we all felt a little rebellious going against the hive mind.  Television doctors told us to stay home.  Politicians told us to stay home. ...


Unsafe and Ineffective: Aseem Malhotra Science-Based Medicine

British consulting cardiologist Dr. Aseem Malhotra has become the latest darling of the COVID-19 minimization and antivaccine movement in the UK. Previously known for anti-statin views and advocacy of the Pioppi diet who pivoted to more dangerous misinformation during the pandemic.

The post Unsafe and Ineffective: Aseem Malhotra first appeared on Science-Based Medicine.


A Surprising Reason Why You May Need More Carbs in Your Diet Articles

In this interview, Georgi Dinkov and I continue our discussion about diet, diving into some of the finer details that can make or break your health. Dinkov is a student of Ray Peat, who passed away around Thanksgiving 2022, leaving behind a legacy of iconoclastic wisdom on how to optimize biological health.

For example, a ketogenic diet can be very useful initially when transitioning people who are metabolically inflexible, which is about 95% of the population of the United States. So, in the short term, the vast majority of people can benefit from going keto. However, if you continue in ketosis long term, you're going to run into problems.

Elevated Cortisol Leads to Central Obesity

As just one example, while weight loss is a typical response when going on a ketogenic diet, months later, maintaining that weight loss often becomes a struggle again. Dinkov experienced this firsthand. Once he started following Ray Peat's recommendations, he lost the weight again and kept it off.

"My take is it's an endocrine problem," Dinkov says. "So if you're struggling with weight you cannot lose, I think it's a good idea to do a blood work [panel] for the steroids Every single person that has been struggling with excessive weight that has emailed [me] their blood results, without exception, their cortisol is either high-normal or above the range, both the AM and the PM value.

Their thyroid is less than optimal, in fact, pretty bad for most people They're at the upper limit of normal. A very large number of people are basically hypothyroid I think we are eating foods that are lowering our metabolic rate. We're living an excessively stressful lifestyle.

That's probably not a surprise for anybody. Many people think, well, stress is good for you. It's good as a hormetic response in an acute situation, but not when you have chronically elevated cortisol. Every doctor will tell you if you have a chronic elevated cortisol, you will develop the so-called spectrum of Cushing syndrome

One of the defining features of elevated cortisol is that you have central obesity. So that, to me, is really the problem. We have higher than desirable levels of stress, suboptimal diet, and we're surrounded by a number of different endocrine disrupters which are now proven to reliably cause obesity in animal models, even in very small amounts. Most of those are found in plastics."

How High Fructose Corn Syrup Causes Disease

One factor that makes a big difference in your metabolic rate is the type of sugar you consume. Contrary to popular belief, there's a dramatic difference between high fructose corn...

How Linoleic Acid Wrecks Your Health Articles

Editor's Note: This article is a reprint. It was originally published December 13, 2020.

In this interview, Tucker Goodrich and I discuss linoleic acid (LA), which I believe is likely the leading contributing cause of nearly all the chronic diseases we've encountered over the last century. Unfortunately, this is a topic that most clinicians and health care practitioners who focus on natural medicine have only a superficial understanding of.

If you find this topic useful it would also be good to review my newer article and video that took me three months to produce, Linoleic Acid - The Most Destructive Ingredient in Your Diet. 

Goodrich has a business background as a stockbroker and asset manager, and developed an IT risk management system used by two of the largest hedge funds in the world. A string of health crises in his late 30s and early 40s prompted him to apply his research and troubleshooting skills to medical research.

As noted by Goodrich, "It was a very upsetting time in my life and medical professionals really weren't any help at all in trying to figure out what caused things." After a lot of reading and researching, he decided to cut out seed oils from his diet, and in just two days, his 16-year-long bout with irritable bowel disease started to dramatically improve.

"I started immediately feeling better," he says. He also lost a significant amount of weight over the next two months. 

"Being an engineer by trade, I did a lot of experimenting. What can I eat? What brings back the symptoms? What do I have to avoid to keep the symptoms away? And it was a transformation that made everybody I worked with comment on what a difference they saw in me. It was a very quick change," he says.

Avoiding Linoleic Acid Is Key for Good Health

While considered an essential fat, when consumed in excessive amounts, which over 99% of people do, LA (an omega-6 polyunsaturated fat or PUFA) acts as a metabolic poison.

Most clinicians who value nutritional interventions to optimize health understand that vegetable oils, which are loaded with omega-6 PUFA, are something to be avoided. What most fail to appreciate is that even if you eliminate vegetable oils, you may still be missing the mark.

Chances are you're still getting too much of this dangerous fat from supposedly healthy food sources such as olive oil and chicken (which are fed LA-rich grains).

Another common mistake is to simply increase the amount of omega-3 that you eat. Many are now aware that the omega-3 to omega-6 ratio is very important, and should be about equal, but simply increasing omega-3 can be a dan...

How to Save Your Life and Those You Love When Hospitalized Articles

In this interview, Laura Bartlett and Greta Crawford detail how you can protect yourself from one of the top contributors to premature death, namely conventional hospital care. The key here is to understand what the dangers are and take proactive measures to guard yourself and your family from them.

Nearly 10 years ago, I interviewed Dr. Andrew Saul, author of Hospitals and Health: Your Orthomolecular Guide to a Shorter, Safer Hospital Stay, in which he details how to minimize your risk of being a victim of a medical error.

First and foremost, Saul recommended making sure you have a patient advocate, someone who can speak on your behalf if youre incapacitated and make sure youre receiving the correct medication and treatment. During COVID, however, family or friends were not allowed into the hospital, and patients were routinely bullied into treatments they did not want or consent to.

The good news is, Bartlett and Crawford have developed a legal document that, when served to the hospital in the proper way, can ensure that your medical wishes are honored. By eliminating any confusion about your consent (or denial of consent), this document can literally save your life.

Why Was Created

Bartlett and Crawford have founded an organization to address the lethal and, in many cases, forced treatments patients receive when theyre hospitalized for COVID-19, but the same strategy can be used to protect yourself against other medical hazards as well. Crawford explains:

I created a website called This came after I was in the hospital with COVID. In the process of going to the hospital, I was denied informed consent and was completely unaware of some of the things they were doing to me. I was given five rounds of remdesivir, which nearly took my life, and I did not even know that I was being poisoned at the time ...

During that time in the hospital, I went from thinking I was going to go home after I got oxygen to actually feeling like that I was going to die. I was almost certain I was going to die after being given just the first dose of remdesivir ...

[And then there was] the constant push for the vaccine in the hospital, the harassment for not getting vaxxed, and the fact that I was given medication without my knowledge at all, which led me to start the website to not only inform people about what was going on, but [as] a platform to allow other victims who were not as fortunate as me.

Many of them, the majority of them, did not make it out alive. So, it's a platform for them to share their story...


Geoengineering Watch Global Alert News, May 20, 2023, #406 Geoengineering Watch

Dane Wigington It's not just industrial pollution and auto exhaust contaminating our atmosphere, a new science study confirms the "widespread presence of pathogens" in our skies. Clean air is now no more. "Climate scientists" are now referring to weather as being "scary" while global climate engineering operations continue to be officially denied. Record heat and raging wildfires


In Loving Memory of Dr. Rashid Buttar, 1966-2023 GreenMedInfo

In loving memory of Dr. Rashid Buttar, 1966-2023

read more


How Organic Eggs are Washed (and best brands to buy) The Healthy Home Economist

The shocking list of chemicals allowed for USDA organic egg washing in the United States, which leaves the potential for chemical residues given the porous nature of egg shells. One of the goals of this blog for the past 15 years is to encourage people to take their food sourcing locally. In other words, redirect

The post How Organic Eggs are Washed (and best brands to buy) appeared first on The Healthy Home Economist.

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Saturday, 20 May


Psychiatric Detentions Rise 220% in First Year of 988 Mad In America

The rapid growth of the new 988 mental health hotline has been greeted with positive media coverage. As many people expected, calls, texts, and chats to the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline, now renamed 988 Suicide and Crisis Lifeline, started climbing immediately with the launch of the 988 number in July of 2022. The Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) and the nonprofit that was given centralized control over the 988 system, Vibrant Emotional Health (VEH), have been releasing monthly updates on key metrics.

In April 2023, compared to April 2022, calls answered increased by 52%, chats by 90%, and texts by 1022%. The trend was heralded by federal Health and Human Services Secretary Xavier Becerra to CNN: Our nations transition to 988 moves us closer to better serving the crisis care needs of people across America. 988 is more than a number, its a message: were there for you.

However, as previously reported by Mad in America, a percentage of people who contacted the former National Suicide Prevention Lifeline were subjected to geolocation tracing of their phone, computer, or mobile device. The Lifeline advertised itself as a place for confidential discussions about suicidal feelings but, according to its own policy, if a call-attendant believed a person might be at imminent risk of taking their own life in the next few hours, days, or week, the call-attendant was required to contact 911 or a Public Safety Answering Point to send out police and/or an ambulance to forcibly take the person to a psychiatric hospital.

Many Lifeline users described the experiences of betrayal, public exposure, police interactions, loss of freedoms, and forced psychiatric treatment as dangerous, harmful and traumatizing.

So, since the transition to 988, has anything changed? As contacts to 988 rise, how many people are getting forcibly subjected to these types of unexpected, unwanted interventions?

It appears detention numbers are climbing dramatically, tooeven as VEH, SAMHSA, and many news outlets continue to obfuscate the facts publicly.

Contacts and Detentions Rising Together

For the ten-month period from July 2022 to April 2023, the new 988 Lifeline received more than 4 million total contactson pace to double the average...


The Hidden Epidemic Fueling Chronic Disease Articles

Editor's Note: This article is a reprint. It was originally published June 20, 2021.

In this interview, repeat guest Dr. Thomas Levy, a board-certified cardiologist, shares his insights into an oft-forgotten and overlooked area of health, namely your oral health.

Oral infections are frequently a stealth contributor to chronic diseases such as breast cancer and heart disease. Levy became intrigued by the influence of oral health after meeting one of the pioneers in this field, Dr. Hal Huggins, who became one of his primary mentors.

As with his previous book, Rapid Virus Recovery, in which he details the use of nebulized hydrogen peroxide, Levy is giving away his book on oral health for free. You can download Hidden Epidemic: Silent Oral Infections Cause Most Heart Attacks and Breast Cancers on MedFox Publishings website.

The Importance of 3D Cone Beam Imaging

Hidden Epidemic is an apt title, as this issue is flying well below the radar of most health professionals. This, despite the fact that probably 95% of the population, or more, have some sort of infection in their mouth that is influencing their health in a negative way.

Part of my initial journey was seeing what Dr. Huggins was doing, in addition to [his use of vitamin C and] taking out mercury fillings he also focused on Dr. Weston Price's work, which shows that root canals are chronically infected, all of them, Levy says.

This was later documented by the work that Dr. Huggins did with Dr. Boyd Haley at the University of Kentucky. They had over 5,000 root canaled teeth extracted by dentists around the country submitted to them. They did sophisticated testing and found extremely potent toxins and anaerobic bacteria in all of them.

It brought out the point that infected teeth are the nuclear bomb of oxidative stress. All diseases [are] caused by oxidative stress and the lion's share of oxidative stress is caused by chronic infections.

Levy co-wrote a book about these findings with Dr. Robert Kulacz called The Toxic Tooth. About four or five years ago, Levy convinced a friend that she needed to extract three root canaled teeth. To get the lay of the land, he accompanied her to her 3D cone beam examination. 3D cone beam imaging is a very sophisticated in-depth examination that provides far more information than your average dental X-ray.

An ordinary X-ray (panorex), can find up to 40% of dental abscesses. If you do a slightly more sophisticated digital subtraction, you might add another 10%...

Gender Transition Surgery: Dreams Turned to Nightmares Articles

In the video above, WhatsHerFace Entertainment dives into the unspoken reality of transgender sexual reassignment surgery and all of the pain, regret and horrors it entails.

Most clear-headed adults would realize that surgically and chemically altering your anatomy from male to female, or female to male, is a complex and painful process. The problem is that its typically not level-headed adults making the decision to undergo gender reassignment. Its primarily children who are being pushed into it, and they have no idea what theyre getting themselves into. Many adults dont even realize how difficult and painful it will be.

As reported by WhatsHerFace, all it takes for a young girl to start the gender transition process to become a boy is a letter of support from a therapist. Typically, the therapist will write a letter of support after just one or two visits. Next, shell be sent to an endocrinologist who, after a single visit, will prescribe her testosterone.

While thats alarmingly lax enough, some gender transition centers have cut through even that tiny bit of red tape. Some dont require any kind of mental health assessment, and a number of Planned Parenthood clinics are apparently handing out hormone replacement therapy (HRT) prescriptions on the first visit.

Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) Is Not Harmless

While some pro-trans advocates insist that HRT is harmless and completely reversible once you quit taking the hormones, this simply isnt true.1 As reported by WhatsHerFace, the effects of testosterone on a girl can be both profound and permanent and can be seen within a matter of months. Effects of high-dose testosterone treatment include:

Voice deepening

Facial hair growth

Hair loss, receding hairline, balding

Increased libido

Sexual dysfunction

Increased aggression and unpredictable moods


Enlargement of clitoris

Vaginal atrophy

As noted by Cleveland Clinic,2 many of these changes persist even if you completely stop taking testosterone. Can a child or teenager fully comprehend...

Can You "Catch" Alzheimer's Disease? Articles

This story is about the microbial theory of Alzheimer's disease. Why am I writing about it? I am writing about it because it's like unraveling a detective plot. There is a disease that they say a lot of people have and that is caused, they say, by amyloid deposits in the brain. But then it turns out that the currently widely accepted narrative about this disease is based on forged research.

Then more research shows up suggesting that amyloid deposits might be a reaction, an immune response to something, even though nobody seems to know exactly to what.

Then there are general debates about brain microbiome, an admission that our brain is not sterile, and also growing evidence that a number of microorganisms (including bacteria, fungi, and especially parasites that are more common that we westerners give ourselves credit for) can cause a significant inflammatory response in the brain resulting in symptoms associated with Alzheimer's disease.

To add to the complexity of the plot, it is probably logical to assume that the microbes whichever microbes they are would have a much harder time causing wreckage if our bodies and our environments weren't poisoned so devastatingly, so through and through. But environmental toxicity is a part of our lives, it is superimposed on us (and COVID "vaccines" didn't help).

And because we are living in a world that unavoidably poisons us as we go about daily lives (hi, glyphosate, synthetic biology, geoengineering, aluminum, shedding, and EMFs!), I am writing this because it is practical to try and understand how those microbial interactions work in our current conditions and maybe acknowledge the fact that we don't live in an ideal world where it's easy to maintain the microbiome and the immunity of supergods.

We are like trees in a poisoned desert, stretching our branches toward the sun no matter what, fighting for life no matter what, and we will be stronger if we look at all factors involved.

(Yes yes, I am nodding at the famous debate about germ vs. terrain that in its extreme form seeks to strike down the concept of contagion as such, which to my senses is rather contrived since both germs and terrain exist in fact they are rather intermixed and they both play a role in this very complex world of ours.)

On a side note, to illustrate my general point that our understanding of the world tends to evolve and that it's good to keep an open m...


Yellen: More Bank Mergers Necessary as Banks Lose Tens of $Billions in Deposits the Past Two Weeks Medical Kidnap

Comments by Brian Shilhavy
Editor, Health Impact News

It appears that the Biden Administration is abandoning their rhetoric that the banking system is fine.

CNN reported today that Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen met with CEOs of large banks yesterday and told them that more bank mergers may be necessary.

New York (CNN) During Thursdays meeting with the CEOs of large banks, Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen told executives that more bank mergers may be necessary as the industry continues to navigate through a crisis, two people familiar with the matter told CNN.

The comments from Yellen provide further evidence that Biden officials are starting to warm up to the idea of bank mergers despite concerns from progressives and the administrations own scrutiny of corporate concentration. (Source.)

Her statements killed a stock rally this week that saw the stocks of regional banks increase 10%, in one of their best weeks since 2020.

Not anymore.

As ZeroHedge News reported today, reports show that $billions of losses in deposits at U.S. banks have occurred in the past two weeks, with over $70 billion lost in large US Commercial Banks.

After yesterdays continuing surge on flows INTO money market funds and increase in the use of The Feds bank bailout facilities, expectations were for more deposit outflows from US commercial banks (despite Western Alliances comments which sparked a melt-up in regional bank shares this week.

However, Treasury Secreta...


Yellen: More Bank Mergers Necessary as Banks Lose Tens of $Billions in Deposits the Past Two Weeks Vaccine Impact

Comments by Brian Shilhavy
Editor, Health Impact News

It appears that the Biden Administration is abandoning their rhetoric that the banking system is fine.

CNN reported today that Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen met with CEOs of large banks yesterday and told them that more bank mergers may be necessary.

New York (CNN) During Thursdays meeting with the CEOs of large banks, Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen told executives that more bank mergers may be necessary as the industry continues to navigate through a crisis, two people familiar with the matter told CNN.

The comments from Yellen provide further evidence that Biden officials are starting to warm up to the idea of bank mergers despite concerns from progressives and the administrations own scrutiny of corporate concentration. (Source.)

Her statements killed a stock rally this week that saw the stocks of regional banks increase 10%, in one of their best weeks since 2020.

Not anymore.

As ZeroHedge News reported today, reports show that $billions of losses in deposits at U.S. banks have occurred in the past two weeks, with over $70 billion lost in large US Commercial Banks.

After yesterdays continuing surge on flows INTO money market funds and increase in the use of The Feds bank bailout facilities, expectations were for more deposit outflows from US commercial banks (despite Western Alliances comments which sparked a melt-up in regional bank shares this week.

However, Treasury Secreta...


Yellen: More Bank Mergers Necessary as Banks Lose Tens of $Billions in Deposits the Past Two Weeks Health Impact News

Comments by Brian Shilhavy
Editor, Health Impact News

It appears that the Biden Administration is abandoning their rhetoric that the banking system is fine.

CNN reported today that Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen met with CEOs of large banks yesterday and told them that more bank mergers may be necessary.

New York (CNN) During Thursdays meeting with the CEOs of large banks, Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen told executives that more bank mergers may be necessary as the industry continues to navigate through a crisis, two people familiar with the matter told CNN.

The comments from Yellen provide further evidence that Biden officials are starting to warm up to the idea of bank mergers despite concerns from progressives and the administrations own scrutiny of corporate concentration. (Source.)

Her statements killed a stock rally this week that saw the stocks of regional banks increase 10%, in one of their best weeks since 2020.

Not anymore.

As ZeroHedge News reported today, reports show that $billions of losses in deposits at U.S. banks have occurred in the past two weeks, with over $70 billion...


All About Ticks

In situations where people find themselves spending a lot of time outdoors,  theyll be exposed to all sorts of creatures that want to make a meal of them. Im not talking about packs of wolves or grizzly bears: In this case, Im talking about ticks. As many tick-borne illnesses are treatable in the early stages,[Read More]

The post All About Ticks first appeared on .


Charity Apologizes for Banning Peer Support Worker Applicants Who Receive Psychological Support Mad In America

From The Independent: A mental health charity has sincerely apologised after one of its job adverts barred applicants who were receiving any kind of psychological support from applying.

In the specification section for a peer support worker role, Mental Health Matters said anyone who had direct engagement with mental health/other secondary support services or had done in the past two years was ineligible.

The charity which says on its website that it has over 35 years of experience in delivering high-quality mental health and social care services blamed the wording within the advert for the 22,000-a-year role on an administrative error and said it had been withdrawn.

But this was not enough to satisfy Katy Stepanian, who spotted the mistake when she read the description at the charitys Crisis Recovery Service in Sheffield, South Yorkshire.

. . . I was just shocked to see such blatant discrimination, not only from a mental health charity but also for a peer worker role where the whole point of the role is to have lived experience of a mental health issue and use that to support a service user, the 33-year-old told The Independent.

They should have known better.'



Back to Around the Web

The post Charity Apologizes for Banning Peer Support Worker Applicants Who Receive Psychological Support appeared first on Mad In America.


Dr. Peter McCullough On The Holy Grail Of COVID-19 Vaccine Detoxification Counteracting Spike Protein with Nattokinase Health Nut News

Dr. Peter McCullough has been a voice of reason in a broken healthcare system, crazed with COVID hysteria. As a global leader in his field, Dr. McCullough internist and cardiologist has worked tirelessly to educate us all on the science behind COVID and the vaccines, all while being censored for speaking the scientific []

The post Dr. Peter McCullough On The Holy Grail Of COVID-19 Vaccine Detoxification Counteracting Spike Protein with Nattokinase appeared first on Health Nut News.

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Friday, 19 May


Might Vitriolic Attacks Against Emily Oster Rival COVIDs Carnage? Science-Based Medicine

To advocates of Feelings Based Medicine, there is no difference between criticizing someone's ideas and attacking them personally.

The post Might Vitriolic Attacks Against Emily Oster Rival COVIDs Carnage? first appeared on Science-Based Medicine.


Making Crazy: Rob Wiponds Your Consent Is Not Required Mad In America

A Review of Your Consent Is Not Required: The Rise in Psychiatric Detentions, Forced Treatment, and Abusive Guardianships by Rob Wipond, 300 pages (Dallas TX: BenBella Books, 2023)

Iwas in the field of social work for long enough to get a glimpse into the abyss that is the nonprofit industrial complex. This is a juggernaut that depends on and thus creates poverty, homelessness, and invasive mental health treatment even as it claims to advocate an end to those societal ills. As a case manager at a crisis center, I regularly attended trainings on verbal de-escalation and interview techniques, both of which felt more like learning how to gaslight clients and veil the reality of their situations. I also was called to testify in involuntary treatment court, where my supervisors made it clear that I was to advocate for the temporary suspension of clients rights as they were placed on psychiatric holds and forcibly drugged until they felt better.

I have written about my experience in the public mental health system previously on sites like Mad in America, and thats how Rob Wipond, author of the penetrating new expos Your Consent Is Not Required: The Rise in Psychiatric Detentions, Forced Treatment, and Abusive Guardianships, found me to interview me for this work. (Full disclosure, I make a brief appearance in chapter 10.) But I didnt know the half of it: reading Wiponds meticulously researched book made me realize that things are so much worse than I thought (I already thought they were bad, which is why I left the field of social work), and not just fo...


Simple Steps to Help Prevent Metastatic Tumors Articles

Editor's Note: This article is a reprint. It was originally published May 9, 2021.

In this interview, Susan Wadia-Ells, Ph.D., discusses breast cancer as an unnecessary U.S. epidemic and how to help prevent it, which is the topic of her book, "Busting Breast Cancer: Five Simple Steps to Keep Breast Cancer Out of Your Body." This year alone, an expected 300,000 women in the U.S. will be diagnosed with invasive breast cancer. Another 50,000 are projected to be diagnosed with non-invasive breast cancer, which in all likelihood isn't cancer at all.

Wadia-Ells has a graduate degree in energy economics and political development (MALD) and a Ph.D. in women's studies with a focus on women's autobiographical writing. "This really means that I am an investigative reporter," she says, "and so I've come to this with a very innocent, independent mind."

The inspiration behind the book was Wadia-Ells' experience of losing several friends to recurrent metastatic breast cancer, meaning cancer that was "successfully treated" at an early stage, only to later return as a terminal stage or metastatic disease.

"Between 20% and 40% of women who have been "successfully treated" in the United States today will end up with recurrent metastatic breast cancer, which means an early death sentence for most women," she says.

"And I just got very angry. I love to investigate new topics. I've always been a change-maker throughout my whole career. I've just followed and done what I wanted to do. And this, I just fell into it and wouldn't let it go."

Breast Cancer Treatment Is a For-Profit Industry

The for-profit cancer industry makes a fortune overdiagnosing breast cancer cases and then treating women with inflammatory and toxic remedies that increase your risk of developing real cancer. So, overall, the financial component is a motivating catalyst in the U.S. for much of what we're seeing within the breast cancer industry, including that so-called "Breast Cancer Awareness," month that can be translated as: "Get Your Mammogram Month."

"The reason I wanted to do this book was really to teach women how to avoid getting breast cancer. Once you have a mammogram, you can sometimes end up being unnecessarily diagnosed and treated. And then that becomes incredibly expensive and harmful.

As I said, 20% to 40% of women who are being diagnosed and treated for an early stage breast cancer end up being treated for recurrent metastatic breast cancer, which means they're spending an inordinate amount of money. These metastatic drugs th...

How Low Can You Go? Forgotten Benefits of Deep Squats Articles

Exercise is a powerful health-building tool that greatly influences the development of chronic disease and your ability to live independently as you age. Squatting, when it's incorporated into a strength training regimen, is one of the best functional exercises. It requires no equipment, is relatively simple to perform and can be done just about anywhere.

Although they're often regarded as leg exercises, squats benefit your entire body, including your core. But what about when you incorporate squatting into your everyday routine?

In many developing nations, children and adults use the squatting position to rest or to work. Paradoxically, in Western nations, people equate sitting with resting. But, while squatting takes your hips and knees through a full range of motion, sitting for long periods can cause your hip flexors to shorten and become tight. This often leads to lower back pain and problems with posture.

Staying fit and strong, especially as you age, requires consistency and dedication. Although many believe exercise is about shedding excess weight or getting toned abs and glutes, this is just a fraction of what exercise can do for you, no matter how old you are. By incorporating deep squats into your daily routine, you're taking the next step and moving your joints through a full range of motion as a matter of routine.

Why Does the Western World Avoid Squatting?

It is important to remember that squatting is not a part of a past we left behind as man evolved. A large portion of the planet's population still uses the squatting position to share a meal, use the toilet, cook or rest. For example, people in Asia normally use squat-style toilets and in rural areas around the world, people squat over pit latrines.

As children around the world learn to crawl, sit, stand and walk, they move through a consistent set of motions, including learning how to stand from a squatting position without assistance. Yet, many people see squatting as uncomfortable and undignified and only necessary at the gym. Bahram Jam, a physical therapist and founder of the Advanced Physical Therapy Education Institute (APTEI) in Ontario, Canada, commented in HuffPost:1

"We squat as children and in our teens, but as we in the Western world get older we completely stop deep squatting in our daily lives unless we intentionally do it as a form of exercise or in yoga. A true sign of aging is the inability to squat or sit on the floor and be able to get up independently again."

While speaking with a reporter from Quartz in 2017, Jam explained:2

"It's considered primitive and of low social status to squat somewhere. When we think of squatting, we think of a peasant in India, or an...

If You Live in a Major US City, Its Probably Time to Move Articles

Although this may seem to be an article focusing on Chicago, please realize Chicago is only being used as an example of the moral decay and corruption in virtually every major city in the United States. It serves as a stark warning to relocate if you are in one of these areas.

As noted by ReallyGraceful in the video above, Chicago, Illinois, ought to be a haven of the United States. The third largest city in the U.S., its filled with world-class architecture and technological advancements. Its a center for manufacturing and transportation industries and has become a tech sector mecca.1

But rather than being the apple of Americas eye, Chicago has become known as a center for murder, crime and corruption. A person is shot every three hours and 41 minutes in The Windy City. This despite having some of the toughest gun control laws in the country.

Someone is murdered every 15 hours and 54 minutes in Chicago. According to statistics cited in the video, youre more likely to be murdered in Chicago than die as a civilian in the Ukraine-Russia war. The violence in Chicago is primarily Black on Black, and most victims are Black men under the age of 25. How did this happen? How did Chicago become a center for crime rather than advancement?

Chicagos Failed Policies

Lori Lightfoot, a Black gay Democrat, became mayor of Chicago in 2019. In the summer of 2020, she went along with the nationwide movement to defund the police. In August she pledged to cut the citys police budget by $80 million, but a month later she changed her mind and in the end only cut the budget by $59 million.2

To her credit, she rejected the communitys call for eliminating police altogether and replacing them with social workers and medical professionals, saying she does not support defunding the police and could not responsibly enact any policies that make communities less safe.3

Clearly, Lightfoot understood the value of police presence, seeing how she made sure she had a squad of 71 police officers protecting her personal home.

That said, Lightfoot also implemented some of the most draconian lockdown policies in the country and pressured Chicagoans to get the experimental COVID jab. She also launched a universal basic income pilot program, which is yet another way to get people hooked on government assistance.

All the while, crime surged. In December 2021, Lightfoot begged the federal government for additional law enforcement resources to address out-of-control crime rates....


Expectations of an Imminent Big Tech Crash Bringing Down the U.S. Economy is Expanding Medical Kidnap

Big Tech Billionaires AI Crashing Economy

by Brian Shilhavy
Editor, Health Impact News

While I was among a very small minority in the 4th quarter of 2022 warning the public about the Big Tech crash that was coming and was a threat to bringing down the entire U.S. economy, judging from my newsfeed the past 2 weeks, I no longer think that this view is the minority view anymore.

Both the alternative and corporate media are increasingly printing news and opinion pieces about how dangerous it is right now to have just a handful of Big Tech companies holding up the entire stock market, and mostly because of the hype over AI.

I am going to highlight much of this news in this article, along with evidence that the banking crisis is actually getting worse, and then go further than most will dare to go, and consider the question: Is this all intentional??

Without the influence of AI as an investment theme, the S&P 500 would be DOWN this year.

Graham Summers of Phoenix Capital Research is seeing what many other investors are observing, and this is what is making a LOT of people on Wall Street nervous these days.

Artificial Intelligence (A)I is the current major theme for the markets. With economically related companies (TGT, X, etc) showing lower returns, investors are piling into AI as the next major source of growth for corporate top lines (revenues) and profit margins (presumably AI will replace many employees which will lower operating costs).

As far as market price action is concerned, anything associated with AI is in a strong uptrend. The most notable example is Nvidia (NVDA) which has more than doubled year to date. Even the multi-trillion dollar market cap giant Microsoft (MSFT) has caught a bid due to its exposure to AI. MSFT is up 30% year to date.

AI is THE market mover for 2023. Societe General has noted that AI-associated stocks account for ALL of the gains in the broader stock market this year.

Put another way, without the influence of AI as an investment theme, the S&P 500 would be DOWN this year.

Indeed, things are becoming so frothy as far as AI is concerned that executives are mentioning AI as frequently as possible during earnings calls even if their company has little if any exposure to the new technology!

What does this all mean? (...


Expectations of an Imminent Big Tech Crash Bringing Down the U.S. Economy is Expanding Vaccine Impact

Big Tech Billionaires AI Crashing Economy

by Brian Shilhavy
Editor, Health Impact News

While I was among a very small minority in the 4th quarter of 2022 warning the public about the Big Tech crash that was coming and was a threat to bringing down the entire U.S. economy, judging from my newsfeed the past 2 weeks, I no longer think that this view is the minority view anymore.

Both the alternative and corporate media are increasingly printing news and opinion pieces about how dangerous it is right now to have just a handful of Big Tech companies holding up the entire stock market, and mostly because of the hype over AI.

I am going to highlight much of this news in this article, along with evidence that the banking crisis is actually getting worse, and then go further than most will dare to go, and consider the question: Is this all intentional??

Without the influence of AI as an investment theme, the S&P 500 would be DOWN this year.

Graham Summers of Phoenix Capital Research is seeing what many other investors are observing, and this is what is making a LOT of people on Wall Street nervous these days.

Artificial Intelligence (A)I is the current major theme for the markets. With economically related companies (TGT, X, etc) showing lower returns, investors are piling into AI as the next major source of growth for corporate top lines (revenues) and profit margins (presumably AI will replace many employees which will lower operating costs).

As far as market price action is concerned, anything associated with AI is in a strong uptrend. The most notable example is Nvidia (NVDA) which has more than doubled year to date. Even the multi-trillion dollar market cap giant Microsoft (MSFT) has caught a bid due to its exposure to AI. MSFT is up 30% year to date.

AI is THE market mover for 2023. Societe General has noted that AI-associated stocks account for ALL of the gains in the broader stock market this year.

Put another way, without the influence of AI as an investment theme, the S&P 500 would be DOWN this year.

Indeed, things are becoming so frothy as far as AI is concerned that executives are mentioning AI as frequently as possible during earnings calls even if their company has little if any exposure to the new technology!

What does this all mean? (...


Expectations of an Imminent Big Tech Crash Bringing Down the U.S. Economy is Expanding Health Impact News

Big Tech Billionaires AI Crashing Economy

by Brian Shilhavy
Editor, Health Impact News

While I was among a very small minority in the 4th quarter of 2022 warning the public about the Big Tech crash that was coming and was a threat to bringing down the entire U.S. economy, judging from my newsfeed the past 2 weeks, I no longer think that this view is the minority view anymore.

Both the alternative and corporate media are increasingly printing news and opinion pieces about how dangerous it is right now to have just a handful of Big Tech companies holding up the entire stock market, and mostly because of the hype over AI.

I am going to highlight much of this news in this article, along with evidence that the banking crisis is actually getting worse, and then go further than most will dare to go, and consider the question: Is this all intentional??

Without the influence of AI as an investment theme, the S&P 500 would be DOWN this year.

Graham Summers of Phoenix Capital Research is seeing what many other investors are observing, and this is what is making a LOT of people on Wall Street nervous these days.

Artificial Intelligence (A)I is the current major theme for the markets. With economically related companies (TGT, X, etc) showing lower returns, investors are piling into AI as the next major source of growth for corporate top lines (revenues) and profit margins (presumably AI will replace many employees which will lower operating costs).

As far as market price action is concerned, anything associated with AI is in a strong uptrend. The most notable example is Nvidia (NVDA) which has more than doubled year to date. Even the multi-trillion dollar market cap giant Microsoft (MSFT) has caught a bid due to its exposure to AI. MSFT is up 30% year to date.

AI is THE market mover for 2023. Societe General has noted that AI-associated stocks account for ALL of the gains in the broader...


Exclusive: Top-tier university in Japan investigating profs alleged misconduct Retraction Watch

Tokyos Waseda University is investigating alleged misconduct by an assistant professor at the institution, Retraction Watch has learned.

The probe is focusing on at least three works by Woohyang Sim, of the Faculty of International Research and Education, including her 2020 doctoral dissertation, titled What is Higher Education For? Educational Aspirations and Career Prospects of Women in the Arab Gulf. Two of Sims published papers are also under scrutiny, according to a source familiar with the investigation. 

In June 2022, an anonymous commenter on PubPeer flagged several problems with these publications, as well as with Sims masters thesis and another one of her papers. That same month, a whistleblower notified the Japanese government about the concerns, according to the source.

Waseda has faced problems with research misconduct in the past. In 2015, the school revoked the PhD of cell scientist Haruko Obokata, due partly to plagiarism concerns, as we reported that year. Obokata was first author on a pair of controversial Nature papers describing an easy way to create stem cells with the so-called STAP method; both articles were retracted in 2014

On the heels of the scandal, Waseda said it would be...


A Dynamic Duo For Detox Dr. Tenpenny

Each day, we are literally bombarded by toxins. The picture above shows that. Chemtrails from a plane are settling on our fruits and vegetables. People like Bill Gates are engineering []


The Therapy Part of Psychedelic Therapy Is a Mess Mad In America

From WIRED: Interested in giving psychedelic therapy a go? It will probably look something like this: In a room of muted colors, youll swallow a dose of a psychedelic drug, then lie back on a futon. Gentle music will play in the background; maybe some Brian Eno. You wont be alone: One or two therapists will be readily by your side, guiding and prompting you through a session that will last up to eight hours.

This is the model that features in the majority of the scientific research looking at the potential of psychedelic drugs, like psilocybin or MDMA, to treat mental illnesses such as depression and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). In the field, its long been taken as fact that the skills of a trained therapist are necessary to support tripping patients, both to ensure safety and to maximize the treatments therapeutic potential. But a new opinion piece in JAMA Psychiatry warns that beneath the hype, the therapy component of psychedelic-assisted therapy isnt being studied enoughand could pose a risk to patients.



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The post The Therapy Part of Psychedelic Therapy Is a Mess appeared first on Mad In America.


WHO, What, When, Where & How GreenMedInfo

Originally published by

All you need to know about the World Health Assembly meeting starting this weekend

Every year at the end of May, the World Health Organization gathers its members for a meeting it calls the World Health Assembly (WHA). During the yearly ritual, nation states cast their votes publicly on all matters WHO, after a year of workgroups, committee meetings, and behind-the-scenes negotiations. This year they're meeting from May 21 through May 30, 2023.

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Neurodiversity Is a Scientific Revolution Mad In America

Sciences have peaceful periods and torrid timesnormal science and scientific revolutions, as Thomas Kuhn called them. Revolutionaries have strong feelings about their subjects but they rarely self-describe as revolutionaries, especially in science. By necessity, their focus is narrower. Young scientists (the ones with bold new ideas) defend the photo-realism of their brushstrokes more than the general impression of their canvas. The revolution is slow. Little by little, it spans an entire career and it does so unnamed.

One of these revolutions, as bold as Darwins, has been gently smouldering for the last twenty-five years and its about to combust. Its about our wellbeing.

Vector illustration on blue background showing a person, book, magnifying glass, eye, and light bulbMental illness and neurodiversity might sound like brethren ideas. They are, after all, about the same phenomena. But like fire and water fighting for the same piece of wood, they cant both succeed. In technical terms, they are competing paradigms; contestants in a scientific revolution.

In 1998, Judy Singer coined neurodiversity. With just one word, she moved the lensfrom mental illness and its hospital drip-trolley vibes, to biodiversity, natural, strong and dignified. Singer drew from the social model of disability, which brings attention to the disabling thing (think: stairs for a wheelchair owner or text for a dyslexic). Before that, the medical model of disability diagnosed peoples distress by examining only the person, rather than the person-in-their-environment.

The medical models lens had unintended consequences. It enfeebled the people it was tasked with empowering. It made them dependent. And their dependency became dollars for medicine. Dollars are hard to walk away from. And so it makes sense that the American Psychiatric Association and its international cousins retain that lens, even today. Judy Singers revolution would not be o...


What Are the Best Natural Options for Blood Sugar Problems? GreenMedInfo

If you've been given a warning that you are prediabetic, the time is NOW to start managing your blood sugar problem, naturally. Here are seven easy ways to do it

According to the CDC's 2020 report on diabetes, 10.5% of U.S. adults are diabetic, and a whopping 34.5% of adults are prediabetic.[i] Combined, that's more than 122 million Americans who have difficulty maintaining healthy levels of blood glucose.

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More Fruits and Veggies Could Prevent Millions of Cardiovascular Deaths GreenMedInfo

Consuming fruits and vegetables every day can keep your heart beating, quite literally, with mounting research connecting low fruit and vegetable intake with an increased incidence of cardiovascular deaths. These study findings can save lives, as heart disease remains the top killer across the globe

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Thursday, 18 May


Massena village trustee raises concerns about fluoridation of water Fluoride Action Network

May 17MASSENA Whether to add fluoride to village water was an unanswered question during Tuesdays Massena Village Board meeting.

Trustee Kenneth J. McGowan said no, trustee Shelyn K. Peets said she was on the fence, and Mayor Gregory M. Paquin said yes.

The debate came following a motion to approve bids for supplies for the villages water treatment plant. The supplies included diatomaceous earth, chlorine and hydrofluosilicic acid (HFS), which is used for fluoridation.

Mr. McGowan said he would vote no if the HFS was included. Mr. Paquin said hed vote no if it was taken out.

The end result the order of HFS was taken out, at least temporarily until a state Department of Health representative could brief the board on the pluses and minuses of fluoridation.

Mr. McGowan questioned the inclusion of HFS on the supply list.

I had raised a question after our meeting last month why the village is still putting fluoride in village water, he said.

He said he had shared information that indicated fluoride was not necessary in the water.

Im not in favor of adding fluoride to the water. I think its an outdated practice, Mr. McGowan said. Fluoride is really a medicine, and why are we adding that to the water? You cant control the dosage. I think in todays world most people take care for their own dental issues. I dont think we should be putting fluoride in the water, especially if its almost $60,000. I just dont think its the right thing to do.

Mr. Paquin said he did a Google search and found that the American Dental Association recommended fluoridation.

They mentioned that how many school hours are lost because of disease, he said.

Theres two sides to the story, Mr. McGowan said. I know how I brush my teeth and I dont swallow my toothpaste. I spit it out. Why are we ingesting it?

Department of Public Works Superintendent Marty G. Miller said there was a process that had to be followed if adding or removing fluoride from the water.

Department of Health is a major player in this game. I know we would have to notify the DOH. Theres a process that has to take place, he said. The DOH would gladly come to a meeting and basically have a conversation with the mayor and the board as to why they feel its essential.

Mr. Miller said he would contact the Department of Health and arrange for a representative to meet with the board at a future meeting.

Mr. McGowan wondered how much of a supply was on hand.

We dont have a big supply on hand. We dont keep a big supply, Mr. Miller said. Its delivered in cylinders. I havent got a big stockpile of it. Its $22,364 for the...


Fluoridating water supply would require budget of up to 2 million Fluoride Action Network

Manx Utilities chair gives estimates on infrastructure required

Putting fluoride in the Islands water supply could require a budget of up to around 2 million and would cost roughly 100,000 a year to operate.

The chair of Manx Utilities has given that figure in Tynwald as the Islands parliament debates whether or not to introduce the measure to help with childrens oral health.

A request from the Council of Ministers to commission a research paper into fluoridation divided opinion in the court yesterday, and voting was deferred until next month.

Tim Crookall was asked by Garff MHK Daphne Caine; What the cost would be of the equipment, materials and monitoring required to add fluoride to drinking water; and whether the Board has discussed this:

*Original full-text article online at:


Living with mental illness: The truth about puzzles Chipur

Puzzles: with an unsettled mind they just keep coming. In fact, Ive been working on a couple of toughies for some time. The truth about puzzles when youre living with mental illness? You cant solve em all.

The post Living with mental illness: The truth about puzzles first appeared on Chipur.

Tuesday, 09 May


Fluoride Exposure and Thyroid, Kidney and Liver Function Fluoride Action Network

Over 200 million people experience fluoride exposure every day. Does it affect the thyroid gland or impact kidney function in adolescents?

According to the CDC, nearly 3/4 of the American population on community water systems have fluoride exposure from their water. Thats more than 200 million people. Growing up ,I remember hearing radio commentators complaining that putting fluoride in the water supply was a Communist plot. Most health professionals maintained that anti-fluoride sentiment was ridiculous and that fluoride was a great public health boon that would protect people from tooth decay. I have never taken a stand on fluoridation, but this reader asks an interesting question about fluoride in the water and thyroid function.

Can Fluoride Exposure Affect the Thyroid?

Q. I have Hashimotos autoimmune hypothyroid disease. I did not feel well taking just Synthroid. When I started taking Unithroid along with a small dose of Cytomel, that worked much better for me.

Most doctors only test the TSH level and then treat that number. Testing free T4 and free T3 is a much better indicator of real thyroid activity.
I have heard that fluoride has a negative effect on the thyroid. Is that true?

A. Fluoride remains a controversial water treatment. On the one hand, dentists promote the use of fluoridated water and toothpaste to prevent tooth decay.

On the other hand, some data link high fluoride exposure to an increased risk for hypothyroidism.

A systematic analysis of 10 studies concluded (Indian Journal of Dental Research, May-June, 2018):

The study has shown a positive correlation between fluoride and hypothyroidism, which is an alarming issue.

A recent study from Canada found that (Science of the Total Environment, April 15, 2023):

In this Canadian pregnancy and birth cohort, fluoride in drinking water was associated with risk of primary hypothyroidism in pregnant women.

Scientists believe that fluoride may interfere with the deiodinase enzymes that convert inactive T4 hormone to active T3. health, here is a linkyou will appreciate.

Research on Fluoride Exposure a Third Rail Issue?


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